I've noticed lots of people are planning on making hundreds of objects in their games -- flame swords, fire swords, inferno swords, blazing swords, etc. in the same game -- but I'm wondering something; does having a lot of unique items make a game more special?
I'm faced with a design dilemma, myself. In Haven, I want to have lots of different items to increase interactivity with the environment a lot. You can use shovels to dig holes, picks to break apart cave walls, hammers to break apart rocks, and so on. The problem is, I love having dozens of accurate representations of objects within a game, when in reality, the differences offered by the objects have little actual effect on the game itself.
In any case, have you put much thought into the number and type of items that players can manipulate in your game? If so, what were your findings?
![]() Dec 30 2001, 11:10 am
Personally, I think the more options you have the better. They don't even need to be different from eachother statistics-wise. It's just like clothing. In any graphical game, people like to have the option to choose what color they want to be. Some people want to wear black robes, other people want to wear a full suit of golden plate armor. Some people might want to wear a white sparkling dress and others might want to wear a shabby tunic an some fancy boots. It's all up to how you want people to view your characters. There doesn't have to be any statistical difference between ratty tunics and sparkling dresses...
I remember one game where I spent two weeks earning money just to buy a nice blue cloak, which was actually worse than the lousy armor I'd had before, but it looked nice, and I could run around and brag to other players about it. Same goes for weapons, armor, and whatever else... |
Spuzzum wrote:
In any case, have you put much thought into the number and type of items that players can manipulate in your game? If so, what were your findings? I'm doing my best to avoid people wearing/doing/using the same thing.. I've had to put a lot of thought and work into it. All I've found so far is that it's a lot of work. The few people that have seen the results of it, though, agree that it's extremely cool. --Tarmas. |
Spuzzum wrote:
I've noticed lots of people are planning on making hundreds of objects in their games -- flame swords, fire swords, inferno swords, blazing swords, etc. in the same game -- but I'm wondering something; does having a lot of unique items make a game more special? Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but here it goes. I do have to mention a project here, for the sake of understanding, bare with me. In Eternal World, I had a lot of unique items. Players always seemed very excited to find that special sword, or that armor that has magic abilities. I think it keeps them going and motivated to keep playing. When someone finds that special sword or item or whatever, they think, "Hey I'm special! I've got the only Special item x in the whole town of town x !!" Having a lot of interaction with the environment is most important. If players feel they cannot interact with the environment, they soon get bored and they think, "Hey, I really dont have a big impact on this world, I haven't even made a difference!". All of these things are what keep the game going and keep it interesting, Environment and Unique items. But note, those aren't the ONLY things. FIREking |
From that aspect, having lots of different things like special swords and magic armor has a good side and a bad side.
The good side is that when players find them, and no one else has one, they feel special! The ability to be an achiever is necessary for most online games. The down side, when a new player enters and notices that everyone in town has a special sword and magic armor accept him, he doesn't feel like he can compete, there's no way he can be any better than those people. He's more inclined to leave that way. Everyone needs to have the ability to achieve something, even if it's just from an idea they thought up rather than working from game stats. One player might be the most powerful combatant in the game, another might be the richest. What does the third do? He maps and becomes the only map-seller in the game and is widely known for it. (Depends how versatile your game is...) Another might be famous for publishing mini in-game novels, and yet another for being the best explorer around. I think that's off the point though. But having a large quanitity of items that are basically all the same but presented differently gives players a chance to stand out from everyone else without needing the best of everything. Also, the more interactive your world is, the better. |
The thing to avoid is just expanding everything.
I've seen people steal code from other people, and they make it "better" by make 10000 more enemies, 10000 more maps, 10000 more items, and it's all the same. That is exactly what not to do. What you want to do is to make things new and different. Don't make a thousand of the same type of item, instead make a thousand different types of items. That will keep the players interested. As for unique items, don't make too many. They're unique. If you get a "Flaming Axe Of Feohr," and you feel all special and such, what if you see someone who has a "King's Cloak of Magic Resistance?" And someone else has a "Zantuu's Rod of Disembodiment" and another guy has an "Ultimate Ring of Gooderness." Suddenly they're not to special anymore. It would be better to have just the Axe or the Ring or whatever, since when that person gets it, he feels good about himself that he's gotten an item that no one else has. The players who don't have specialerific items, however, should still have a motive to get one of these items. Make the unique items ridiculously hard to find, so that when the bartender says that "no one's ever lived to tell the tale," no one really has lived to tell the tale. |
I've run into this problem SO many times, a 200 fingered whatever wouldn't even be able to count them... yeah...
anyway, my solution was an idea that i had called the "RESGP" which is short for "Random Equipment Stat Generating Procedure". this proc consits of when strting a new character, you get basic starting equipment that, has strong points and weak points. heres an example; say you go to a shop, and you buy a new sword, then you look at the stats, and notice that the same sword you sold earlier has more blocking, but less strength... then, say you check you armor, and notice that your friend you were chatting with has less defense, but more magic defense... thus ends the example... i guess what im trying to show is that of a smithing proc, meaning, that some items are smithed differently then others... this gives the game variety. You could have 9 different shortsword stat sittuations, and only have programmed in the icon, and when to run the proc... well, thats about it, i am deveoping this system, so, if interested, e-mail me at [email protected] later! -Alan McFeely |
This is what I do: I'll make all the standard items that are actually usuable and some extra that are usuable, but the effects arn't really awesome (cologne, pocketwatch, ect.). But I will also add "artifacts" where there are only one of, example, Derothorn's Mystic Gem will be able to turn any corpse to zombies ready to do your bidding, however there will only be one, and some players may want to kill others or trade with to get it. It adds allot of actual realism and more fun, I mean, what's the point in killing/convincing them to get Derothorn's Mystic Gem when you could find/buy your own, or when about half the players already have Derothorn's Mystic Gem.
In Colored Ages (my experimental melting pot of game ideas), I had near to two hundred item types. But, when these types are created, they are put into generators for that type of item that makes the item unique from every other item of it's type. Among things it did are slightly vary rbg colors on the item, give that item a name from a dynamic name generator, choose from multiple icons associated with that item type (and even then certian overlays to deviate from that specific icon), give special and subtle attributes to that item (including magical enhancements/curses, and worksmanship advantages/flaws). The item types with the least amount of room for speciality were eating utensiles, where they could be made of a few matirials and given a few icons/names. The rest of the items had more room for deviation from the obj prototype. I liked the variaty I would get upon creating objects! I created an "object machine" just to create lots of objects on command and examine what was special about them.
For a more to-the-point answer, I beleive in a mediocre amount of basic object types, but room for deviation from them to create variaty. -Lord of Water |
I'm in favor of systems where everyone sticks with the same basic items. There are no "artifacts" to find in the beginning.
Items can be made by players, however. That means a very skilled craftsman could create a masterpiece with very high stats. On the other hand, a poor craftsman with good metal can create a powerful, but poorly made weapon. Perhaps someone would have the ability to "enhance" items somehow. I remember one game that some of you probably know about, called "Betrayal at Krondor" where you could buy stuff called Naptha (I think that's how it's spelled) that would set any weapon on fire. Things like this make life in the department of weapons more interesting, rather than just collecting artifact weapons, find ways to effectively enhance your current one. Perhaps on a rare occasion, a meteor would fall within the boundries of the game. This meteor, as with most meteors, contains rare and extremely valuable metals. This metal, in the hands of a master craftsman, would be used to forge -by the players, mind you- what you refer to as "artifact" or "legendary" items of significant power. This takes the responsibility away from the designer, and puts it with the players to do their best with what they have. Assuming you don't have rare metals and master craftsmen everywhere (imbalance problem of some sort). This gives more options to the players and in turn will (usually) help you to end up with a more popular game. |
that would be cool, but then you would have serial PK-ings by poeple who want a "Legendary" weapon
so i would have to say... SWEET IDEA! ahh! help me! helpme! I`m me! hellllp!!!!!! |
Remember though.
Eventually someone will become really rich. And then other people will come and follow. So it is always a good idea to add more after a while. Make sure you add a story to it too. For example don't just create a mountain. Say a volcanoe erupted. Adds a little spice to the game. |
There are always things you can do about money problems.
1. Taxes, if it fits the game. The riches you are, the more tax you get! 2. Random wealthy-person assassinations, assassins are players, hired by banks. For good reason, too. And if they don't use the bank, they can't store their money very well. Carrying 1,000,000 coins in your pack can really get weighty. 3. Lots of fun things to spend it on! But, things that won't ruin the game for other players by making the rich guy stronger. 4. When the darn banks are trying to assassinate you, you'll need to hire guards... 5. New concept, Don't Add Money! Use a barter system instead. 6. And as mentioned, people would like to PK players for those legendary weapons...or perhaps a group of players would. (Always try to keep people from becomming insanely powerful because of their gear.) If you've got money and fancy stuff, best to be descreet and not show it. |
One of my favorite philosophies is that "a weapon is a weapon is a weapon."
If you hit someone it the head with a hammer, they're going to die. If you hit them in the head with an axe, they're going to die. If you run them through with a spear, they're going to die. If you run them through with a sword, they're going to die. Slitting someone's neck with a dagger is not half as lethal as doing it with a sword. If you have a Plasma Ion Phazer Supreme pistol pointed at my head, and I have a 20th century handgun pointed at yours, when we pull the triggers, we're both going to die. Therefore, I think having a wide range of very similar weapons is not a bad thing. I much prefer it over ones were a dagger costs 5 gold and does 3 damage while a battleaxe costs 275 gold and does 78 damage... in those games, the variety of weapons merely provides an "arm race" atmosphere. No one, presented with a dagger and a battleaxe, is going to pick the dagger. The only people with daggers will be the newbies who haven't killed enough metalslimes to get the battleaxe. If the differences between weapons are subtler, smaller, less tangible, less quantifiable... then you begin to see people picking weapons because it's the weapon their character would prefer, not because of some statistical edge. Some of the best "quick-and-dirty" RPGs even do away with weapon stats altogether... you simply do less damage, or otherwise fight at a penalty, if you're unarmed. |
I like your statement there. All weapons should do relatively the same amount of damage. But, slicing someone in the leg with a dagger, and slicing them in the same leg with a broadsword should obviously do a bit more damage. Yet, a broadsword should take longer to swing, and a dagger should swing faster. For gameplay balancing reasons, I think the best way to do it, is to have more speed = less damage. A dagger swings the fastest, but does the least damage against armor. A halberd swings the slowest, but does the most damage against armor. Weapon strength or fortitude could have some factor contributing to the power of each swing. A weak dagger and a strong dagger would obviously not do the same amount of damage. One last thing before I shut up. How well crafted the weapon is should also make a difference in damage/swing times. A store bought dagger should do normal damage, but a dagger crafted by a master blacksmith should do the best damage the dagger can do.
I like to keep in mind some other differences that effect the price of a weapon other than damage capabilities, which are overused.
Things I've mentioned before, metal and quality. Both can have similar effects. Compare a copper longsword with a stainless steel longsword, and which would you rather have on the field? The copper MIGHT be a bit lighter, but there's also a good chance it will break if you tried to defend yourself with it or went banging it against something hard like armor. The steel sword is very unlikely to break, would hold it's edge longer, and wouldn't even rust. Quality also effects things similarly. A quality weapon would have a better blade and would be better against unarmored things, it would be made of more refined materials, generally, so that it wouldn't break as often. It might be designed better, so it may be slightly faster and easier to wield, and the best part of all is that they can be exquisitally decorated to impress all your friends! But the cheap, copper sword that breaks on contact will still kill just like the exquisitally decorated well-made stainless steal sword will. |
I have to say, I agree with that. But, I'd be the one choosing the dagger. In the game Arcanum, I usually carry a fine steel dagger, which would do much more damage than any rifle or pistol (this game is set in the time of the beggining of steam engines, but there is still allot of magic). Why, you may ask? Well, while the pistol would do plenty more damage, it is slower. I made my character have the highest melee, built 2 charged rings (even one makes you go stupidly fast.... in other words, charged rings make your speed have a major up) and I would try to run up to any enemy, regardless of weapon or armor, and since the dagger was fast, cut them open faster than you could say "A dagger? Haha!". Although sometimes I'd have to change to my hand cannon (a fancy pistol with LOTS of barrels (gun barrels, not wooden barrels)), it'd almost be funny seeing a guy run really fast in almost no protective armor and slice a half-ogre apart before he could even think about swinging that mace over my poor, defensless head. Not only that, but it'd be shameful in a conversation about how you got killed, "Man, some half-elf with leather armor ran up with a dagger and went into a slicing frenzy before I could even fire one bullet!".
I have to side with GateGuardian... weapon quality affects a lot of things, damage should be one of the areas it affects the least.
To use your example of a well-made dagger... well, with a weapon like a dagger, damage is mostly a function of what exactly gets hit. Are you saying well-made daggers should always strike vital organs? Where you see the advantages of craftsmanship is not in damage, but in balance (which wouldn't necessarily give high hit bonuses... a good weapon doesn't make you a good fighter! Just a lack of penalties.), the ability to keep its edge, and overall strength and durability. |
*nodnods* But its possible to put lots of other stats on weps too tho.
For instance, you're bound to be able to attack -faster- with a dagger, then with a giant's battle axe of dragon slaying ^_~ Range could also come into play. Walk up to a guard with a lance, with a puny little short-sword, and chances are the guard'll be able to hit you LONG before you can hit him. Strengths against types of armor. A dagger would prolly be able to get through heavy plate much easier then a battle axe would (with a dagger you could aim for the openings in the armor, rather then just slashing at it with the axe), but it would prolly be reversed if you're up against someone with chain-mail. Not to mention the world of effects. You could prolly cut rope with the dagger, try doing -that- to some degree of preciseness with the axe ^_~ Just a few thoughts, not in any real order *L* ^_^ Elorien |
In my opinion, lots of items are nice, they flesh out the world somewhat so everyones not running around with the same items.
But at the same time, making most of those items unique (I dont mean like theres only one in a game, I mean that that item doesnt work like all the other items in the world) is a really good thing. After all, one can only have so many different items that do exactly the same thing ^^
Again, just my opinion ^_^ I know I spout it off a lot, without really showing much for it @.@ oh well *L*