I have a buy sytem, which you normally use /new/obj/whatever to give the player the item. for ammo, and air I am using vars, I tried this..
if(usr.cash >= cost)
usr.cash -= cost
alert("Ammo bought succesfully.","Transaction Completed!")
if(selling=="100 Paint Balls - $10") usr.ammo += 100
if(selling=="200 Paint Balls - $18") usr.ammo += 200
if(selling=="Air Refill - $5") usr.air += 100
alert("You don't have enough money!","Warning!")
This is just the part of the buy sytem that is messed up(its pretty long). If you need more just tell me. Anyways I get 3 errors,
buysys.dm:80:error:usr.ammo:bad var
buysys.dm:81:error:usr.ammo:bad var
buysys.dm:82:error:usr.air:bad var
I have the vars identified though, var/air = 0 and var/ammo = 0
I have the buysystem in one dm file, and the vars listed in another dm file would that matter?
![]() Oct 21 2001, 8:50 am
I found the problem, I needed to have mob infront of var..
mob/var/blah Thanx for replying though :) |
If air is less than 100, I want to add the difference.
Ex. Someone has 60 air left in the container, I want the game to add 40 to equal 100, or if someone has 80 air, to add 20 to equal 100. I am clueless of how to do this, heres what I have: if(selling=="Air Refill - $5") if(usr.air <= 100) Thanx for any help :) |
Oops, I asked the wrong thing.. I need to know how once its added, to subtract that amount from another number..
proc Reload() if(usr.hopper <= 200) usr.hopper = 200 usr.ammo -= else usr << "Your hopper is full!" Thats what I have, Thanx for any help. |
To find the remainder, subtract the current number from the max number. IE
mob/verb/Energy_Check() var/energy_not_used = energy_max - energy src << "You have [energy_not_used] energy left" Alathon |
I tried for a while, and came up with this, says statement has no effect.
proc Reload() if(usr.hopper <= 200) var/left = max_hop - usr.hopper usr.ammo - left else usr << "Your hopper is full!" |
Ok, did that.. now I get an error in-game.
runtime error: Maximum recursion level reached (perhaps there is an infinite loop) To avoid this safety check, set world.loop_checks=0. verb name: reload (/obj/Talon/verb/reload) usr: GM-Oblivian (/mob/GM) src: Talon (/obj/Talon) call stack: Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() ... Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() Talon (/obj/Talon): reload() And the code: proc Reload() if(usr.hopper <= 200) var/left = max_hop - usr.hopper usr.ammo -= left usr.hopper = 200 else if(usr.ammo == 0) usr << "No ammo to refill your hopper!" else usr << "Your hopper is full!" |
Oblivian wrote:
I have a buy sytem, which you normally use /new/obj/whatever to give the player the item. for ammo, and air I am using vars, I tried this.. Just add air and ammo to ur var list |
Having procs and vars in different .dm files should not matter.
Good luck, LoW