i want to make it so that an object gives you certain verbs but only when a certain variable is true...
for instance I want to be able to Slash() with a sword and that looks like this...
//slash code here
then I want it so that when the character gains so much experience he can use a new attack. I have the exp var defined I just need to know how I make it where the verb only appears in the menu when the exp is so much.
Mar 2 2002, 12:20 am
In response to Rcet
i tried that long before i posted here. i would get a runtime error or a compilation error when I tried to create the verb after the certain var was achieved...
In response to Canar
It may not be very pretty but you can just add and remove the verbs manually like this:
obj/Sword/proc Slash() set src in usr //attack code Super_Slash() set src in usr //attack code Super_Duper_Slash() set src in usr //attack code Attack_Check() var/mob/M = loc if(M.exp > 500 && M.exp < 1000) verbs -= /obj/Sword/proc/Slash //remove old attack verbs += /obj/Sword/proc/Super_Slash //add new attack else if(M.exp >= 1000 && M.exp < 2000) verbs -= /obj/Sword/proc/Super_Slash verbs += /obj/Sword/proc/Super_Duper_Slash mob/proc Level_Up() equiped.Attack_Check() //equiped is the mob var pointing to what is equiped //rest of levelup code If you need any further explanation of this just ask. |
In response to English
thanks I'll try that and see if I like that better than what I already had.
Hope i helped.