In my game super hero bash, I want to add secret identies, I was just wondering on how you would like to handle this in the game. Would you like to change into your "super hero" self in a booth or whatever? I was just curious on your thoughts. Im kinda in a hurry, Bed time (yeah, Sariat is a stupid Freshman with a bedtime =P).
![]() Nov 15 2001, 6:18 pm
I think I'd like to change in a booth. There could be a bunch of booths, and you'd be able to change with people in view, but might not want to because of negative consequences or just RP reasons.
Z |
Zilal wrote:
I think I'd like to change in a booth. There could be a bunch of booths, and you'd be able to change with people in view, but might not want to because of negative consequences or just RP reasons. Hmm.. What kind of negative consequences? |
Sariat wrote:
Zilal wrote: Well, it's a secret identity, and it's secret for a reason--it lets the hero live a normal life when they're off-duty, away from the troublesome eyes of the press and the even more troublesome eyes of the Bad Guys. And on top of that, it's just something that superheroes do. If a mild-mannered reporter ducks into a phone booth and The Incredible Spiffy Man flies out, people are going to be figuring his identity out pretty quickly, and then it's not so secret, is it? |
Leftley wrote:
Sariat wrote: Not if the "Hobonater" has anything to say about it! Go Hobonater and get that reporter! |
Have the ability to wear a part of your costume as your secret identiy, BATMAN or Superman has to slip up one of these times, and wear their costume to work accidentally.
Well, if there are mobs around and you are male, have them start calling you millimeter peter, or something like that.
SonVegitto wrote:
Well, if there are mobs around and you are male, have them start calling you millimeter peter, or something like that. Uhh, you change clothes not Strip down into nothing and then put all your clothes back on I think Phone Booths is the way to go or if you could run to an empety house and change, that would be cool too, then again, if someone wanted everone to know they were "millimeter peter Man" then i`d let them as for responeses i think that it would be cool to do the whole reporter thing a man changes into Super hero man in front of a person and then a whole mob of reporters come up to you and does the whole "so mr. X you are Super Hero Man? why keep your identity secret?" |
Sariat wrote:
Hmm.. What kind of negative consequences? If people figure out your identity, word gets around, and you might have a superstitious, angry mob come after you in your human form. So maybe you're just as powerful in your human form as in your superhero form... angry mobs aren't known for their intelligence. Z |
Sariat wrote:
Hmm.. What kind of negative consequences? Super hero burn out! Every hero needs time to unwind and relax. It's a very stressful job. In game terms, the longer you stay in your super persona, the less reliable your powers become. You have to revert to your secret dentity and relax to get back up to full power. Anyone who knows you secret identity can hound you, nullifying your R&R time. In game terms, you can't recharge if someone nearby knows your identity. You could even have a special verb to tell other people/mobs a secret identity you know. Mind readers could even probe your list of secret identities. ;) If a reporter gets wind of it and returns to their media headquarters before you intercept them and "convince" them to keep quiet "for the greater good", suddenly everyone knows who you are. The only way you'd get to relax and recharge would be to go to extreme lengths like staging your death and getting plastic surgery or secluding yourself somewhere that no one could folow. Another of the main reasons super heroes have secret identities is because of family or friends they want to protect. If your identity is known, your aunt, little brother, or goofy egghead sidekick is in peril. There could be any number of game penalties if your family member were hurt by someone who knew your identity. You'd have to make sure they knew the heroes identity to keep twinks from slaughtering mass amounts of npc mobs just to damage other heroes. Using your powers while in your secret identity would also tip people off about your super persona. You could make it some sort of perception test. Subtle powers are harder to draw conclusions from. Lifting a school bus or flying around are dead giveaways. |
But what about superhereos like The Tick. There superhereos all day and all night. What about them huh? Lest we forget them. Defiler Mouse and American Made. Arthur, and Sewer Urchin. etc etc.
They're all extraordinarily silly people. And the Tick did try to establish a secret identity as a mild-mannered crossword puzzle editor.
Defler mouse
that name seems familiar, but i cant quit figure it out Why the hell anyone would want to become a Moth or Bunny Rabbit or what ever Arther is Banmanuel thats just messed up, since when do super heros have Cell Phones? I though that all Superheros had "Super Hero trouble spotting" abilities |
Why the hell anyone would want to become a Moth or Bunny Rabbit or what ever Arther is Moth. Your views are coloured by the shameful live action series. Think not of that poor quality production, and look instead to the mighty animated series by the same name for your enjoyment! |
god bless that cartoon. the live action wasnt THAT bad. the guy did a good job on the tick acting but the rest sucked.
The liveaction TV show isn't bad... it isn't great, but it isn't bad.
It's all relative. You think the cartoon is good? Try looking at the comic book, and you'll think the cartoon is pretty crappy for a while... then you'll realize that it's good in its own way. |
LexyBitch wrote:
The liveaction TV show isn't bad... it isn't great, but it isn't bad. Yeesh, I'm shocked at you people. To me, that show seems geared towards an eight-year-old audience with an adult undertone. My opinions anyway, but the show that's on half an hour earlier on FOX is much better. =) |
One simple, yet very reasonable, way to handle it would be to only allow the change when there's no other player in view(usr, 5).