Well, I was working on my "Pre and Post Time and Space Teleportation Machine" (yes, I went through all the legal stuff, so none of you can reproduce it), when my friend came over and was arguing how my "TM" (shortened to prevent stealing of my machine) should not have such a over amount of energy used, and my blue prints were totally in the wrong shape to support more than two people at once. Now, the main thing I'm asking, is he said my designs to hook the energy generator to underneath in the middle beneath the flooring, to allow better access incase of a power failure and easier to attach to the rest of the machine, while he says it should be attached like a standard car, and into the front. This is sheer ludicrous, but should I really listen and change my entire designs?
I don't know what you're smoking, but you should really share it with the rest of us.

Go for the floor design. If anything goes wrong mid-flight, you can repair it from the safety of the vehicle. With a front-mounted design, you'd have to climb out and try to fix it in the middle of the vortex, and who knows how that could alter your 5D trajectory? Worse, something could hit the machine and damage the vital components, increasing the chances of a failure; and if you go out to repair it, something could hit you too.

First rule of vacuum traversal vehicles (VTV): Make any vital components accessible from the inside.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
God, what are you people on?!
I'd be more worried about a universe version of the DMCA. You might need a license to edit and release a time segment as your own.

PS: How do we know you went through the legal stuff first instead of rewriting the time of the original creator? UniverseWicki?
Ahem. Need I remind people that this is the Design Philosophy forum, not the Babble forum?
In response to Spuzzum
Yeah, he was designing an interdimensional time-traveling dohickey, and he wanted some help, so naturally he posted in Design Philosophy. What are the chances of getting help with something like this in Babble?
In response to Lord of Water
amen. If I had that sort of stuff, I'd be flying. Maybe not literally, but artificially with programming and drawing icons. Course they'd probably be of swirls and flight and that sort of stuff.

Maybe we should give it a name?
In response to unimatrix
Can i have a toke on the smoke?
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
Ahem. Need I remind people that this is the Design Philosophy forum, not the Babble forum?

well, yeah it is a design forum :).
In response to Lord of Water
Good sir! I do not take drugs or anything of the such! I have altered your life already, you won't know it because of the Paradox (I beleive thats how it's spelt) Theory, in other words, what happened in the past has already happened, so if I did go back in time and change your life, it already did, so in other words I have changed your life and you don't know it because it already happened and you grew up with it. (if you want to know, you now have been altered so you can't beat Alone in the Dark: A new nightmare as both characters without dying once or looking at a guide, you also may feel some fear... BWAHAHA, I am chronos, master of time! hmmm, I think I'll go pick up that new PS7 with all the money I have after putting in all my money into a bank account in about the 1800's or 1700's, I forget.)
In response to Nadrew
The internet, mine is road runner as the internet service provider and I think it is a T1. I am also sitting on a chair with a cushion.
In response to ACWraith
ACWraith wrote:
I'd be more worried about a universe version of the DMCA. You might need a license to edit and release a time segment as your own.

PS: How do we know you went through the legal stuff first instead of rewriting the time of the original creator? UniverseWicki?

now, that's the thing, you are a true genius for noticing that I MAY have stopped the original creator, which is very smart for most people. I did not however do no such thing, oh also, DONT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT! It may sound strange but I think they are dealing with aliens, what explains the recent technology that came out in the 1900's?
In response to Geo
DONT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT! It may sound strange but I think they are dealing with aliens, what explains the recent technology that came out in the 1900's?

In response to Foomer

I'm sorry that you feel that way. Assuming you think I am on drugs is a GREAT offense, and seriously, if I had a glove you'd be slapped with it and challenged on the field of honor. I havn't, not, or every will take drugs.
In response to Geo
I didn't say you were on drugs. I said drugs explains the recent increase in technology since the 1900's.
In response to Geo
for some reason I really want to meet you in person you sound really hillarious... if you're not smoking something and you're like this then you're one hell of a cool guy I'm sure :)
In response to Jon Snow
Either that or he recently excaped one of those nifty rooms with the pads on the walls that i hate so much, since that one incident...*whistles*

In response to Rcet
Rcet wrote:
Either that or he recently excaped one of those nifty rooms with the pads on the walls that i hate so much, since that one incident...*whistles*


Y'know, I once thought of having a room in my house which will be my bedroom which will also be exactly like that, when I get a house that is, and all it will have is a desk, computer, refrigerator (to hold beer, pretzels, sandwhiches, left over pizza, ect.), futon, and a walled section which has a shower and tiolet, er add a sink, and a futon along with a 5 power outlets, a tv, a ps2 (or whatever one's out when I am old enough to get the house), my Dance Dance Revolution pad along with games, wait... heck that'd be all I need for a house, oh a phone to so I can call pizza the hut.
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
for some reason I really want to meet you in person you sound really hillarious... if you're not smoking something and you're like this then you're one hell of a cool guy I'm sure :)

Yes, I crack (no pun intended) all my friends up. No, I don't smoke anything of course, never have, never will. I also can beat about any game in a couple of days (except horror ones like Alone in the Dark: A new Nightmare, then I bring it to my friend's and we take turns... well he plays it mostly), heck I found the ocornia (spelt it wrong, yeah yeah) in Onimusha to get the special sword AND after he still couldn't beat the demon king, I tryed and killed it. He said I was lucky, sore loser :). I also beat him at Tekken 3 when I figured at the controls. I played as the one kickboxer guy who's main attacks are, of course, kicks (not Eddie, it began with a H). He played as a guy who could do rainbow kicks, so he would rainbow kick-combo me three times or four, but most of the time I could kick him away before he could rainbow kick. Also when he rented "The Bouncer" I could beat him just about any day as the one robot boss you fight with the white hair (my strategy, get in and keep hitting the Kick button, he kicks FAST and can keep doing that with proper timing until they die, or unless they block, then run back and repeat). I also im pretty good as a Axis Liutnent on Return to Castle Wolfenstien and I sniper very good on Unreal Tournement (Head shot, double kill, triple kill, multi kill, multi kill, GOD LIKE, Killing spree, ect. is my usual day). Well, now that I bragged enough, yeah most of my friend's think im cool, although at school I am well respected due to my A+ on my work. I also tend to say around 0-5 words a day at school, but at home thats another story. The teachers like me because I get good grades, follow rules, ect. and kind of let me get away with stuff. I am pretty short, but not many mind that unless they are new to middle school or never seen me.
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