I just recieved word that I will soon be able to host games on my dedicated highspeed DSL line! Hooray! This means that I will be hosting games on an almost continual basis... unless I really need the cpu power for something....

If you want to schedule some hosting time for your game, just page me and I'll get your message at my e-mail address. I'm not charging for this service, and I will not be host any DBZ games....unless Ultriment asks me to host his... hee hee hee... Look for me on the Live! hub soon!

~Speedy Hosting Xoox

Hmm I may be interested in this as I can't host from my own PCs dued to crappy Microsoft ICS. :(

But only for Alpha/Beta testing. Afterwards I just plan to get a shell account for my game.

In response to LordJR
Why not use a cable modem its 4 times faster than dsl
In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
But only for Alpha/Beta testing. Afterwards I just plan to get a shell account for my game.

I can do that, just let me know when the best time would be by contacting me via that pager (or my email address if you know it, I dont't like giving it out on the forum)... granted, it may be a few days before I have my pipe configured properly, but it will be ready for service very soon!

In response to Gouku
LOL! Yeah right! LOL....please..stop..I'm dying here...LOL
In response to Gouku
Cable faster than DSL...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm out of breath from laughing so hard!
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
Cable faster than DSL...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm out of breath from laughing so hard!

hmm. im not Laughing it is faster unless your paying the 100$ package for dsl. otherwise Cable is faster.
In response to Xzar
I think you guys missed the "dedicated" part...yes, I'm currently paying $150 per month for my line...and it's well worth it too! Cable lags the more people in your area that are line is mine and mine alone! And I'm also two blocks from the I might as well be right up their's fast....


PS Their jacking up my bandwidth soon too!
unless Ultriment asks me to host his...

If you want to be technical... it's "hers". =)
In response to Xooxer
There's a $125 dollar a month package here I just haven't got it because this computer (which sucks) would probably fry with anything that powerful hooked to it.
In response to Spuzzum
OH! I was so very unaware of this little bit o' information! My deepest appologies dear lady U...

In response to Xooxer
free? Hmm i need a host for my game, too bad that i live in the middle of nowhere, or else i would get dsl and host it my self

When do you think you might start hosting?
In response to Pillsverry
I'm calling my isp today and having them map some service ports in my pipe, so as soon as they do that I can begin hosting... It might be today, they are usually very good about pleasing their customers...

In response to Xooxer
for $100+ I`d be mad if they wernt fast about pleasing their customers
I'm interested in this offer.
Guess I have no excuse for not making my game now...
Good luck!