Here is something I found that gives even those who can't draw hope!

I wonder if he died:P
In response to Super16
Does it really matter at this point?
LordJR wrote:
Here is something I found that gives even those who can't draw hope!
<funny animation here>

Wow, that is the funniest **** thing I have seen in a long time. Yes, to people like Foomer and Spuzzum who have a "serious" sense of humor, I have a "stupid" sense of humor and find this hillarious :).
Reminds me of Looney Toons with Wile E.(I think thats it) Coyote. I can just picture him falling all the way down there.
In response to Super16
There is a 3 part story of that one. If you go to the website and check it out. Some of it is just plain stupid and suggest or show sexual interludes, which I didn't care much more. But some of it is funny.

In response to Ebonshadow
Wow, that is the funniest **** thing I have seen in a long time. Yes, to people like Foomer and Spuzzum who have a "serious" sense of humor, I have a "stupid" sense of humor and find this hillarious :).

I have a serious sense of humour?! Oh, no! I'd better go see a doctor!
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
Wow, that is the funniest **** thing I have seen in a long time. Yes, to people like Foomer and Spuzzum who have a "serious" sense of humor, I have a "stupid" sense of humor and find this hillarious :).

I have a serious sense of humour?! Oh, no! I'd better go see a doctor!

Hey those were your exact words when I posted that thing about osama. At least I think they were, I'll go check...
[edit] nope I guess not. I know either you or foomer said it once though. Maybe it was in ensya, that time when Fooms threw me in jail for looking at is old white floating balls. Or whatever.
In response to Ebonshadow
I think Foomer is one of those guys we'd called weird if we knew them in real life. All by themselves in their own worlds! If not for the internet I'm sure most of the insanity of people's mind would never filter out as it does.

Posted in jest...

In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
I think Foomer is one of those guys we'd called weird if we knew them in real life. All by themselves in their own worlds! If not for the internet I'm sure most of the insanity of people's mind would never filter out as it does.

I'm not insane. I'm just less than completely sane. There's a difference. YOU GOT THAT?!

Oh, wait, you were talking about Foomer. I can't vouch for him.

* Spuzzum sits up in his empty bedroom. "No, Mr. Bibbles, I didn't tell them about you." He appears to be listening and then smiles. "Oh, okay then. Thank you, Mr. Bibbles."
LordJR wrote:
Here is something I found that gives even those who can't draw hope!


LOL. I laughed right out of my chair.
In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
I think Foomer is one of those guys we'd called weird if we knew them in real life. All by themselves in their own worlds! If not for the internet I'm sure most of the insanity of people's mind would never filter out as it does.

That's more true than you know ;o)