exactly that^^^^^^^^^
![]() Sep 1 2001, 10:16 am
![]() Sep 1 2001, 10:17 am
Buy the blue book.
PyRoMaNiAc wrote:
Buy the blue book. Not really. Buying the book doesnt guarantee you learn DM, nor does not buying the book mean you wont learn it. This web page is a GREAT source of information. The FAQ, the Guide, the Tutorials, the Demos, the Libraries all have very good information on exactly how to begin as a coder. The best way is to gather all the information, read it until you understand it, experiment with it, my opinion anyways. Try reading ZBT, its a very good tutorial for those which have just started. (Click on Tutorials->Zbt) Alathon |
Read everything. Question everything. Pick everything apart. When you see a code like this:
mob/verb/punch(mob/m as mob in oview(1)) flick("punch",src) flick("hit",m) m.hp -= src.attack_power Don't think of this as "the code for punching." Think of it as "the code for a verb called punch which takes a mob within one square as argument, flicks an icon state representing an attack for the source, flicks an icon state representing being hit for the target mob, and lowers the target mob's hit point variable by an amount equal to the source's attack power variable." Identify exactly what each little tiny individual component of "the punch code" does. Learn how you can use the exact same techniques to make a healing verb that works within 4 squares, or a fireball verb that works within 7, or whatever. Basically, think like a coder. Realize that there is no "punching code" or "GM code" or anything. There's no punching. There's no GM. Your game just creates the illusion, the simulation, of these things. Learn how "Kreblak's combat code" creates these illusions, so you know how to write your own combat code. Don't "look for a code." Look for a solution to your problem. |
Yeah, just look at me, I never bought anything and I've made it to the wonderful rank of "Novice Byond Coder" where newbies ask me questions that I can actually answer, yay!
Foomer wrote:
Yeah, just look at me, I never bought anything and I've made it to the wonderful rank of "Novice Byond Coder" where newbies ask me questions that I can actually answer, yay! Hehe, yeah, its nice to move from asking all the questions to being able to answer some yourself. Alathon |
Same here I don't have the book and I can answer some questions newbies throw at me now I just wish I didn't give my AIM name out to so so many newbies its quite hard being spamed by one person and trying to help another...and I am not the kinda person to block people.
Nadrew wrote:
and I am not the kinda person to block people. I am. I block the instant someone I don't know bugs me in an unreasonable way. Yesterday, someone I'd never heard of asked me to give him 2 dimes. 5 seconds later he was on my banned keys list. Today someone wanted "the code" for something I can't even spell and have no clue what it is. But he wasn't abusive so I didn't block him. |
I think this is more of an opinion situation. In my opinion, the Blue Book is the best way to learn DM. Back when I started in BYOND (over a year ago), all they had was a single guide that was greatly out-dated (The first friggen example in the guide didn't work! Argh!). It wasn't until the Blue Book came out that I really understood what I was doing. Sure, I could make simple worlds and do simple things, but I didn't really get it (like most newbies today don't). I couldn't actually produce something. The Blue Book gave me a new perspective on it, and suddenly, it just clicked. I finally understood it all. It made sense. This is why I claim the Blue Book to be a truly great guide; not only for BYOND, but for programming in general. It teaches the basics of programming: the first few sections teaching about the code tree and the simplest of objects, and much of the rest fully explaining the most often used functions of the language. If all programming books were like this, then I'd surely know them all by now! (Well, that may be just a tad exaggerated)
On the other side of this issue, my opinion is as it is because the Blue Book is the only source from which I actually learned most of the language. If I had learned from one of today's tutorials or today's guide, my opinion could very well be different. |
Cinnom wrote:
I think this is more of an opinion situation. In my opinion, the Blue Book is the best way to learn DM. Back when I started in BYOND (over a year ago), all they had was a single guide that was greatly out-dated (The first friggen example in the guide didn't work! Argh!). It wasn't until the Blue Book came out that I really understood what I was doing. Sure, I could make simple worlds and do simple things, but I didn't really get it (like most newbies today don't). I couldn't actually produce something. The Blue Book gave me a new perspective on it, and suddenly, it just clicked. I finally understood it all. It made sense. This is why I claim the Blue Book to be a truly great guide; not only for BYOND, but for programming in general. It teaches the basics of programming: the first few sections teaching about the code tree and the simplest of objects, and much of the rest fully explaining the most often used functions of the language. If all programming books were like this, then I'd surely know them all by now! (Well, that may be just a tad exaggerated) Im not saying the blue book isnt a good source for information, it is. Just by the time I got it, most of whats in it I already knew, I guess that might have been it. And, also I started recently and when I did there were loads of tutorials-faq-demos etc. Alathon |