In my game T.L.O.T.S (The Legend of the Sword), I'm ready to release my first version of it after I fix the Teleportion Code (Well, Frodo is for me. :D). HOWEVER, I just found something really weird. For one of my Characters, it says the Announcements (I put it) only in one character....I can fix this but there's a weird thing that's pissing me off. I can't get the mobs (Main Characters) to move! They moved before but now something's messed up. There's no errors. I don't get it. Please help.

Maybe you set the density of your grass to one? (grass meaning the turf they start on)
Perhaps if you show us sn example of your code (what it was and what you changed it to) we could help you sort this matter out...

In response to Jotdaniel
Jotdaniel wrote:
Maybe you set the density of your grass to one? (grass meaning the turf they start on)

Nope, I was kinda hoping you were right. :(
In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
Perhaps if you show us sn example of your code (what it was and what you changed it to) we could help you sort this matter out...


All I did was make a log in not involving ANYTHING of the bug-like creature.
Sajai wrote:
In my game T.L.O.T.S (The Legend of the Sword), I'm ready to release my first version of it after I fix the Teleportion Code (Well, Frodo is for me. :D). HOWEVER, I just found something really weird. For one of my Characters, it says the Announcements (I put it) only in one character....I can fix this but there's a weird thing that's pissing me off. I can't get the mobs (Main Characters) to move! They moved before but now something's messed up. There's no errors. I don't get it. Please help.


You gotta be kidding... how are we supposed to know what's wrong from this description? There are maybe three thousand possible reasons for a mob not moving.

Give us a little better hint.
Are you returning 1 in mob/Move()? That's a requirement.
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
Are you returning 1 in mob/Move()? That's a requirement.

I don't think I did that but I g2g. That may be it though!
In response to Sajai
Okay, I fixed it (Finally). The code just wasn't ment to be all together like that. I recoded the whole thing ( :( ) and now it works. Thanks anyway.
