Mar 7 2002, 11:41 am
Did you make your icons for FFO in the editors iconeditor? if not what did you use.
Mar 7 2002, 11:42 am
And give me 5 dimes
In response to Creatures Of The Night
Creatures Of The Night wrote:
And give me 5 dimes OLRORFLMAO. you are gonna get in trouble if you dont stop... |
In response to Canar
Stop what
P.s Give me 5 dimes |
In response to Creatures Of The Night
asking for the dimes in a thread about raekwon's FFO icons its not bothering me and for all I know it is bumping it but you might get griped at by one of the other guys around here.
In response to Nadrew
I know that but he did something to them, they look different.
In response to Canar
Chances are the emulator made them look different.
In response to Foomer
I don't know they dont look as blocky as most of the graphics on byond. they look somehow smoother...
In response to Canar
It's all relative to the graphics... Most BYOND graphics are usually "blocky" because they're ripped from something else and resized. Most original graphics are smooth, if they're done right.
In response to Foomer
have you played that game? if you look at those graphics something looks different. If there isn't anything special he did I want to learn how to do that.
In response to Canar
Maby he used the 'soften' filter and then the 'sharpen more' filter on PSP... I tried it (with PSP4 and I got pretty cool results... But anyway you look at it, they are ripped graphics...
In response to Creatures Of The Night
Creatures Of The Night wrote:
Stop what Creatures of the night: dryd ec Bucd Pisbehk, yht paehk Lame yd dra cysa desa If/When I Rip Icons, I dont use an Emulator, I use somthing like TLP and rip them, then color them |
In response to Pillsverry
Pillsverry wrote:
Creatures of the night: dryd ec Bucd Pisbehk, yht paehk Lame yd dra cysa desa I'm disappointed. If you're going to come up with a pathetic substitutional cipher, the least you could do is not drop words like "Lame" in as cleartext (unless you actually meant a word in the form of _e_i, which I highly doubt considering such words are rare and the best letters are already taken). Lummox JR Cipcdedideuh? Craacr! |
In response to Dreq
I know the graphics were ripped I just wanted to know how I could get graphics that looked so smooth.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Pillsverry wrote: I`m Disappointed that you think that that is made up gibberish! That happens to be Al Bhed! it says: Creatures of the night: that is Post Bumping, and being Lame at the same time I forgot that you ARE supposed to translate things such as "lame" and "stupid". My bad! Oui yna fnuhk ypuid ed paehk "bydradel cipcdedideuhym lebran" :pillsverry Oui yna cdiiiiibet!, palyica oui yna cdiiiiiiiibet! |
In response to Pillsverry
Pillsverry wrote:
I`m Disappointed that you think that that is made up gibberish! No, I said a pathetic substitutional cipher. I understood it well enough, but noticed "Lame" was in cleartext (which seemed obvious from the way it failed to decode as well as how it fit the context). it says: Precisely what I figured out, minus the improper encoding of "Lame", although your misuse of capitalization is a bit unnerving. Oui yna fnuhk ypuid ed paehk "bydradel cipcdedideuhym lebran" Uh dra luhdnyno, ymm cipcdedideuhym lebranc yna ayco du taluta. Dryd'c fro ed'c bydradel. :pillsverry Ech'd dryd lenlimyn naycuhehk? Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Precisely what I figured out, minus the improper encoding of "Lame",I told you, the improper decoding of "Lame" was an accident although your misuse of capitalization is a bit unnerving.So? Its a bad habbit Ouin buehd paehk?Oui yna cdiiiiibet!, palyica oui yna cdiiiiiiiibet! |
In response to Canar
They're not made that way in PSP, because Soften or Sharpen would cause anti-aliasing effects and make the graphics incompatable with BYOND (or at least make 'em look bad).
Zsnes has a graphics feature called "Super Eagle" that causes that effect. |
In response to Pillsverry
Just to go with the flow...
Uhsuro 'uru ' slyuoklyo yspyor alduror lospyorgyogu suro 'uru ' syllyo. ospyord, dorspyor yulsuo! yulsuotoy´ru yspyorslyrlyo ...u uo work ospyor uhrul...ur...yD. spyorow or ...ysu droly oll ...yo wospyordurstoyl sucruju lyrodoyucus ospyord go work ospyor ...yo lospyorgyogus so...u ...oru, ospyord ...oku ospyoru ...odulud ostaldur uhsuro 'uru ' doyybbursuro h yulsuo oru slyuoklyo. oh, or o... slyuoklyo yspyor doyybbursuro h ujul, doyysu bucoysu yulsuo oru, ospyord yulsuo suorujud yu. yalds. Hulysu o spyorycu doyo. If you can translate that, I'll give you a cookie. |