Anyone have their own saving code, I know I sound ridiculous for asking this, but I can't quite get down putting save procs. Using deadrons with the HUD system just wont work, all I need is an example, a path, a light, that could show me how to make save procs.

The basic setup for a save proc is this:

var/savefile/F = new("savefilename.sav") //use your own savefilename

Once you've got the savefile variable you need to decide what you want to save and where you want to save it. If you want to save the current players mob you might do this: = "/[ckey]" //this will change the files current directory to the players ckey
F["name"] << name //save characters name
F["level"] << level //save characters level

You can do it like that or you can save the entire mob all at once like this:
F << src

Then when you want to load the savefile just do the opposite:
var/savefile/F = new("savefilename.sav") //be sure to use same name in save and load procs = "/[ckey]" //change directory to the players directory
F["name"] >> name
F["level"] >> level
F >> src

if you want to get any deeper than this I suggest you read Deadron's savefile tutorial which explains these concepts in more depth and with greater detail.
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