can any1 point me at a tutorial or demo or somthing that has how to make a statpannel for Party or clan or somthing?
Eponick wrote:
can any1 point me at a tutorial or demo or somthing that has how to make a statpannel for Party or clan or somthing?

Do a for loop

src << "People currently in party"
for(mob/M in src.Party)
src << M
In response to Alathon
thats not what i a diffrent pannel for a on Kapture where it shows ppl in ur platune or whatever
In response to Eponick
Eponick wrote:
thats not what i a diffrent pannel for a on Kapture where it shows ppl in ur platune or whatever

Platune! Hehe.

Anyway, this is a good opportunity to use the DM tag.

var/list/party = list()  //add to this list when you make a party

statpanel("Party",party) //make a statpanel with the party list as the data

There! Got any questions?

(this is untested)

In response to Vortezz
What would the verbs coding for the join party be?
In response to Eponick
Eponick wrote:
What would the verbs coding for the join party be?

Something like...
mob/verb/joingroup(mob/M as mob in oview()) //join grps with a mob += M

Of course, you'll wanna beef that up.