one thing i dont really get is why curse words are sucha bad thing. go to any other forum and they are all over the place and nobody cares.
why is it that when i come to this forum, if i say a four letter word, i get yelled at for immaturity? i am starting to think this forum is under a dictatorship i am not taking sides with dice or the majority, i am just confused and want to point out things that you may not have noticed thank you |
OMG IT WASNT AN ANALOGY LOL LOL LOL yeah real funny...if your a dork like that... do you laugh at someone in school if they pronounce a huge word wrong?
i am seeing no humor in this topic or in any topic assassin has ever posted in.
if you think flaws are funny, then thats cool. and if you did, you would be lowering yourself to green dice's level. think about it. thank you |
You actually have to have a pretty high level of intellegence to find humor in one of Lexy's "funny" posts. I don't find humor in flaws, I find humor in the way Lexy uses wit to make a funny remark.
but it isnt funny! only you and the lesbian seem to think so. i am starting to think you two might be the same people.
i am not sure at this point. |
So basically making fun of a flaw...thats the way she used it as if im offended by it! it just shows how much time someone has. no its nto a good thing using your time to nitpick at peopels posts to find some flaw to act on. HAHAHA SO FUNNIE SO FUNNIE!
Ha! Hardly. I'm sure many of the "oldbies" here can find the humor in Lexy's posts, and the "oldbies" can also tell you for a fact Lexy and I aren't one in the same.
Ok Nads. Oldbies...that rarely make games... that sit in their chairs refreshing the forum so they can give their say in every topic
I don't see what problem you have with people following rules and with people that enforce the rules. If you don't like the rules leave, simple enough? Most of us respect Dantom enough to follow the rules they set for the forum THEY MADE. I wouldn't be suprised if you end up banned for your stupid posts, so if you want to continue posting here I suggest you learn what rules are and how to follow them.
Nadrew wrote:
I don't see what problem you have with people following rules and with people that enforce the rules. If you don't like the rules leave, simple enough? Most of us respect Dantom enough to follow the rules they set for the forum THEY MADE. I wouldn't be suprised if you end up banned for your stupid posts, so if you want to continue posting here I suggest you learn what rules are and how to follow them. i love the way you prove everything i just said! go to any other forums and there is forum monitors but they dont care if you swear. they know this thing called freedom of speech (maybe you haev heard of it) and they only monitor posts if it racist or worse. by anyone saying a swear word, they're making this word seem like a hate crime. i respect the rules up until the point that they get out of hand, like 30 posts all about a swear word, which is uncanny. i understan this many posts on a racist word but not a swear. if you dont realize this, then you are not very openminded and are committed to the fact that there is no such thing as a loophole, or perhaps a retarded law. also, what does your post have to with anything about my camparisons. i dont think you get them. |
There's also the right to censorship. Dantom can censor whatever they want, and ban people for it to. This is a forum where 8-10 year old kids as well as teenagers and adults post, young children shouldn't be subjected to language like that, and that's where moderators come in. I'm a moderator on a few forums myself, and I don't allow bad language on any of them, for just that reason.
Deck, you're really not understanding much of what's going on here... first of all, Nadrew and I definitely aren't the same person. Yes, he tends to agree with me, but I definitely don't tend to agree with him.
Secondly, I'm not admitting a flaw in saying that my metaphor is a bad analogy. A metaphor can't be a good analogy. A metaphor is not an analogy. If I had wanted to make an analogy, I would have. Saying my metaphor doesn't work as an analogy is no more admitting a flaw than admitting a car doesn't work as a boat. Anyways, Deck, you're already on Nadrew and Lummox's bad lists, which isn't admittedly very hard, but I suggest you avoid these kinds of long threads, which will no doubt keep cropping up until the moderator system is finished... you're just digging yourself into a deeper hole all the time. |
Nadrew wrote:
There's also the right to censorship. Dantom can censor whatever they want, and ban people for it to. This is a forum where 8-10 year old kids as well as teenagers and adults post, young children shouldn't be subjected to language like that, and that's where moderators come in. I'm a moderator on a few forums myself, and I don't allow bad language on any of them, for just that reason. if you ask anyone who is not a moron, they will agree to this phrase "f*** censorship!" (astericks are stupid) and obvioulsy i can tell that you are a conformist. is this true nadrew? are you a conformist. once again you say nothing about my comparisons, you dont get them. |
Freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want and the government can't stop you. It doesn't mean you can walk into someone else's house and say whatever you want. This forum is someone else's property... we are all here only because Dantom has granted us the privelige to be here... it is only polite to obey their rules voluntarily. They didn't really put anything in place to enforce their rules consistently, because they assumed that people would appreciate BYOND enough to willingly go along with their wishes. People like Green Dice (and now you) have proven them to be wrong.
This isn't about one swear word... this is about Green Dice repeatedly abusing the forum's community standards and ignoring warnings. Pretty soon, you won't see 30 posts asking people to stop swearing. You will see swears being removed... and if that's not enough, you will the swearers being removed as well. We've tried doing this the nice way. Some people just had to go and ruin it. |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Deck, you're really not understanding much of what's going on here... first of all, Nadrew and I definitely aren't the same person. Yes, he tends to agree with me, but I definitely don't tend to agree with him. blah blah blah, dont care, dont care. i could care less about alliances. Secondly, I'm not admitting a flaw in saying that my metaphor is a bad analogy. A metaphor can't be a good analogy. A metaphor is not an analogy. If I had wanted to make an analogy, I would have. Saying my metaphor doesn't work as an analogy is no more admitting a flaw than admitting a car doesn't work as a boat. congratulanions! i am proud that you know the difference. would you know the difference between a simile and a metaphor?see, what i jsut said has nothing to do with anything, jsut like every single one of your posts. Anyways, Deck, you're already on Nadrew and Lummox's bad lists, which isn't admittedly very hard, but I suggest you avoid these kinds of long threads, which will no doubt keep cropping up until the moderator system is finished... you're just digging yourself into a deeper hole all the time. ooooooooooh crap! i am on someone's bad list on a forum! omg i hope they dont come and beat me up over posts on forums! why would i care to be on someones bad list. if i can get on it that easy, they dont accept opposite views and once again show their close mindedness. i love how your prove my posts without you know it, good stuff. |
how is admitting (sp?) her analogy is bad show how she is good at arguments. she points out and exposes her own flaws, and rascals like green dice can jump all over it.
i dont get how she is good