Pretty much what the title says.
How do I get my banner activated?
It shows in inactive right now, or pending.
How do I get it so it shows up like the other
ads? I have a banner there.
Dec 6 2001, 3:47 pm
In response to Darkness
When it says pending it means waiting for dantom to review and accept. Yep that much I gather, but its been awhile now, just wondering how long it takes, or if I needed to email someone in the process. LJR |
In response to LordJR
I've had mine up for months, and nothing.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
I've had mine up for months, and nothing. Dantom's a bit busy, but they're delegating the task soon. |
When it says pending it means waiting for dantom to review and accept.