I was thinking of a good/effecient way to go and make a mission/deed system. Like random terrian, random bad villian, random objective. But when somebody goes on a mission, they can't leave it until its solved. But also allow for team missions. This way if your investigating the muesuem, captian nobody won't be able to come in and beat your mission. Any ideas?
![]() Apr 11 2002, 1:17 pm
![]() Apr 11 2002, 1:22 pm
Make the quest items/baddies/whatevers invisible to ANYONE other than the person accepting the quest/deed. Then Captain Nobody can't see what you're attacking or picking up. Making a whole new map just to do it on takes up more space and resources, so that is not feasible. Good luck with the system.
That is a way of doing it, and not too bad, but visibilty may not solve it completely, If somebody knew the mission things were there, they could still talk/get/fondel whatever is there.
Maybe take it one step farther then.
Dunno if its feasable, Im just a designer >:P But implement a numbered variable. Each player gets one to start with, and then any time they start a mission / whatever, any mobs / objects / whatever that they need get that var as well. Then for (and this is the tough part) -everything- that can be interacted with (through any verbs, through bump, click, etc etc etc) put in a check to see if thier allowed to. If the numbers dont match, then they cant interact with it. Then use the visibility thing, and maybe make them non-dense if someone with the wrong number bumps them / whatever. For multiplayer, maybe give each player a second numbered var. They join up with a mission leader, and they get the leaders number, and POOF, they can see and interact with stuff.. Prolly a bit of work, but if its feasable I think itd work.. Elorien |
JordanUl wrote:
That is a way of doing it, and not too bad, but visibilty may not solve it completely, If somebody knew the mission things were there, they could still talk/get/fondel whatever is there. Player 1: "Hey, The Ugly Bean. I am here to challenge you!" [other player walks up, sees Player 1 standing alone, and grabs out blindly] The Ugly Bean: "Oh! Fresh!" |
Okay, here is something what I am going to do (for right now, I am working on the inspectation based missions). An inpspector comes up and asks all Do-Gooders to investigate [X] crime. There will be clues scattered in a given area (aka parking lot). And the clues will be hidden(don't know how I could do this without it being too obvious). And only the person that is inspecting that mission can get those clues. That way your weak ass side kick (Robin >:D) can help you out. And some clues can be put together (thanks GECK :P). And when they are done, they give it to the inspector. But, I was thinking: If there are no investigations, there can't be any battle missions. Example
I get a misison to investigate the parking lot robbery, I find all the clues and link it to one person or his group. Then I would have that investigation mission turn into an availabe action mission (where you actually engage the enemy.) But, if there are no investigations finished, then there can't BE AN ACTION MISSION. Any ideas on how this could be done? If detective punker robber(a player) doesn't finish an inspection, Action Jackson(a player) can't go on the mission to attack the perpetraitor. So people won't just be inclined to do action missions. And heroes help each other out. (Still need to think of missions for villians help please?) Thanks for reading -Sariat |