Does anyone happen to know of a good tutorial or demo on verb panel manipulation. Such as placing verbs into lists under the panel. or adding a verb under a certain stat in the panel.I know how to add the verbs to categories but can't seem to get them under a specific statpanel() and if i could i would like to get them under a specific stat in that stat panel.Any guidence to these would be a great help thank you.
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verb -= mob/MyVerb //Remove your Verb
The code above will add and remove it where you place it.
set category = "MyVerb Tab" // This places the verb under a different tab other than Verbs
<<Do you ever your verb does here>>
The code above sets your Verb up also with set category it will create a new tab called "MyVerb Tab" you can call it whatever you want.
ps. This belongs in Newbie Central, please post there from now on.