With all the games out today, I still find myself playing SNES rpgs. They seem to be more fun, expansive, challanging, and more in-depth then many RPGs out today. How many of you would like to see a 2D-style FF or DW (or even a terranigma style) game come out on a modern platform such as XBox or PS2? I know that as an XBox owner, I can pretty much rule out all but maby a crappy 2D fighter (one genre that shouldn't be 2D), and 3D adventure games. But I dream of the day a good 2D RPG comes out on the XBox (or even PS2)... And by 2D, I mean modern 2D, they don't have to look like they were made in 1992 of course :p Anyone else agree/disagree?
I'm talking about console games... PC games don't count...
![]() Jan 21 2002, 6:45 am
Yeah, I find myself playing SNES games more than PS2, and Gamecube, they're just so fun, and easy to get a grip on, and usally hard to beat.
FF6 (same as FF3 in US) was the best in my opinion. That's partially why I'm sticking arround byond, I like those games just as much if not more than games like FF7. I haven't gotten the FF anthology yet, I hope to get it soon.
hehehe I just picked up Golden Sun (GBA) and it gives me soooo much flashbacks from the SNES.. I really hope the GBA catches some of the feel from the snes days ^_^
On related notes, I bought DW7 the other day (gotta love loans *L* ) and I -know- its technically 3d, but it 'feels' (for lack of a better word) like the NES DWs.. most notably 4 I think.. Another game for the PSX that I -think- is 2d is 'Arc the Lad Collection' its supposed to come out around the end of the month I think and its actually something like 3 or 4 games ^_^ I loooooove snes style rpgs *_* Elorien |
Don't, get the games on the emulator. I had FFA, and they ran MUCH slower than the roms on my computer
I heard the main problem was in loading the menu. Each time you want to see you stats or equipment the PS had to load it up, that is one thing I like about cartridges, little to no loading time.
Yeah I'd say a good 3-5 seconds everytime you switched from gamescreen to gamescreen, and hell even bringin up sub menus O_o. Another unforunate side effect of not having 2 gigs of HD reserved for virtual memory :p
Dreq wrote:
Don't, get the games on the emulator. Dont use emulators, it IS illegal unless you own a copy of the game, it also, to me, takes away the gameplay. It looks really, for lack of a better word, cr@ppy. It also plays pretty bad. Besides, I prefer playing games made for SNES, playstation, ect. on the consoles. |
I bought the game for the PSX, so technically I did buy the games. Infact, 90% of the games I have on the emulator, I did own, and the 10% I didn't own, was because they are translated japaniese games I had no chance of getting.
Besides, I prefer playing games made for SNES, playstation, ect. on the consoles. Then buy it for SNES :p the playstation does a worse job of playing the game then my win98 64mb ram computer :p But if you insist on that console feel, it's your money, go for it :p Just warning you it's rather slow :) |
Ahh, the good 'ol SNES rpgs. I agree, I think there should be another 2d rpg, but I'd rather buy a cd (Final fantasy anthology, and the pack that contains chrono trigger anyone?) that conatins maybe 2-4 maybe more (I may be dreaming a little bit here on the "more" part) 2d rpgs (Maybe make a one GAINT 2d rpg). Still, I think adding new 2d rpgs would be great to the new consols, as you could make it allot larger (Playing hours to beat the game and size of the world). Also, if anyone remembers Final Fantasy 3 and 4, those graphics I liked. Sure FF7 and FF9 were great, but I think the first 2-4 were pretty awesome (My friend who lives in Texas has the first one that came to america I beleive which is for nes). Er, wait, the new ones are good too, but, er....... I think a Summoner with Black Magic on final fantasy tactics can beat almost anythin :).
P.S. I am now slightly confused with what I wrote, I wont blame you if you are too.