In response to Alathon

I quit your game for the exact same reason Spuzzum did, complete lack of information on anything at all. I must also caution you about the skill decay. As much as realism can be good in a roleplaying game, it can also destroy it. Skill decay can be nothing but an annoying feature, forcing people to skill bot to keep up their skills at a decent level. I have personal experience with this, and the results were not very pleasant at all(This was with a MUD, and a community which has a much larger base of Roleplayers (if you know where to look). Over half the players quit after skill decay was in, simply because all it did was take away from the roleplaying.)


Once again RTFM! I'd think you guys at least check out that webpage popping up as you join the game. And I can tell you didn't read it from your comment above of "complete lack of information on anything at all". As much as I'd love to document everything right now for all of you there are still some changing in the game to where I can't document it the way I want right now. If you will read the Message Boards I've paid to have and use them you'll find all kinds of helpful and useful information on what to do. Also I've started posting Newbie Reads, which give you pointers on stuff like how to get gold once you join.

Once I have more stuff added then I plan to make an Alert pop-up if you are a new character asking if you'd like to go through a tutorial on the game. This will be an interactive map that you can walk through and it will give you examples on some of the things you can do, and give you more of a story line upon entering the game. But before I do this I need more stuff to document which is why I'm holding off on this for now. Join the game, read the webpage that comes up with the game, then click Message Boards and read through those, and then come back here and tell me what you think.

In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
Once again RTFM! I'd think you guys at least check out that webpage popping up as you join the game. And I can tell you didn't read it from your comment above of "complete lack of information on anything at all". As much as I'd love to document everything right now for all of you there are still some changing in the game to where I can't document it the way I want right now. If you will read the Message Boards I've paid to have and use them you'll find all kinds of helpful and useful information on what to do. Also I've started posting Newbie Reads, which give you pointers on stuff like how to get gold once you join.

I did check out the web page, and that comment was rather exaggerated and im sorry for that. Im fine with reading message boards, but something like this might be appropriate once entering the game : "For information on the game, or any questions you'd like to ask, please check out this." to again point the person in that direction. Not a lot of people come to a game and expect to look at a message board to find help first, they expect helpfiles. So giving them a push in the direction of a message board might be a good idea.

In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
Well I document all the tools you need to explore and get around in the game. If you'd turn your Bump Mode to Talk and then talk to the NPCs which I know from your statements you haven't they would guide you and tell what what there is to do in the game. But I guess your just more concerned with running out like a DBZer and chopping things to bit, than to try and have a conversation with a few of the locals which are there for a purpose. My game IS an RPG, not just a Hack'n'Slash :P

No, I'm not, and you apparently don't know me at all.

I'm going to drop this just for sake of your misjudgement. See you. =|
In response to LordJR

Once I have more stuff added then I plan to make an Alert pop-up if you are a new character asking if you'd like to go through a tutorial on the game.

It needs that. You know how most games plop you in the big city where you can get everything you need to get started? Right now, Kemet is like plopping you in the middle of a forest and saying "Somewhere out there is that town. You'll have to find it. And watch out for monsters."

I'm still in favor of giving players something to start with in the game, a few gold pieces at least, or maybe some items to sell. While it might be unrealistic to you, do remember that it is a game, and games are meant to be fun. If it's not fun, people won't play it.
Yes I also agree. I hate it when people come into FA and say "The dogs are to hard", yet the only reason why there hard to them is because they are used to using macros in DBZ games and having things die within a split second, yet what they are supposed to do is not just fight but also use a little strategy (ex: Not having more than one attack you at once, using potions if you need a healing (duh), look for items on the ground, and other strategys.) A real RPG isnt easy to beat. A real epic RPG is long and hard to beat, one that can keep people working at different stuff for hours on end and still have mounds of fun.
If it's possible for any of you to do this, it might be a good idea to get a static address that people can connect to (if the game is life), or if that's not an option, perhaps a link to the hub page and information on how to download BYOND. Then you could advertise your game away from the BYOND crowd, where it wouldn't get into the hands of DBZers...
In response to Spuzzum
Yes, I did, but the crocodiles chop me to bits.

Run away, I did and I got my citizenship in one day, and close to a proffesion/job.

Obscurity again. How do you get your citizenship? How do you do this? How do you do that?

All covered in the neat little browser help-file that comes up, I'm surprised you never saw this one.

If you don't make it obvious to anyone playing the game, they get bored and leave. I got bored and left.

And if you make it too obvious, it becomes very easy. Why don't I just tell everyone the way to unlock "BLANK" mode in my new game instead of letting them beat all the BLANKs to know how? Better yet, why not have the mode at the start instead of earning it? Oh, no, how about if I instead make it tell how to unlock every hidden BLANK? No, it doesn't stop, why dont I just have it all unlocked? That will take all the fun out of a game. (The BLANK is used to cover things I dont want to say about... er..... something you dont know that deals with byond)
In response to Geo

And if you make it too obvious, it becomes very easy.

Most games start easy and get harder as you progress. It's more fun that way, because if gives you a chance to learn the game. It wouldn't be much fun to play games that expect you to know everything at the beginning, then get easier as you play, would it?
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
And if you make it too obvious, it becomes very easy.

Most games start easy and get harder as you progress. It's more fun that way, because if gives you a chance to learn the game. It wouldn't be much fun to play games that expect you to know everything at the beginning, then get easier as you play, would it?

That is my exact point. Thank you for saying that. I am saying that basicly, why don't I just throw a shit load of ways to unlock stuff or gain new things when they start, when instead I let the players find out.
In response to Geo
Yes, but you see, the difference is that other games don't expect you to know stuff. Kemet kinda does...
In response to Alathon
I believe Spuzzum's point is this, and I definately agree with it.

You get plopped into this world, you know nothing about. You are told to get citizenship. What will citizenship help you? you dont know. How do you acquire citizenship? You don't know. As much as ignorance can be bliss in an RPG, it can also be too much.

A new player logs in and sees this: a complete lack of documentation.

What is this age coming to? People don't like reading anymore O_O! I got the citizenship in one day and I skimmed the documentation to find things that I wanted to know, like where to get the citizenship and how much it costs. A complete lack of documentation? Ha... Haha... Hahahaha.... I really have found it to include everything you need to know. Nothing more or less. Why arn't you making the money you need? You need to explore. Dont like exploring? Well, then wait 'till most of the skills come out, like dancing which I myself need on the game.

I quit your game for the exact same reason Spuzzum did, complete lack of information on anything at all. I must also caution you about the skill decay. As much as realism can be good in a roleplaying game, it can also destroy it. Skill decay can be nothing but an annoying feature, forcing people to skill bot to keep up their skills at a decent level. I have personal experience with this, and the results were not very pleasant at all(This was with a MUD, and a community which has a much larger base of Roleplayers (if you know where to look). Over half the players quit after skill decay was in, simply because all it did was take away from the roleplaying.)

Take away from roleplaying? Honestly, if you don't practice something, you start losing your "knack" for it. If I left coding for five years, and I went and saw a blank sheet woth the name looking me straight in the face. I sure as hell wouldn't know what to do. If I was a veteraned warrior who slew 10 orcs all by myself, and retired after losing my right ear from the blade of a orc to become a blacksmith, then a couple of orcs invaded my home three or four years later, I would not be able to fight them off really well. I could wield it as blacksmiths are very strong, but not as fine as I could if I retained my warrior proffesion.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Yes, but you see, the difference is that other games don't expect you to know stuff. Kemet kinda does...

That is kinda wrong. You see, other games expect you to read a manuel it gives you before playing... have you done so, entirely?
In response to Geo
Pah. No one reads the manual.

Stop arguing with everyone and go work on Monster World :oP
In response to Foomer
Well said!
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Pah. No one reads the manual.

.... that is actually quite saddening....... Today's american people dont like reading anymore..... when will you people realize reading is alot better than watching a movie based off the book?

Stop arguing with everyone and go work on Monster World :oP

That game is discontinued and is now floating with the rest of the garbage littering my land fill folder in my computer named "BYOND". And I do not tend to call it work, more like senseless toil.
In response to LordJR
This is me applauding LordJR! You must have quite a game man! I wish I could play it but in case you didn't see that part I wish to remain uninfluenced by Kemet. which is a sad thing considering I have never played it and I can't get enough of people complaining about... dude I hope someday I can see the results you are getting.
In response to Geo

.... that is actually quite saddening....... Today's american people dont like reading anymore..... when will you people realize reading is alot better than watching a movie based off the book?

They just realize that playing the game is more fun than reading the manual.
In response to Foomer
i think the idea behind kemet(again i haven't played kemet) is that of life. you earn what you get in life, and even in the beginning life isn't always easy.
In response to Foomer
They just realize that playing the game is more fun than reading the manual.

It seems thats why many people ask other to help them and give them free stuff (well well, what does this remind you of :)?). No wonder about seventy five percent of the people who do think the game is very hard because the have no idea on what to do and get started.
In response to Canar
Yeah, but the idea of games is to have fun. Life isn't fun, that's why we play games!
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