Just put some "ghetto" facts about your family. Heres some of mine.
We don't eat lunch on Sundays and go to Sam's and eat samples after church.
Our old satelite dish had to be manually moved (it was 2 times my size) and clamped down to stay in place.
When our dsl was out, I would call ourhouse to get the dsl to sync backup so I could check out the forums. But when I hung up, the dsl went out, lol!!!
We take napkins/ketchup/etc from resteruants and use them at home.
We record over movies we rent from blockbuster.
Post how ghetto your family is!
![]() Apr 28 2002, 12:28 pm
![]() Apr 28 2002, 2:51 pm
Hah, we have a big plastic bag filled with little packets of ketchup, soy sauce, hot sauce, salsa, mustard, marinara sauce, and sweet and sour sauce. The thing must weigh over ten pounds! We don't really take napkins to use instead of regular napkins except what we'll use for that meal. We also have another big plastic bag full of menus for many different places, recipies and torn out pages from cookbooks. That thing is almost as big at the condiment bag.
Mertek>"Hah, we have a big plastic bag filled with little packets of ketchup, soy sauce, hot sauce, salsa, mustard, marinara sauce, and sweet and sour sauce."
My family also does this. O, and my Dad picks things up on the sides of roads claming he can fix them...theres a pile of crap he never could fix still in our garage... |
I'm beginning to think classifying myself as "normal" will make me live a sheltered and isolated existence from all of the "abnormals". =P
Well, our satalite dish is small, but we get the service for free because we program our own cards.... wait now we don't. The would be illegal! Oh yeah, and we download our movies online and then burn them on to a CD-SHIT THATS ILLEGAL TOO. Meh, my parents are thugs.
My family is pretty 'ghetto' too. But not quite like yours. I come from a family of eight so theres a lot of things we don't do. Going to resturaunts gets pretty expensive for them I guess, so that's one thing we don't do. Some times we'll get fast food or something. Umm, let's see, whats the 'ghetto'ist thing we do. I can't think of any. I guess my parents just try to save their dignity by not taking catchup bags. Sometimes they take stuff from other people's trash, like furniture. I KNOW. One time my mom had my steal some rocks from our neighbors so she could decorate the yard or something! That was the most ghetto thing we ever did. We stole our neighbor's rocks. |
I KNOW. One time my mom had my steal some rocks from our neighbors so she could decorate the yard or something! That was the most ghetto thing we ever did. We stole our neighbor's rocks. "Hey, those are our...! ...Wait, never mind, you keep 'em." |
We buy piece of crap computers than be happy cus we got a new computer.If it works i can fix it. Our stareo system use to be worth more than our house before we moved.When i go over to others houses and they say there sorry its so messy i can onistly say "Dont worry im sure my house is worce."
Ebonshadow wrote:
I KNOW. One time my mom had my steal some rocks from our neighbors so she could decorate the yard or something! That was the most ghetto thing we ever did. We stole our neighbor's rocks. My mother used to wait until our neighbor went to work and steal her newspaper, read it, and then promptly return it before our neighbor got home. We used to laugh at her and she got mad at us so she finally broke down and got a subscription. Your story kind of reminded me of that. Yes, we too have the almighty bag of sauces, and ketchup. Ours is mostly barbeque sauce though. |
rocks can get costly.. really.. if they are decrotive they can get up to 30$ for one bag.. it cost us 150$ to put rocks around our porch. oh and spuzzum.. you should program cards.. you live in canada so you are allowed.. unlike me.. but really i dont know anything about that at all... |
We cannot go to a fast food restaurant without Kimberly filling up her bag with picnicware. I keep offering to buy her a box of plastic utensils, but she says it's the principle of the thing.
At least one local Wendy's took the bucket of crackers for the chili from the self-serve area and put it behind the counter because of her. Of course, when I was in college, I always went to Subway at closing time so I could get free bread and cookies (baked fresh daily, you know). |
oh and spuzzum.. you should program cards.. you live in canada so you are allowed.. unlike me.. but really i dont know anything about that at all... If by "cards", you mean "credit/debit cards", no, I am not allowed. Even if there is no specific law against it (I never actually checked, but I'm pretty darned sure there is), there are still laws against fraud, and, even barring that, I would never allow myself to do that. |
Ebonshadow wrote:
I KNOW. One time my mom had my steal some rocks from our neighbors so she could decorate the yard or something! That was the most ghetto thing we ever did. We stole our neighbor's rocks. The neighbors in my old neighborhood would steal anything that was left outside the house. Once they stole my trash cans right after the garbage men came collecting! I have the large bag of condiments too, but mine is primarily fire sauce from Taco Bell. YUM! |
Shadowdarke wrote:
Ebonshadow wrote: Thats not ghetto...spill the beans! |
Sariat wrote:
Shadowdarke wrote: Sorry to disappoint. If I don't have the funds to get something legitimately I just do without. Heh, I do without a lot. |
Me = Goody two-shoes in the family (Used to be the little git ^_~) Sean = Living Devil - One of the two younger brothers I have but this one is the oldest and he is a thieving little git. Jonathan = Youngest brother...Living Nightmare! Gets away with the slightest thing...Very very annoying when you are watching the TV, something breaks and I get done for it and I haven't touched nothing at all. Mum = All I can say is that she is a "two-faced" cow. She takes the winning side then when it begins loosing she switches and what not. Overall she is my mum so I don't hold nothing against her ^_^ Anyway, all my family take things like sauce and straws and what not from McDonalds, KFC, Burger King and every other food store we have been too hehe. Lee |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
We cannot go to a fast food restaurant without Kimberly filling up her bag with picnicware. I keep offering to buy her a box of plastic utensils, but she says it's the principle of the thing. Who's Kimberly? |