in the geam of life i have found one that lives as long as it dose not run into anything.. and it also moves across the screen


it looks like this.. try it out! and post any other cool life stuff here!
The one that looks like this walks across the screen, too:

Just so you know.
Good find, Jobe -- it's called a "glider" and on large maps, they can do many cool things. In fact, I think with a large enough (i.e., HUGE) map, Life can even simulate a computer. If you're interested, check out and search on "Conway's Life". It's fascinating stuff.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
Good find, Jobe -- it's called a "glider" and on large maps, they can do many cool things. In fact, I think with a large enough (i.e., HUGE) map, Life can even simulate a computer. If you're interested, check out and search on "Conway's Life". It's fascinating stuff.

Speaking of, I officially made the switch to as my homepage rather than ( was too boring to have).

AltaVista practically reeks now! Good ol' Google is not only more intuitive, but it is faster. AltaVista was better a long time ago, too.
In response to Spuzzum
I once, was a altavista lover, but now like Google much more. I still like altavista. But Google grew on me. Sorry for calling you a Google-Lover Gug :P
In response to Foomer
actually this is that same one. only yours is walking north west and is int the second or forth satge. you see there are four stages to this "Bug" in witch it uses to move. the only problem is it can only move dialginal.

if anyone can find a "Bug" that can move up, down, left and right please let me know. im trying to see how meany bugs i can get in one game at a time without them reacting to each other.
In response to Gughunter
Gughunter wrote:
Good find, Jobe -- it's called a "glider" and on large maps, they can do many cool things. In fact, I think with a large enough (i.e., HUGE) map, Life can even simulate a computer. If you're interested, check out and search on "Conway's Life". It's fascinating stuff.

I seem to recall from way back someone constructing a "glider gun." It was a very large group of cells that spit an infinite number of gliders out one at a time.
In response to jobe
no. actually this is the same glider in a differant phase.

now something ive been thinking about. if you were to create one big enof. could it simulate life? could you create a true cellular orginism useing Life? if you could the requirements would be hard to meet.

1. it would have to be able to reproduce

2. it would have to be able to repair itself. (if i sent a glider into its cell wall it would have to be able to quikly destroy it and replace the missing areas befor the entire cell gets out of control.)

3. it would have to be able to recognise its own kind and know how to stay move around it to stay safe.

4. it would have to be able to grow and use pocets or other amomalys as food or energy. (the easyest would be to creat one that uses
xx "boxes"
as energy and produces
x x "ovals"
witch another kind would use and produce boxes.

5. it would have to have some sort of safeguard agenst chaos! as anyone who has ever played life as heen.. when you build a spaceship and someone places one dot right next to it the entire thing turns to chaos. useually ending in pleanty of boxes and ovals as it energy is droped and stored. the only problem is if one cell happens to goto chaos how are the others to stop and contain it without blowing up themselves?

my thought on most of these is that it would have to have a larg outerwall to do most of the calculations of the outside. (Ie. grap energy and prosses it to the center, dissolve intruders and rebuild itself) and the inside would have to create and store oscillators to be used for reproduction.

as i am soon to be a freashmen in college studing computer theary i am seariously considering this to be my thesis.

if i sucseed, i am giveing making the build of the cell or cells availible to the public. and will host and open server contest once a year in hope someone has created another cell or a virus for mine. probly give away a prize if so, dunno what it be yet, but i know the winners creation would be in the next years open server in order to create and entire computerized ecosystem. but i dunno if i can make one yet so that is most likely irrelevent. still it would RULE!

"It's not that hard.. you just have to be god"
forgot who said it.. but someone did.

Jobe, The God of Fire
ok if anyone knows of anything like life or any life games with differant sort of rules.. i would much apreciate it if you gave me the url.
thank you.
In response to jobe

oh oh oh.. give me a few days.. just a few day.. oh god i need a cig. hehehe LOL! oh man.. hehe this is going to be good. hehe if someone discovers elctronic life you think hell get a prize? hehe the cell wall is going to be hard.. but hehe i suppose i dont need it as long as this just reproduces and grows. and dies. two frome one. four from two.

i need end tabs. they are not stable. they need end tabs or they will break apart into 4 of the spaceships used to create them.. then they turn to the helix and then the helix breaks into more spaceships..

ok, cant think.. if anyone can think of a tab to stop growth from and end that looks like

x x
x x x
x x

please let me know.. becase only i know what the center rector looks like and if you help ill letya in on this.

we need to stablize the ends!