![]() Dec 22 2001, 1:09 pm
Make a list as a reply to this message! =D
![]() Dec 22 2001, 1:29 pm
var/list/L = new /list
SuperAshing wrote:
Make a list as a reply to this message! =D
That should be:
var/list/L = list("1 dozen eggs","1 gallon 2% milk","1 lb. margarine","White bread","Ice cream (strawberry)","Confectioner's sugar","Tangerines","Napkins","20-pack AA batteries") |
SuperAshing wrote:
Make a list as a reply to this message! =D Ok. 01. A 02. B 03. C 04. D 05. E 06. F 07. G 08. H 09. I 10. J 11. K 12. L 13. M 14. N 15. O 16. P 17. Q 18. R 19. S 20. T 21. U 22. V 23. W 24. X 25. Y 26. Z You didn't say make an interesting one. FIREking |
10. Campaign contributions
9. The Taliban 8. Getting dumped 7. Mean people 6. Godless corporations 5. Health care costs 4. Car expenses 3. Family 2. School 1. Work Z |
Eating at Hooters: 30 dollars
Gas for the trip: 5 bucks Having X-Ray Glasses at Hooters: <font size = 7> Priceless</font size = 7> -Sariat |
The numbers 1-20 in alphabetical order:
eight eighteen eleven fifteen five four fourteen nine nineteen one seven seventeen six sixteen ten thirteen three twelve twenty two |
Another fabulous waste of Dantom storage space!
One hundred monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-nine monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Nonety-eight monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-seven monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-six monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-five monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-four monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-three monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-two monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety-one monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Ninety monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-nine monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-eight monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-seven monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-six monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-five monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-four monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-three monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-two monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Eighty-one monkeys sitting on a wall! One fell down and had a great fall! Now there's only eighty monkeys left! |
Deadron wrote:
Zilal wrote: If they're worse, that's a sign that they're actually devil-filled. Kind of like dessert treats that claim to offer a rich creamy filling, yet have no dairy content. Beware! |
Here's a list for ya... I didn't make it...but the people over at Lycos did... It's the Lycos Top 50 Internet Searches of 2001: (Last year's rank in parentheses)
1. Dragonball (2) 2. Britney Spears (1) 3. Napster (8) 4. Tattoos (7) 5. Osama bin Laden (-) 6. IRS (23) 7. Pokemon (3) 8. World Trade Center (-) 9. Nostradamus (-) 10. WWF (4) 11. Pamela Anderson (6) 12. Las Vegas (13) 13. Final Fantasy (17) 14. Harry Potter (38) 15. Jennifer Lopez (9) 16. NFL (11) 17. Christmas (16) 18. The Bible (25) 19. Golf (40) 20. Halloween (19) 21. Morpheus (-) 22. NASCAR (28) 23. Marijuana (20) 24. Taxes (-) 25. Big Brother (21) 26. Anna Kournikova (18) 27. New York City (-) 28. Gnutella (81) 29. Skateboarding (36) 30. Baseball (22) 31. Survivor (46) 32. Playstation 2 (73) 33. The Simpsons (29) 34. Eminem (15) 35. The Sims (54) 36. 'N Sync (5) 37. American Flag (-) 38. Diablo II (41) 39. Madonna (37) 40. Star Trek (68) 41. NASA (51) 42. NBA (39) 43. Diets (-) 44. Mortgage Rates (-) 45. Carmen Electra (42) 46. Half-Life Counter-Strike (-) 47. Angelina Jolie (-) 48. Digimon (35) 49. World War II (-) 50. Lord of the Rings It also had a small blurb that goes as follows: "The #1 search on Lycos for 2001 was Dragonball, the Japanese cartoon show (and movies, videotapes, games, action figures, comic books, and assorted paraphenelia). While most adults have never heard of it, Dragonball continues to be obscenely popular on the Internet, among both teenagers -- it has a target audience older than competitor Pokemon -- and among college-age Japanese-animation buffs. Dragonball finally hit #1 on the Lycos 50 in January and then held that spot for 25 out of the 52 weeks of the year. Only holidays, celebrity deaths, and the tragedy of September 11 could knock it from the top spot. In 2000, Britney Spears narrowly defeated Dragonball; in 2001, Dragonball received almost twice as many searches as #2 Britney. That's because Britney searches fell in half while Dragonball's stayed constant. In fact, Dragonball searches actually went up in the week after September 11 -- one of the few non-war searches to go up that week." So the flood of DBZers to this place isn't just because of some fluke or even one small leak that spread through our community like wildfire... The simple fact is that we outnumber everyone else by a LONG shot... So it's no wonder that we've overrun this place (and many others) |
My Christmas Holidays:
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
"The #1 search on Lycos for 2001 was Dragonball, the Japanese cartoon show (and movies, videotapes, games, action figures, comic books, and assorted paraphenelia). While most adults have never heard of it, Dragonball continues to be obscenely popular on the Internet, among both teenagers -- it has a target audience older than competitor Pokemon -- and among college-age Japanese-animation buffs." Heh. I like that phrase. "Obscenely popular". I think we can all healthily agree on that. I for one find its popularity very obscene. So the flood of DBZers to this place isn't just because of some fluke or even one small leak that spread through our community like wildfire... The simple fact is that we outnumber everyone else by a LONG shot... So it's no wonder that we've overrun this place (and many others) That could be an inflated statistic, too. Bear in mind the heavy young teenage component of the fan base means DBZ is likely to appear in searches a lot merely because a lot of people may run the same searches over and over--whether because they didn't bookmark their favorite sites, or they want to find new fan sites they hadn't seen yet after exhausting the list of all others, etc. Statistics such as this one could be artificially inflated by 1) forgetfulness, 2) boredom, and 3) bots. Especially when you get into the college level of the fan base, you're more likely to find people with some level of technical sophistication needed to create a search bot. The DBZ searches could literally be a case of bots scouring the Web for new links, to say nothing of those "search for more... on this site" links in which people hook up search engines to their own pages for visitors to use. Perhaps it's not so much that DBZ is wildly popular, but that for a vast chunk of its fans it's an obsession. Lummox JR |
Lummox JR wrote:
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote: That could be an inflated statistic, too. Bear in mind the heavy young teenage component of the fan base means DBZ is likely to appear in searches a lot merely because a lot of people may run the same searches over and over--whether because they didn't bookmark their favorite sites, or they want to find new fan sites they hadn't seen yet after exhausting the list of all others, etc. Statistics such as this one could be artificially inflated by 1) forgetfulness, 2) boredom, and 3) bots. Especially when you get into the college level of the fan base, you're more likely to find people with some level of technical sophistication needed to create a search bot. The DBZ searches could literally be a case of bots scouring the Web for new links, to say nothing of those "search for more... on this site" links in which people hook up search engines to their own pages for visitors to use. Entirely possible... But the same effects could also be applied to some of the other things on the list...(such as Brittney Spears, Pokemon, or Napster)... And yet DBZ still remains on top... Add to it the knowledge that DBZ is one of (if not THE) highest rated shows on Cartoon Network...and you have even more evidence that it DOES indeed have a huge fanbase... So these statistics may in fact be skewed through some false inflation...but since we can establish that there are many, many fans out there...that likelihood diminishes...and the results seem a little more reliable... But regardless of its ranking on a top searched term list...the simple fact remains that it has an immense following...especially on the internet... It's no accident that it spilled over onto this site... |
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:
Entirely possible... But the same effects could also be applied to some of the other things on the list...(such as Brittney Spears, Pokemon, or Napster)... And yet DBZ still remains on top... Add to it the knowledge that DBZ is one of (if not THE) highest rated shows on Cartoon Network...and you have even more evidence that it DOES indeed have a huge fanbase... Well, bear in mind that cartoon purists tend to find very little of the better-quality animation on Cartoon Network. In general I find CN's lineup to be too heavily slanted toward newer animation styles like in their original series, anime, and Hanna-Barbera (with a particular emphasis on the zillion and one Scooby-Doo movies that are out there). Thus it may simply be that Cartoon Network is turning away fewer of the anime junkies but more of the discriminating viewers who prefer decent stuff. If that sounds a bit snobbish, well, it is--at least in much the same way a hot rod fanatic might snicker at a Yugo, anyway. I have absolutely no respect for anime. Warner Bros. and Disney really had cartoondom down to a fine art in the early half of the last century; they've degenerated since, though I think Disney was a little slower to decline. Newer cartoons may be very entertaining, but they tend not to be drawn or animated very well. (The Simpsons is a nice exception to that, although it doesn't air on Cartoon Network.) This complaint applies to a lot of styles, but I find anime more offensive than all, for reasons I won't bother to go into here. (I know its defenders will say "Well, there's good anime and bad anime," but that argument doesn't hold water because it's the conventions of the genre I hate, not the relative quality of Pokémon vs. Akira. Let's not go there.) So these statistics may in fact be skewed through some false inflation...but since we can establish that there are many, many fans out there...that likelihood diminishes...and the results seem a little more reliable... Going back to your mention of Britney for a second, I think that's likely the exact same phenomenon. Have you ever listened to a top 40 radio station and heard people call in requests for songs that are guaranteed to be on every 15 minutes anyway? Mediocre groups (and I think more highly of Britney than of most, mind you) are pushed to the top of the charts merely because the most obsessive fans can't get enough. Like examining drug use per capita, the statistic can lie because it would be skewed heavily by the absolute addicts. But regardless of its ranking on a top searched term list...the simple fact remains that it has an immense following...especially on the internet... It's no accident that it spilled over onto this site... That the following is large I'll grant, but I think the reason it spilled over here is because the lion's share of its fan base is not just active but over-active on the Internet. With a certain severe excess of undirected energy in the DBZ community as opposed to, say, players of Avalon Hill games, the spillover was just all the more likely. Lummox JR |