In response to Skysaw
Heh, I have kids older than most of the people here. My son will be 18 in July. I'm beginning to feel really old...

<grabs his cane and shuffles off to take a nap>
In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
I gave you some pointers. ;-)

I'll beat you to it and give her a bunch:
int ptr*;
int pointer*;
char ch_ptr*:


I was pondering that definition, but didn't think anyone would go for it. =)

Is that C or C++? I thought the address-of operator was supposed to go before the variable name in C++ (some people prefer int* ptr, but I disagree with that), so either that's C, or my teacher lied. =)
In response to Spuzzum
It must be C. I just switched the asterisk around on one of the pointers in a crappy game of mine, and the compiler spewed five errors at me.
In response to Spuzzum
Heh, thats me having not programmed C/C++ in years and putting the reference operator in the wrong place. D'oh.

You're right, it goes before the variable name.

In response to AbyssDragon
wow it took me like 20 min to read that i dont post often but im 15 so uh yeah.
I hereby deem this one of the longest posts of all time. (It takes up my entire Babble page)
In response to Foomer
Also one of the most useless.
In response to Alienman22774
Alienman22774 wrote:
it seems that all the people on BYOND are close to the same age or only a few years different. interesting...

Am i the youngest in 11....
In response to Thief Jack
No. You're not there's 7-10 year olds at BYOND.
In response to Foomer
*wishes he knew stuff, so that he could complete his stupid fencing system*

A dime to the person who tells me what the difference between a Foil and an Epee is!
In response to Lord of Water
There really isn't much of a difference between a foil and an epée physically. In fencing competitions, though, there are different rules for where you can hit with the three allowed weapons--foil, epée, or sabre.

In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
13, born on October the 26th of 1988. I am the re-birth of some-powerful-mage's-name-I-don't-remember-or-know-of! yes, I was born very close to halloween, so no jokes, or I may have to ask the undead to steal your candy (or car, or something if you dont have any candy) on halloween!

I was born on the 29th of that same month, so pbbbbbth. ;-)

Dude, you have a great birthday. My daughter, Valerie, was also born October 29.

In response to Bootyboy
Don't get me wrong, but if your a dad shoudn't your name be BootyDad ?? Lol
- Rae
In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
Don't get me wrong, but if your a dad shoudn't your name be BootyDad ?? Lol
- Rae

Shadowdarke is a dad. Should he be ShadowDad? No.
Dan is a dad. Should he be Dandad? No.
BootyBoy is a dad. Should he be BootyDad? No.

In response to Vortezz
Dandad.. now that sounds funny..
ShadowDad... that sounds funny to :P
- Rae
In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
Don't get me wrong, but if your a dad shoudn't your name be BootyDad ?? Lol
- Rae

Hehe... doesn't quite have that fun alliteration that BootyBoy does... perhaps I should reincarnate myself as DoodyDad -- sorta fits since I've been doing my daughter's Doody cleanup.

In response to Bootyboy
eww lol 3 more years and ill have to be doing that -_-
- Rae
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
Shadowdarke is a dad. Should he be ShadowDad? No.

I think that "Shadowdaddy" has more of a ring to it :P

Dan is a dad. Should he be Dandad? No.

Hmm, I cant seem to think one up for Dan yet ;) So yea :P

BootyBoy is a dad. Should he be BootyDad? No.

Nor can I say anything for this one but BootyBoys reply about DoodyDad seems pretty cool ^_^

But hey, I am used to the original Keys so if you do any changes I am gonna have to re-do your mistakes and beat y'all to a pulp so you realise your mistakes...<small>*then I get my butt whooped so badly I cant do nothing for the rest of my life*</small>


Just me and my cruddy humour right now, I am pretty hyper today I dont know why, maybe because I know whats going to happen later but hey...I like being happy so :P

In response to Mellifluous
You know someone will ask this so I will :) What is happening later???

Stealth2k =D
In response to Tazor07
11, born october 9, 1990.
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