I was reading the Babble forum because I have no life and I noticed that there are a lot of people who can't type the words "you" or "are" and a bunch of others like those. Are those other two letters that hard to push on your keyboards? Or do you think that is the "cool" way to type? A bunch of friggin' AOL users from the looks of it. Probably use iMacs too, figures.
Here on Byond, we refer to them as "DBZ fans".
Was there a purpose to your post that makes it worthy of the space it's using on the BYOND forums?

In response to Foomer
In response to Zilal
I'm sure there wasn't, but then, most babble posts are that way.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I'm sure there wasn't, but then, most babble posts are that way.

Well, most babble posts perform some function other than blatant ego-fluffing, too. ;) I can't say I was ever fond of poorly masked attempts to crow one's superiority.

In response to Zilal
I can't say I was ever fond of poorly masked attempts to crow one's superiority.

Speaking of which, did I mention the girl I have a crush on called me "sweet"?. Oh, wait, I did. ;-)
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
I can't say I was ever fond of poorly masked attempts to crow one's superiority.

Speaking of which, did I mention the girl I have a crush on called me "sweet"?. Oh, wait, I did. ;-)

Hmm, if keep up this, you'll get the girl, and we'll haveta let you get a life.

SHAITAN wrote:
I was reading the Babble forum because I have no life and I noticed that there are a lot of people who can't type the words "you" or "are" and a bunch of others like those. Are those other two letters that hard to push on your keyboards? Or do you think that is the "cool" way to type? A bunch of friggin' AOL users from the looks of it. Probably use iMacs too, figures.

Ok, lets not start flaming bad spellers, AOL users, and Mac users...wait one minute...was your name supposed to be spelled Saitin, or am I reading it wrong? Is it supposed to be pronounced Saitin, Shaytin, Shaatan, what? Oh anyways for the answer to this:

Are those other two letters that hard to push on your >keyboards? Or do you think that is the "cool" way to type?

Most people here are uneducated, poor mannered, 10-15 year olds. Noticed I'm not reffering to ALL of you just Most. So in other words, they cant type well and look at their keyboard while typing. They dont realize their mistakes until they read them. Also Im geussing it's the lattest "Trend" for computer "n00bs".
In response to Spuzzum
Speaking of which, did I mention the girl I have a crush on called me "sweet"?. Oh, wait, I did. ;-)

Hmph. Back in my day, when a girl called you "sweet," it was the kiss of death. Well, good luck anyway!
In response to Gughunter
Whut's wrong with people not typing the whole word?
It's not like you become gay or something after you see it.
It's just a habit that people have.
In response to Bonzi
It's not like you become gay or something after you see it.

No, apparently you just become homophobic.
In response to Leftley
whut does bother me is people using words like "dolt" and "homophobic". Please I am not a robotic cow dictionary.
In response to Bonzi
Congratulations mr.bonzi, you have just made that entire sentence unreadable and didnt make any sense! how do you feel?
In response to Geo
I like cheese.

Chicken is good too.
In response to Foomer
In response to Foomer
I like pepperoni pizza.

I prefer sushi though..... and eel sushie is good too.

wait what was this entire thread about anyway?
In response to Leftley
lol, good joke
In response to Bonzi
In response to Bonzi
Bonzi wrote:
Whut's wrong with people not typing the whole word?

It's wrong when they actually consciously do it on purpose... what exactly is "whut" supposed to mean? And, it's wrong when you don't type it fully anyway, since that is not and never will be the way to spell "you".

It's not like you become gay or something after you see it.

No, but most people who don't type it become annoyed when someone does, because they are demonstrating that they have no respect for the language they are trying to use.

It's just a habit that people have.

Yes, and habits can be broken. That's our point.
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