I was messing around with stuff today and posted a couple of my video productions that I have done for my school newscast on my website. Quicktime player is required to view them, they are pretty small files-go here to check them out (the links are in the news section) or if that doesn't work.
SilkWizard wrote:
I was messing around with stuff today and posted a couple of my video productions that I have done for my school newscast on my website. Quicktime player is required to view them, they are pretty small files-go here to check them out (the links are in the news section) or if that doesn't work.

Hey, cool! That last cheerleader gave you her phone number... hehe! ;)

That's great! You need to put up your DDR videos... -cackles-
Sigh... if my computer wasn't such a piece of crap I would be able to watch them..
yeah man looks good! :)
You on ur way to becoming a reporter??

In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
You on ur way to becoming a reporter??

That's what I'm hoping to become-although I may go the way of a writer or producer type person, but we'll see. I could end up working at Wal Mart...ick.
In response to SilkWizard
Well I'm in the Media biz as well, and can tell you got some raw talent there! If you keep working on it, and do an internship I'm sure some local news agency could pick ya up! ;)

In response to LordJR
Thanks! A couple of my friends and I are producing a show for a local public access channel, but I hope that a lot more opportunities will presents themselves after I graduate high school this year and head to college.