oook i know this is a BIG question but can somebody send me SOMe codes in order cuz i dont know where to put them.i mean there alwais comes a bug/error and i hawe to fix it.(i REALLY need the blue book).

Click on the link to the left that says "Tutorials" and then click on the one that says "RPGtutorial".
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Click on the link to the left that says "Tutorials" and then click on the one that says "RPGtutorial".

:/ um dont u think i hawe tried that :/

my problem is that when i get a new code i dont know where to put it in the there always comes an ERROR see what i am saying :/
In response to Ashcool
Then your not reading the comments, because had you read the comment fields, you would understand what goes where. Thats what they're there for.

I'll give you a very basic outline to set up for any game regardless.






For an RPG I recommend opening up a seperate DM file for each of these, also an additional one for NPCs.
Now this is the frame work, you go find the code to fill in the spaces and you'll have your own game.

In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
Then your not reading the comments, because had you read the comment fields, you would understand what goes where. Thats what they're there for.

I'll give you a very basic outline to set up for any game regardless.






For an RPG I recommend opening up a seperate DM file for each of these, also an additional one for NPCs.

:/ um ok
Now this is the frame work, you go find the code to fill in the spaces and you'll have your own game.

In response to Ashcool
Have you tried ZBT as well?
In response to Ashcool
just read the tutorials and faqs or buy the blue book its only 25 dollars