![]() Oct 16 2001, 2:10 pm
I need to know what would be the most effecient way to round my variables so i dont get any decimals... and im trying to figure out how to hide skills from people until they meet certain requirements. I tried setting the visibility of the verb to 0. And then writing a procedure that sets it to 1 when they meet certain requirements, but i cant get it to work. Any ideas??
Nebathemonk wrote:
well, for the verbs just make it, but not under there verbs. Then in your level up proc, add it at a certain level. Or if you want a obj to give it to them, when they pick it up just say And for rounding, use round(). |
I know about the round() proc, but what would be the best way to implement it. And can you go a little more in depth with the verbs thing. I mean for verbs they get when they are stronger not obj verbs.
i know. do something like this.
mob/proc Level_Up() if(usr.exp == 20) usr << "you go up a level" usr.level += 1 if(usr.level == 3) usr:verbs += mob/player/verb/blast else return else return mob/player/verb blast(mob/M in oview(3)) M << "you got blasted by [usr]" usr << "you blast [M]" there ya go, example. |
Krim wrote:
I know about the round() proc, but what would be the best way to implement it. To round all numbers down ("truncate" the decimal) use num = round(num) //(round(1.00) = 1) //(round(1.25) = 1) //(round(1.50) = 1) //(round(1.75) = 1) To round it to the nearest integer, use num = round(num,1) //(round(1.00,1) = 1) //(round(1.25,1) = 1) //(round(1.50,1) = 2) //(round(1.75,1) = 2) To round up from any number, use the following proc and run it like the normal round proc: proc/round_up(num) if(round(num) != num) return round(num+1) else return num This is used in the following way: num = round_up(num) //(round_up(1.00) = 1) //(round_up(1.25) = 2) //(round_up(1.50) = 2) //(round_up(1.75) = 2) |
usr: verbs/mob/you/verbs/verb1
you would do that for level too.