In response to GreenDice
i think your being a hypocrite(sp?) on this one because you would be putting your brother and yourself into this category and i tell you 75% of the people who are on byond like rock and rock type music and hate rap so 'ghetto' wouldnt be the firhgt term and you would be also affiliating it with racial qualities in a manner.

I dont see why "Ghetto"'s have to do with music, typing, or anything of the such. In world war 2, The Nazi's forced Jewish people to live in ghettos. really, i dont think this stuff has to do with a "ghetto". But what word would I have in anything, I am just a 13 year old kid who was on hear since he was 11 and only 10 people used byond and there were GoB's and I'm not even a well known coder, right?
In response to GreenDice
GreenDice wrote:
Dracon wrote:
3) The Ghetto People. - Makes up roughly 55% of BYOND. Constantly spells things wrong, uses shortened words such as 'u', 'ur', or 'plz'.

i think your being a hypocrite(sp?) on this one because you would be putting your brother and yourself into this category and i tell you 75% of the people who are on byond like rock and rock type music and hate rap so 'ghetto' wouldnt be the firhgt term and you would be also affiliating it with racial qualities in a manner. people who find a way to shorten words are smarter in a sense since they can get all the meaning of 1 word into a matter of 2 or 3 letters this might also go against smart people using big words for no reason. anyone can read a thesaurus...

No, no! Thats just what everyone else (err....Ken *points at Ken) says. I love rock, but I like rap also (like DMX and Ludacris.... But I cant stand that Nelly crap :P) heheh. Also, I am not racist if you are saying that o_o. I am far from racist. And Ghetto doesn't refer to what race you are. If you think it does, lets get a little check on who is racist. Lets all take a look-see at what 'Ghetto is refered to, shall we?

Main Entry: 1ghet·to
Pronunciation: 'ge-(")tO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ghettos also ghettoes
Etymology: Italian, from Venetian dialect ghèto island where Jews were forced to live, literally, foundry (located on the island), from ghetàr to cast, from Latin jactare to throw -- more at JET
Date: 1611
1 : a quarter of a city in which Jews were formerly required to live
2 : a quarter of a city in which members of a minority group live especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure
3 a : an isolated group b : a situation that resembles a ghetto especially in conferring inferior status or limiting opportunity <stuck in daytime TV's ghetto>
<font size = 1>From Merriam-Webster Online.<font size = 3>

Hmm...I didn't know that.... I shall check what words in which I do not fully know the definition of..

Lets change 'Ghetto People' to 'DBZers' =P Burn....
In response to Leftley
Remember, it was just my opinion of what I thought people fit into =P
In response to Dracon
Dag? eh...Burn to you son. and your hick soundin parents.

In response to Geo
Geo wrote:
I dont see why "Ghetto"'s have to do with music, typing, or anything of the such. In world war 2, The Nazi's forced Jewish people to live in ghettos. really, i dont think this stuff has to do with a "ghetto". But what word would I have in anything, I am just a 13 year old kid who was on hear since he was 11 and only 10 people used byond and there were GoB's and I'm not even a well known coder, right?

Ghetto is a slang word now hes not meaning "Jewish Slums controlled by Nazi's people" and thanks for that ww2 lesson i didnt need.
In response to GreenDice
The more precise term is Half Hick, Half Canadian.
Dracon wrote:
I've been on the BYOND scene for a good few years. And i've noticed a huge change in how people act....

I think if there's been a huge change, it's because there's been a huge population increase. Two years ago, only a handful of people posted here. Now there's a lot more, and not only that, BYOND happened to take off prematurely among the DBZ fan base. That aspect may be a bit unnatural. But most of the change was caused by population growth, and while it could be managed better than it is now, a certain amount of disagreeability on public forums has to be expected.

I think that BYOND is now composed of these 5 different types of people.

Sure, I'll basically agree with that. :)

The most important thing to maintain, no matter who your community is composed of, is a sense of goodwill, an idea that you're all on the same side and want pretty much the same things, and belong together. It's a good thing to read a post from someone who can't string a coherent sentence together, or who just has to make a DBZ remark, or correct someone's post placement, and think,

"Boy, Poster is a dweeb. But he's our dweeb."

In response to Deadron
Well, chances are that the only way Dantom will be making money off BYOND the way things are now is if they start charging for something on the developer side, and developers need to find some better ways to rake in dough! I think being linked to the BYOND community is basically going to doom anyone who's interested in BYOND as a moneymaking opportunity.

I don't think it's right to charge money to disconnect your game from the hub, that just seems wrong. But it would certainly be feasable to charge for especially enhanced versions of that would allow for features that are beyond the needs of the everyday game makers.

Although, what I think would be a better idea (and should have been thought of before) is paying for the right to sell games created with BYOND... I think once the younger crowd is out of the way and some advertising is done, it could be an option to actually charge reasonable prices for BYOND games. (Another good reason to get away from the BYOND community) Something like that, anyway...
In response to Dracon
Thats worse..
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
I think being linked to the BYOND community is basically going to doom anyone who's interested in BYOND as a moneymaking opportunity.

I think communities will be critical to the future of's one of the most compelling advantages the system has.

But, as you would probably agree and have also made proposals toward, there needs to be more distinction between communities and control over the definition of a community. If a game designer could choose between:

- Standalone game with no connections at all
- Game with connections to one or more carefully selected channels/communities
- Game that is part of the larger set of BYOND games as publicized on the BYOND-approved channels
- Game that is part of the larger set of BYOND games on non-BYOND-approved channels

Then we'd pretty much cover all the bases. But I definitely *want* the ability for players of DDT games to encounter each other and communicate. And I want the ability to add a quick little game to the "BYOND game community" to give people something to hop to when they get tired of another game, if I so choose.

Oh, and also, please do not taunt or harrass me about me accidently giving my code out. I did nothing to you. (Or maybe I did =P)

Yeah, I don't like DBZ games, and I think the whole thing is pretty funny, but you're taking this whole thing one way, but you could be thinking of it another. Who's the one designer on BYOND that made a game it seems everyone wants the code for?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Its Dracon..........Ya Daaaamn right.
In response to Deadron
All I can say about your source:

Lose it once, shame on the thief.

Lose it twice, shame on you.
I don't hate you, Dracon.

I do think, however, that you're completely unfit to judge the character of this community. I think anyone would have a hard time categorizing users and estimating the population of each anyway, but when you see the world through your particular lens, you're going to get it wrong. A lot of that shows in the categories you chose.

Lummox JR
In response to LordJR
LordJR wrote:
besides.. this is not a slam.. but there is nothing wrong with using "u", "ur" etc... I find this more techie speak than anything and represents a form of short notation writing for the internet. Though not appropriate for formal settings, for daily chit chat I see nothing wrong with people who do this. But it is a bit childess and wore out for those who have to type 3l33t. Its represents a whole other category.

AOLspeak is "techie"? Nope, it ain't that. I find more often than not it's used mostly by people who learned bad chat habits elsewhere (hence the name "AOLspeak"), and by those who type by hen-pecking each letter so that abbreviating a 2- or 3-letter word seems like a time-saver. These are about the least technical people in the world, at least among computer users. Actual techie types tend to type normally; techie wannabes are prone to use leet. (AOLspeak, by the way, is not to be confused with a few of the more standard abbreviations like "LOL", "ROFL", "BRB", etc. The latter, not the former, actually represents Internet notation you referred to.)

Whether one thinks there's anything wrong with AOLspeak I suppose is beside the point. I personally find it obnoxious in the extreme, but I usually don't have a problem if someone accidentally lapses into it on occasion; that's much different than doing that with every word. It's all a matter of degree, really, but I wouldn't call the practice defensible. At best it's a very bad habit.

Lummox JR
In response to GreenDice
GreenDice wrote:
maybe because he can crush us all and we need his system to run our computers i mean i dont buy microsoft games cause they suck majorly, the xbox is over rated, didnt even bother with the cable and whats next microsoft toys? microsoft grocery stores?

Heh. Microsoft toys have actually been done. Several years ago they released an interactive Barney using their technology. It could hook into the computer and learn new ways to play.

Lummox JR
In response to Deadron
It would be easy for DDT to setup it's own little gaming website, I'd think. Probably be better attached to a larger gaming website somehow, or a better gaming community in general. But, the current BYOND community is set with this idea that 20 cents is way too expensive, which isn't especially good for anyone who wants to do programming for profit.

I haven't looked, but there are probably places that support links to people who have created little games on their own, and don't have anywhere else to advertise them. Kind of the same way MUDs work with, free advertising for your MUD.
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