In the beginning of your game when you choose a character
can it be like this--->
"Human" (you click human)
Crackhead (can you list mobs under the Human category?)
if you can help me set it up, it would make my game much easier to understand, and i trashed my DBZ game cause it got hella boring, besides I think wrestling is far more better cause they got more fans.
look for my game "Chaos 2" tomarrow on the hub, your gonna like it. its ORIGINAL
Dec 8 2001, 9:43 am
In response to Nadrew
var/classinput = input("What class?")in list("Human","Mage") var/humansubclass = input("What type of human?")in list("Knight","Monk") switch(classinput) if("Human","Mage") switch(humansubclass) if("Knight") src<<"You're a powerful Knight!" else src<<"You're a Monk!" else src<<"Your a Mage, without magic...hahahahaha" ======================================================= ok thats what i got but when i login, the screen is black, never happend before, is there something i did wrong? thanks |
In response to Migzor
Whoops add ..() under the Login() part.
In response to Nadrew
come on Nadrew, thats not like you
In response to Nadrew
Do i have to make an icon state saying "Mage" or whateevr? cause now it works but when your playing and login as your class, the icon doesnt show up
Yes, you'd have to make a something like this:
Good, I would rather see wrestling.