In response to Zilal
There don't seem to be too many greater goods you can die fighting for in America

No, but if you went down fighting for shredded cheeses you could die for grater goods.
In response to Zilal
There don't seem to be too many greater goods you can die fighting for in America, playstation mall rush tramplings aside, so I would have to be in a faraway land.

Eh, just wait a while... something might come up sooner or later.

I agree that if I have to die, it'd be best to do it in a good cause. All in all, though, I'd prefer to die by being bitten by a vampire, and then take over the whole vampire organization and make them restrict themselves to a non-human diet (perhaps with a few select exceptions), and thereby secretly control the world, while maintaining the facade of "sovereign nations."

However, if I can't do all that, then being bitten by a vampire probably isn't the way to go. I screw up enough as it is without having my soul completely dominated by evil.
In response to SonVegitto
Terminal velocity would prevent that from happening. Unless you're a cartoon cat and your fur got hooked onto something on the way down. Then, you would slowly unravel.

In my politically correct society, I prefer it to call surface impacts as sudden-impact-trauma. That, or dirt-pollution.

Back to the topic at hand. Another possibility is if you were flung by one a mass-driver straight into the atmosphere at a nice healthy rate of 10,000 kilometres per hour. There is no 200 KM/H limit that is going to prevent that one from suffering cascading-atmospheric-personal-thermal-abrasion.

(Actually, mass-drivers operate on magnetic fluctuations, so a human couldn't be mass driven. Unless they wore a lot of piercings.) (Ooh, that gives me an idea...)

Or you never drank milk like that old guy in the milk comercial, ya know the one with the wheelburro.

A wheeled donkey?! Good heavens!
In response to Spuzzum
Or you never drank milk like that old guy in the milk comercial, ya know the one with the wheelburro.

A wheeled donkey?! Good heavens!

LOL. You crack me up, Spuzzum.

-wishes he were like Spuzzum-
I refuse to believe that I can die. If something proves me wrong, well... it won't matter anymore will it? ;)

Pain on the other hand is quite real...
In response to Mertek
I would like to die by falling on my butt so hard my spine goes shooting through my forehead, or when i die i'd like my ribcage removed and placed on top of a fireplace.>=)
In response to Duck_Ninja
Duck_Ninja wrote:
I would like to die by falling on my butt so hard my spine goes shooting through my forehead, or when i die i'd like my ribcage removed and placed on top of a fireplace.>=)

Cant say how Id like to die. I can say how I WOULDNT like to die though. my sisters grandad (not my grandad) died from a cold. He was 80, tiptop form, he fell and broke his hips, he was lying in the rain and cold for an hour before someone found him. Died a few days later. Thats 1, and 2, I refuse to die a virgin. Period. The grim reaper will have to drag me to hell/heaven/whatever.

And a question. For how long after you die does your brain continue living (providing its still functional) I think its like 2 minutes?

In response to Alathon
Alathon wrote:

And a question. For how long after you die does your brain continue living (providing its still functional) I think its like 2 minutes?


Depends on your definition of death. Most people tend to define it as when your brain dies, so that would be exactly zero minutes. Of course you can be "brain dead" and have it die long before the rest of your body too.
In response to Skysaw
Skysaw wrote:
Alathon wrote:

And a question. For how long after you die does your brain continue living (providing its still functional) I think its like 2 minutes?


Depends on your definition of death. Most people tend to define it as when your brain dies, so that would be exactly zero minutes. Of course you can be "brain dead" and have it die long before the rest of your body too.

Thazz impussible!
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
Skysaw wrote:
Alathon wrote:

And a question. For how long after you die does your brain continue living (providing its still functional) I think its like 2 minutes?


Depends on your definition of death. Most people tend to define it as when your brain dies, so that would be exactly zero minutes. Of course you can be "brain dead" and have it die long before the rest of your body too.

Thazz impussible!

Hmm, well when the body dies (Heart stops pumping blood through the veins, and lungs stop taking in oxygen, etc and wont start up again.) Dont know, good question

In response to Skysaw
And a question. For how long after you die does your brain continue living (providing its still functional) I think its like 2 minutes?


Depends on your definition of death. Most people tend to define it as when your brain dies, so that would be exactly zero minutes. Of course you can be "brain dead" and have it die long before the rest of your body too.

In history, severed heads have been known to move their extremities after decapitation, but people in the days of severing heads weren't sure whether those were just nervous twitches (like what happens when you pull off a spider's leg) or whether the brain was still alive and subsisting on whatever oxygen it still had left. In any case, the brain died very quickly, and so did the body.

To the topic at hand, if your body dies, generally the nervous shock is so great that your brain terminates all activity immediately. Game over, man, game over.
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
And a question. For how long after you die does your brain continue living (providing its still functional) I think its like 2 minutes?


Depends on your definition of death. Most people tend to define it as when your brain dies, so that would be exactly zero minutes. Of course you can be "brain dead" and have it die long before the rest of your body too.

In history, severed heads have been known to move their extremities after decapitation, but people in the days of severing heads weren't sure whether those were just nervous twitches (like what happens when you pull off a spider's leg) or whether the brain was still alive and subsisting on whatever oxygen it still had left. In any case, the brain died very quickly, and so did the body.

To the topic at hand, if your body dies, generally the nervous shock is so great that your brain terminates all activity immediately. Game over, man, game over.

Using the GURPS standard magic system, if someone removes your brain via the Evisceration (Necromancy, M/VH) spell, you can roll against Will to survive the shock... well, for your brain to survive the shock. The body, obviously, dies. Of course, the brain will soon die anyway, and also, it is being held in the hand of an obviously hostile sorceror... but if you know any spells at skill level 21 (the minumum skill level needed to be able to cast a spell successfully without any kind of ritual... saying any words, making any gestures, etc.), you can at least strike out against the mage who's killed you... or possibly escape in spirit form, possess someone around you, or otherwise flee your rapidly-dying brain.
FIREking wrote:
Well, yes its true, someday, most likely, you will die, and thats a sad thing. But one thing to cheer you up is to talk about how you want to die, but kind of make it funny, heh.

Would you like to die getting shot? HELL NO!!
Would you like to die eatting pizza? (maybe)

you tell me, i have no clue,
personally, i would <big>NOT</big> like to die in my sleep, that would suck suck suck.

what about you?

I'd have to say...Something that'll make the news. But not painful or by any person(because I couldn't get revenge) mabey in a plane crash or somthing quick like that.
In response to BurningIce
This may sound strange, but i would like the know the exact date and time that i am going to die. That way I would be able to do anything i wanted before that time. But the thing that would suck about that is the fact of worrying about it all the time. Going through life knowing exactley when your going to die, and the week before, then the day before, then the hour before, it would prolly put you in shock causing a earlier death, but maybe thats not possible!

and if you did know the exact date and time, you could kind of walk through life invincible, knowing when your going to die, you could do risky things and know that you wouldnt die. But then again, you would have to totally rely on fate for all of that to work, and no one knows if fate is so.
In response to Alathon
Me and BRitney Spears, well, you knwo the rest.....
Atleast I'd go with a smile on my face thought right? :) :) :)
I'd like to die a Matrix death...

Here's an example...
-Agent shoots and kills Trinity-
-Neo goes ballistic-
-Run towards Trinity-
"Die you evil punkmokey!!!!!"
-Agent shoots gun-
-Neo goes into Matrix Dodge Mode-
-Neo gets shot in head-
-Blood oozes out and spills over everything-
-Tank,Me,goes FunkyMonkey-
-Tank,Me,whips out chain-gun-
-Tank,Me,starts blastin' away at agents-
-Tank,Me,gets shot in the back of the head by SomeDude-
-Blood oozes out and spills over everything-

Says who? I intend to live until this planet no longer supports human life. But, that's just me.
In response to Foomer
By then would you still be human?
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