
I've been hangin out on BYOND maybe a little too much? It seems I've angered some people with too many post, if there is such a thing? So I'm gonna shift gears now and work on something away from this community for a chance. I've held off posting this because I wanted to have my 1st Episode finished before I said anything here.

I've taken the graphics from my game Kemet and turned them into an 8-bit Theater like online comic. I've never done anything like this before so please excuse the amature quality. I plan to mix the actual game's storyline and introduce some key NPCs from the game into the comic. So there will be characters popping up through out the Episode and some of them may remind you of a few people who used to play the game. Also I'm looking for any ideas you'd like to see in the comic as its still fresh and like all beginner comic artist I'm just kinda fumbling around here for the moment, trying to get a good start.

Any feedback is welcomed...
Kemet Comics

ps. That URL will be changing within the month, and I'm already half-way thru making Episode 2.
In response to Sariat
So I guess you like it? I finsihed Episode 2 btw.
In response to LordJR
To be truly honest, I don't find either episodes funny at all. There is a slight joke with the newbie walking away during a conversation, and all the questions he asks the old guy. Other than that, it's pretty dull. One more thing before I end this post: Those graphics from the game don't look very 8-bit-ish at all. The haze around the edges gives it away. Go with the true 8-bit style and make solid blocks of color where the "pixels" are. Good luck with the comic. ;)
In response to Mertek
Mertek wrote:
To be truly honest, I don't find either episodes funny at all. There is a slight joke with the newbie walking away during a conversation, and all the questions he asks the old guy. Other than that, it's pretty dull. One more thing before I end this post: Those graphics from the game don't look very 8-bit-ish at all. The haze around the edges gives it away. Go with the true 8-bit style and make solid blocks of color where the "pixels" are. Good luck with the comic. ;)

Thanks for the feedback. Well I just mention 8-bit Theater, but I'm just using the graphics from the game as they are, also you'll notice some of my 3D rendering used as well.

Yeah like all starting artist, I'm just kinda setting everything up right now. I'm going more for an RPGish Adventure type comic than a funny all the time with punch line kinda comic. Also the last cell in Episode 2 will make sense once I get Episode 3 out tomorrow. Its takes a lot of work resizing etc the graphics for this stuff so it takes time. But I seem to be enjoying it, also if you have any suggestions for stuff I could add in for humor value let me know. I'm new at this! :P

In response to LordJR
I'm not really a funny person, but I do have my moments in time. Maybe you could make fun of newbies in a very general way. I like the direction you are headed in with it right now, but maybe some more sidekicks? One newbie, maybe a "L33T D3WD" who makes fun of him all the time, and....someone else? The elite guy could be good for comic relief with stuff like "STFU N00B! RTFM!" In regards to 8-bit comics, the newbie could be Fighter, the elite guy could be Black Mage (possibly Red Mage) and you need someone resembling Thief or White Mage. Good luck.
LordJR wrote:
It seems I've angered some people with too many post, if there is such a thing?

It's not a matter of too many posts, it's too many posts repeating the same spiel.

Post all you want -- just have some variety in what you say, or people tune it out or get agitated.
Cool! :P!
In response to Deadron
Deadron wrote:
It's not a matter of too many posts, it's too many posts repeating the same spiel.

Post all you want -- just have some variety in what you say, or people tune it out or get agitated.

Hehehehehe I've got you now my lil Game Designer! Right where I want Ye! I post and you bite! Each and everytime. Come hiether and bespuned into my web of plotiness!

Well I've got some news to report!
I was able to fix Kemet just enough to where I can host it again. As for the comic I just released Episode 3 and think I'll try to get a comic out every day till I can get 10 Episodes. Then if you are still following, I'll be releasing a new one, once a week.

Also since I'm doing this comic bit, and will be needing lots of new graphics, that means I'll be working on Kemet the RPG a little. I'll try to get it up and working fully again so I'll start hosting it again for all those Kemet fans out there.


ps. If you like my comic or think it looks promising give me a vote from the main page. :)