![]() Jan 30 2002, 6:55 pm
I couldn't emagine writing music for a game in anything but .IT or .XM format ^_^. Unlike midis, they sound the same on all computers, and you can loop them to any point, and do MANY things midis cannot. True they are bigger, but hey, thats why we get our friends with cabel to run the servers! I was hoping you guys would support this soon (or at least support external DLLs so I can add support myself ^_^)
LordJR wrote:
Are you a fellow tracker? I used to be in a few Demogroups back in my EuroDemoscene days.... Outpost BBS in Finland ring any bells? I write *.IT formats as well, but since I've starting composing in MP3 format its hard for me to go back to MODs/ITs anymore. The advantage of a MOD, though, is that for little size increase you can make a song a lot longer, or even loop it infinitely. Shame MP3s can't do that. If you're any good as a tracker, you might want to consider advertising those skills as well. I'm hoping MOD/XM support does make it to BYOND someday, and when it does we'll need composers. Lummox JR |
Well Zagreus is trying to commision me to MIDI the IT i'm doing now (that's impossible fyi ;p). But it's pointless to advertise a skill that BYOND doesn't support!
Dreq wrote:
Well Zagreus is trying to commision me to MIDI the IT i'm doing now (that's impossible fyi ;p). But it's pointless to advertise a skill that BYOND doesn't support! Actually its not dude.. Some time back during my demoscene days I remember a converter for MOD to MIDI format. I think it basically takes the patterns and match the instruments to MIDI instruments you asign or maybe ascending from the MIDI Mapper. You might be able to write ITs convert them to a 4 track MOD and then convert that over to a MIDI. Or there may even be an IT direct to MIDI converter by now?? Oh yeah to those on this board don't know about me being a musician I have some of my Mp3 tunes released, check them out. Mostly I write Electronica/Trance. LJR |
Yeah but only 1 of my 30+ module songs converted... With the invention of IT and XM format, converting just isn't what it used to be :) The cool song I just finished doesn't sound recognizable when converted to midi
LordJR wrote:
Dreq wrote: Technically, you can use the run() proc to run a MOD or an IT with the default program that would run them on the client's computer, but it makes a pop up that the player has to select or refuse, which also halts the execution of the current proc. |
Oh really? Whate about drumb loops or voice tracks? Or what about if I make chord samples? Or what about if I use samples that have effects in them?
What if you a BYond tracker!??? You guys at Dantom ever think of making a built in composer/tracker that uses wave files and allows for real time editing of the wave files like slides, sines, etc...
We have the
Byond DMI Icon Editor Byond DMI Movie Editor Byond Map Editor Byond Compiler Whats left? Byond Wave Editor! Its PERFECT! I suggest this either be added to the list imediately, that would freaking ROCK! FIREking |
FIREking wrote:
We have the It would be an alright feature, but is it not required. It would be merely a minor plus in my oppinion. They should just add support for more music types and let other programs handle the music work. If they added support for mp3, there would be so many more oppurtunities than just adding wave editor program. It would just be too much work for Dantom to go about creating a whole new part to the software thats not even needed, when they could just add more support for other file formats. Otherwise there will be tons and tons of debugging to do, probably just like working on another application. In the amount of time it would take them to perfect the software, they could have added tons of better stuff to byond. This is all just my oppinion ofcourse, it seems like a lot of extra work to achieve the desired effect. |
Ebonshadow wrote:
FIREking wrote: You cannot have multiple mp3 channels correct? Hence the wave editor, which already has support, and has multiple wave channels! FIREking |
If we could just get multiple channel wave abilities, also don't know if its there, but I'd like to have control over the volume, and Right & Left speaker output. That way I can introduce 3d sounds into my game and the closer you get to a sound source the louder it becomes, think if someone was playing a flute, and you briefly heard it, then u move a space and you hear a waterfall with the flute a bit louder close by. You move to investigate, and you find a bard playing his flute at the foot of a 3 tiled waterfall! This sound scape add a whole other aspect to enrich the gaming enviroment.
Or say you want to introduce your own wave files and hold live performances, where someone performs, and everyone else listens, BYOND DJs anyone???? They could mix it up live! LJR |
Oh yeah lets have 30 megs of MP3s... The whole reason why I say mods is because they average 200-400kb a piece depending on quality. Most my MP3s are 4-8 megs a piece for 3 minutes of music that doesn't loop to another point. And why should dantom re-invent the wheel? What coul you possibly want more than what IT format gives? Besides, do you have ANY freaking idea the processor power it would take to play 20+ mp3s at one time?! I cringe just thinking about it!
[Edit] Just go to and take a look at their system. I downloaded it, and I'm still considered a newbie to C++, but it only took 20 minutes to write my own MID,XM,IT,MOD,S3M,MP2,MP3,WAV player... |
Dreq wrote:
Oh yeah lets have 30 megs of MP3s... The whole reason why I say mods is because they average 200-400kb a piece depending on quality. Most my MP3s are 4-8 megs a piece for 3 minutes of music that doesn't loop to another point. And why should dantom re-invent the wheel? What coul you possibly want more than what IT format gives? Besides, do you have ANY freaking idea the processor power it would take to play 20+ mp3s at one time?! I cringe just thinking about it! you keep talking about music formats that arent even standard these days. Sure you can supply tons of information and urls out the wazoo, but seriously they arent standard. I dont see any games using any of those types of formats, other than games that have their own formats. I agree with wav and mp3. I also agree with any additional format, because the more the merrier. But i wouldnt make it a priority right now. A sound editor i believe is needed in the dream maker environment, but at the moment, they should get rid of bugs, and include key things that are missing. FIREking |
I agree with wav and mp3. I also agree with any additional format, because the more the merrier. But i wouldnt make it a priority right now. A sound editor i believe is needed in the dream maker environment, but at the moment, they should get rid of bugs, and include key things that are missing. I'd prefer that they leave sound editing to professionals, myself. No offense intended; to paraphrase Tom's own words from his "Forward" in the Blue Book, "neither of us can even draw a straight line!" If that's the case, what makes you think they'll be able to draw a waveform? ;-) |
Spuzzum wrote:
to paraphrase Tom's own words from his "Forward" in the Blue Book, "neither of us can even draw a straight line!" If that's the case, what makes you think they'll be able to draw a waveform? ;-) At least it's already squiggly. :) |
FIREking wrote:
We have the The problem with a BYOND wave editor is that it would take massive amounts of work for no real payoff. Many wave editors are already available, and BYOND doesn't use a custom format that requires anything different; thus, it's not necessary to have one built in, like it is with the compiler or icon editor. Even after a great deal of work went into it, you'd have a tool that could do very little--because any wave editor worth its salt is extremely complex and feature-rich--and would probably be buggy, just because most new code is. Better for Dantom to invest their efforts elsewhere and work on getting ready for the public release, and for adding other audio formats in the future. More work in those directions would have much better rewards. Lummox JR |
Lummox JR wrote:
The problem with a BYOND wave editor is that it would take massive amounts of work for no real payoff. Many wave editors are already available, and BYOND doesn't use a custom format that requires anything different; thus, it's not necessary to have one built in, like it is with the compiler or icon editor. I tried out the free time-bombed release of the GoldWave editor years ago, found it very easy to use, and paid the measly $25 for a license. Problem solved forever. Of course, the request here is probably because someone wants a free wav editor since paying for things is apparently evil. However, I imagine there are free ones out there too on the web. |
Deadron wrote:
I tried out the free time-bombed release of the GoldWave editor years ago, found it very easy to use, and paid the measly $25 for a license. Problem solved forever. I'm a lot more inclined to pay for such tools now that I actually have money to do so. However, I still have a hard time justifying paying for crippleware (Cool Edit '96 is atrocious about that) or timerware, and as a former user of an older less restricted version of GoldWave, I found its new timerware changes to be particularly obnoxious. I use it as my main editor anyway, but it'd take a big effort to get me to register it in spite of my loathing for what I consider a contemptible programming practice. To that end it's kinda like a telemarketer who calls during your favorite TV show who's something you really want and need. "Yeah, I'll buy it, but on principle I'm gonna have to punch you after I hand over the money." Lummox JR |