![]() May 7 2002, 4:14 am
Stranger in a Strange Land had a tremendous impact on me as a teenager. I still read it every few years. My old yellowing paperback now has a homemade cardboard cover. ;)
Shadowdarke wrote:
Stranger in a Strange Land had a tremendous impact on me as a teenager. I still read it every few years. My old yellowing paperback now has a homemade cardboard cover. ;) I read that years ago, and frankly I wasn't impressed. I dearly love a lot of Heinlein's early work (though I didn't include any in my list, at least not the first draft), but his later stuff got bizarre. Stranger gets too much into the goofy pseudospiritual crap and ends up kind of preachy in a bizarre way. Much bigger influences on me were Citizen of the Galaxy and Tunnel in the Sky. Lummox JR |
The Hobbit is the Prequel to the series, then there is also the dictionary and meanings of Middle Earth if you would like to include that. But most don't.
Dragon Riders of Pern Series, all of em
Why? cause the book was a very well written and even tho it was mainly SCI-FI it seemed more like a Medival dragons and knights sorta thing =p |
They get all frustrated with eachother and all. But you have to read it, After the first few chapters you will be sucked in to it.
It's so great to see people with the same love of reading as I do. It's also nice to see others have some of the favorite picks as me. I go with The Lord of the Rings, The first two (still reading the third) When Harry Potter first came out, I read a half hour of it every night to him and I was quite interested, although I'm not sure it could make it on to my favorites list. I have to go look at my bookshelf to find the rest. |
I am interested with the Anarchy(absence of goverment) philosophy, but i cant find any books on it. Maybe novels about the world from the eyes of an anarchist, or just on the philosophy. If you can help me out id be very greatfull.
well by my online name you can tell my favorite books are The Song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin... the greatest fantasy books i"ve ever ready in my opinion.
Then if you want short good books I'd say either Piers Anthony and the Xanth novels, or David Gemmell and the Stones of Power series... David Gemmell rights alot of good books :) |
Vicious wrote:
I am interested with the Anarchy(absence of goverment) philosophy, but i cant find any books on it. Maybe novels about the world from the eyes of an anarchist, or just on the philosophy. If you can help me out id be very greatfull. Here's a web page full of interesting links! http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/AnarchoCapitalism |
I have lots-
How to control your monkeys How to get your monkeys to bring back sexy supermodels How to get your monkeys to make hooters style hot suace How to control the world with your monkeys How to set up an ambush with your monkeys -ST |
http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/AnarchoCapitalism No. Just no. [Edit:] Guess I should read things first. That's a pretty good description of Anarcho-Capitalism, (if there really can be such a thing) but that doesn't change the fact that it's a silly, silly idea. Here are some better links. http://flag.blackened.net -- Once you're here, be sure to check out the Mind Hole section http://www.anarchismfaq.org/ -- Most extensive single resource -AbyssDragon |
Here are some better links. Or at least some different links! :) Personally, I don't have much enthusiasm for any flavor of anarchism, except as conversation fodder over a few beers, but I don't have any beer now so I won't get involved further... |
Vicious wrote:
Yeah, anarchismfag is a great site To paraphrase a well-known movie quote, I do not think that site is named what you think it is named... |
Well soon that island ?(cant remember the name of it) will break off from itself into the ocean and send a giant tidle wave to the atlantic coast of the US pretty much leveling most of florida and new york, and a ton of the buildings like credit card banks will be destroyed needed for the economic stand point so we will have anarchy wither you like it or not. not to mention the super volcanoe under yellow stone national park, 80-100 meter pool of magma festering 100miles under ground for 600thousand years the magma gets so thick that the gases it greats cant rise to the top so it keeps boiling up and soon it will indefinetly errupt cuasing a catastrophic desaster.
Also, if you're looking for books/writings here are a few I reccomend. If you can't find them at a library I have them in txt format (and a bunch more). Going through my collection, here are some that stand out:
"God and the State", by Mikhail Bakunin "The Conquest of Bread", by Peter Kropotkin "What is Property?", by Prodhoun (boring in parts, but Prodhoun manages to be quite funny in some parts, considering it was written 1876) "Patriotism and Government" by Leo Tolstoy (yes, Tolstoy. No, its not as long as "War and Peace". :-)) "Individual Liberty" by Benjamin Tucker As for novels about anarchism, the only one I know of is "Needles In The Haystack" which isn't that great from what I've read from it. I've heard there are a few sci-fi books that deal with it, but I'm under the impression they're all dystopic. Heh, once again I've gotten almost completely offtopic. -AbyssDragon |