Wouldn't a BYOND CGI do the trick? Deadron uses a .dmb for ByondBwicki. It looks like (but may not be the case) BYONDscape does something similar, at least for subscription content.
I imagine it would... I can't remember if that was one of the options Dan and I discussed or not. Only problem I can think of, offhand, is that for some pages it might not be appropriate to add the site formatting.
I do not know this SSI of which you speak, but I'll look it up.
Ironically, I liked the bathroom tiles too. They probably would have had to go eventually anyway, but I liked them a lot better than the cream--and in fact they'd look better against a white background anyway.
I'm thinking of adding some Mark II Bathroom Tiles. We'll see! As for the cream, well, I don't know... is there a JavaScript command to change the tint of a web page? If so, maybe I could provide a de-creamer button.
I like the top bar fine--although I think it could stand to be thinner.
Makes sense. I'll try it.
In Netscape, the logo as-is overhangs the lower edge anyway. (I think it's a margin thing, though the redundant </img> tag and some whitespace between the <body> and </body> tags might not be helping.)
I'll clean up those tags.
The left frame would be easier to deal with, I think, if it too was thinner. Rendering the text links as graphical buttons would allow you to make that smaller and pretty it up while still serving the same purpose--and you could even put the bathroom tiles there to appease Z. (I think they'd look good there, at least in the current design.)
Yep, thinner would be good, and buttons could be nice too. I'll tinker with it.
Looking at the source, I think I see the problem on the left frame that keeps the gradient from appearing there: The <TD> tag it's in has no in the cell. Netscape requires this. The gradient appears on the right because that table cell has content.
I'll add a space.
I definitely like the idea of putting meat at the top.
This'll probably be the first change I make -- I have a tentative table written up already.
I'd like to see a look similar to http://www.webmonkey.com, With four boxes containing brief descriptions for the latest articles, and also links to the entire archive, and in a nice frames-free format. Once you click on individual pages, the content gets centered into an area of about 400x400 or so (I think) and the edges are used for the menu.