Mar 1 2002, 10:20 pm
When I first found byond the first game I played was a DBZ game... I played it for awhile and liked it... but I thought it was a little strange, it reminded me oh so much of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest which if I remember correctly was designed to teach small children how to play rpgs. then when byond gamers grow out of this pbag stage they look for something that will give them more of a challenge and yet still offers some sort of unique and fun gameplay... maybe byond doesn't have this game yet, but there are plenty of games out their that can bring byond gamers away from the pbag syndrome and open their mind to the limitless capabilities... maybe this is the direction byond games should be heading, in the direction of Kemet... or maybe you have something in your own mind worth putting to code...
Mar 1 2002, 10:24 pm
Now if we can just get past that big problem. Pbag games are easy to make and easy to finish, and therefore they're abundant. Decent games are harder to make and yet harder to finish, and therefore quite rare :oP Especially if they're Spuzzum's.
Personally, I'd like to see more BYOND games heading in the direction of DWO or Tanks or MLAAS (finally tried it!). DWO is huge and is now totally different than anything else on BYOND with the new menu systems, Tanks is an all around excellent game that is quite polished and very fun to play, and MLAAS is incredibly creative and unique, not to mention addicting.
In response to Fader
hey man, if you think so, go for it!
In response to Foomer
how about this... an open source game where the source is posted at a remote location that way only those who can be trusted can help to contribute... just an idea but that supergame is starting to reappear...
In response to Fader
Yep, all three of those games are good examples of what BYOND can truly accomplish.
My games would be too if I could just get the !&$%ing things finished! =) |
I think "pbag syndrome" is a good term period. It relates a mindset to something implemented in BYOND without ticking off those who don't let their love of DBZ influence their code or manners. Use "pbagger" instead of "DBZer" and you'll have less people to argue with. You'll be able to concentrate on game design and player behavior without having to sort through opinions on the quality of some other media.
In response to Canar
No, I'm doing that. You can't.