Aug 25 2001, 1:40 am
can any1 point me at a tutorial or demo or somthing that has how to make a statpannel for Party or clan or somthing?
In response to Alathon
thats not what i a diffrent pannel for a on Kapture where it shows ppl in ur platune or whatever
In response to Eponick
Eponick wrote:
thats not what i a diffrent pannel for a on Kapture where it shows ppl in ur platune or whatever Platune! Hehe. Anyway, this is a good opportunity to use the DM tag. var/list/party = list() //add to this list when you make a party There! Got any questions? (this is untested) |
In response to Vortezz
What would the verbs coding for the join party be?
In response to Eponick
Eponick wrote:
What would the verbs coding for the join party be? Something like... mob/verb/joingroup(mob/M as mob in oview()) //join grps with a mob Of course, you'll wanna beef that up. |
Do a for loop
src << "People currently in party"
for(mob/M in src.Party)
src << M