hey, lummox, wipe the brown off of your nose
get it get it get it
"patient explanation"...so thats what its called...anyways a programmer who thinks they know all and learns to problem solve will be better off.
24 posts wow, we need to make a forum dedicated to arguments between olbies about helping newbies any ideah what to call it?
Mountain Dew wrote:
hey, lummox, wipe the brown off of your nose Yes, I get it, o six-sided-object-of-similar-color-to-the-Holy-Beverage-you-b laspheme. But I said what I did not to kiss up to anybody. Lexy's point was valid and I'd have said the same things she did, albeit less concisely. But if you like to think that all agreement equals brown-nosing, well, there's no law against folly. Just keep your follies to yourself, please. Lummox JR |
VyseDyne wrote:
"patient explanation"...so thats what its called...anyways a programmer who thinks they know all and learns to problem solve will be better off. I'm not sure what you mean by "a programmer who thinks they know all"; Aleis never said he thought such a thing, nor did Lexy or myself, and nobody was accused of it, so you appear to have pulled that comment out of the place to which I referred in my previous post. But in saying a programmer who learns to problem solve is better off, I agree with you. Actually, all of programming is about problem solving. You figure out how to frame the problem, how to break it down into steps, then how to tell the computer how to do its part. Asking "How would I do" is very similar to "How would I find out" questions in math. Hence, this is why Lexy explained things to Aleis the way he did; as a result of what she said to him, he's now phrasing his problem in more detail--the first step in solving it. Lummox JR |
mountain dew is a cylinder, a cylinder is a circle, a circle does not have any sides...so i will disregard your six-shaped ish that you said... fair enough
Actually i meant problem solving IN REAL LIFE not in code... when he said he wanted a build verb to build walls and stuff and she couldnt figure that he wanted to have it so you would build the house tile by tile so she responded with sarcasm shows she obviously 1. doesnt know what a house is made of or 2. just tryin to incite someone with anger. you know everyone doesnt type the historical significance of everything they say or have a scenario like lesbo does.
Basically all you need for what I figure you're trying to do is two things, to choose from a list, and to create a new turf based on your decision. First of all, lets give the player a list of things to build:
<code>var/list/BuildItems = list("Wall","Floor","Window")</code> Then, we can make a new verb that will allow them to choose an item from that list. <code>mob/verb/Build(item in BuildItems)</code> But selecting from the list does no good unless you make the selection do something, and for that we'll add a switch statement. <code>mob/verb/Build(item in BuildItems) switch(item) if("Wall") if("Floor") if("Window")</code> But if you try to compile that, you'll get an error, because the if()'s are empty. So what we need to fill those with is a new type of the appropriate turf, which works like this. Say we're making a new wall, which is type /turf/wall. <code>new/turf/wall(location)</code> // where location is the place to create it You can also do it like this, if you want to make it editable later. <code>var/turf/wall/W = new/turf/wall(location)</code> Then you can modify the wall you just created using the "W" var. Now, lets finish up that build proc by having the switch build an item of the desired type in the user's location. <code>mob/verb/Build(item in BuildItems) switch(item) if("Wall") new/turf/wall(usr.loc) if("Floor") new/turf/floor(usr.loc) if("Window") new/turf/window(usr.loc)</code> And that's all you need! |
VyseDyne wrote:
Actually i meant problem solving IN REAL LIFE not in code... when he said he wanted a build verb to build walls and stuff and she couldnt figure that he wanted to have it so you would build the house tile by tile You're wrong, and I'm gonna stop you there--Lexy probably knew very well that Aleis meant building something tile by tile, as that's pretty much obviously the only way you'd do it. But he wasn't clear on what sort of system he wanted for that. He just asked for "a build verb". You may think you know exactly what he wants based on reading that alone, but odds are your visions would both be very different on that. Besides, the idea of a build verb here is almost a non-sequitir; any building system worth its salt would be unlikely to use verbs at all, but if it did it still wouldn't hinge on a single verb. so she responded with sarcasm shows she obviously 1. doesnt know what a house is made of or 2. just tryin to incite someone with anger. You've completely misread the situation, despite it being pretty clear-cut. The only part you got right was that she used sarcasm. And I've never seen Lexy deliberately provoke anyone; she's made plenty of people angry, but usually because they're overreacting like Aleis did. you know everyone doesnt type the historical significance of everything they say or have a scenario like lesbo does. Beg pardon? What are you on about now? If you can rephrase that in English I'll take a shot at responding to it. This comment, like the one in the last post, seems to have emerged disoriented from the nether regions. Lummox JR |
"I'm gonna stop you there--"
Why don't you both stop. It takes two to argue, if you all drop it there won't be an arguement. And for crying out loud, you're both right so who cares. (Besides you?) |
The way I think of an oldbie is; someone that's highly respected among the community, which you are. That's where my remark came from, it had nothing to do with elitism, just respect.
Foomer wrote:
<code>mob/verb/Build(item in BuildItems) > switch(item) > if("Wall") new/turf/wall(usr.loc) > if("Floor") new/turf/floor(usr.loc) > if("Window") new/turf/window(usr.loc)</code> And if you have alot of things with long names, like "Super duper extra ordinary atom switcher and converter", I believe you could do: if(BuildItems[1]) new/turf/atomswitcher(usr.loc) the [1] at the end of BuildItems means the first in the list. -Rcet |
thank you all!! sorry i made a big arguement... i was just trying to get some help..... sorry again.... ive got it working good enough for now....... again thanks!
de ok reword enfermo en español desde que usted es demasiado estúpido leerlo en inglés ahora va mooch hasta lesbiana unos más
VyseDyne wrote:
de ok reword enfermo en español desde que usted es demasiado estúpido leerlo en inglés ahora va mooch hasta lesbiana unos más It's bad enough you feel you have to get insulting here, where it's not warranted, but even worse that you think doing it in Spanish somehow gives you a free pass to get away with it. This is the third bizarre comment you've pulled out of your butt in this thread. If you don't have anything intelligent to say on this matter--and so far you haven't--then you'd do well to drop it. Lummox JR |
VyseDyne wrote:
its only unintelligent because you dont like anyone Please stop veering off on random tangents. In the post to which you replied in Spanish, I mentioned that one of the things you said made no sense whatsoever (the comment about "historical significance" and having a "scenario"); you responded with more gibberish, not explaining what you said but saying something else inane--albeit to a lesser degree. I say again, if you have any intelligent thing to say, say it. I don't have a problem with rational debate. But you've time and again gotten nasty, insulting, extremely rude, or just plain wacky in how you've responded to me. If you reply with a comment at all similar to the gibberish you've been saying in your last 4 posts (the first couple ones included some non-gibberish, with which I don't have a problem), then I'm just going to let it die here. You've made it clear that there's no point carrying on this conversation, since at this point you're just being obnoxious. You have three ways to respond from here:
Jeesh :)
Make me feel bad :(