In response to Vicious
I dont know why your trying to bring your humor here...
In response to JordanUl
JordanUl wrote:
..... what are you smoking now? Why would you be sad about being mexican....

I dunno...must be smokin' some shiznit...

Oh well...I feel like aquaman now
In response to JordanUl
Then dont post your crap if you dont want me to comment on them.
In response to Vicious
This I will not reply to...
In response to JordanUl
JordanUl wrote:
JordanUl wrote:
You know this may all blow over, but not in the shortest amount of time im quite positive. I ahve to atke him seriuosly when I'm talking about serious subjects liek my brother getting kicked out of school, him doing drugs, my parents near divorce, and its all funny eh?

Well dont talk to Sariat about that kinda thing. Find somebody else to confide in. Talking to Sariat about things like that is like trying to talk to a clown about politics.

I can relate with the near divorce thing. My parents have been ready to divorce since they got married. What happened was, well I was a mistake, so she was kinda forced into getting married. I can actually say I attended my parents wedding. Anyway, she hates my dad but won't leave because she cannot support the 6 kids she popped out herself.

But really though, if you want to talk about something you feel is very important and serious, and your seeking somebody to tell you it's gonna be "alright", talk to your best friend, your parents, anybody--just not sariat!
In response to JordanUl
But but you just did..
In response to Vicious
No i didnt, i am not here to tell you what replying to it is though. but in a summary, its joining the conversation on keeping it going.
In response to Ebonshadow
talk to your best friend, your parents, anybody--just not sariat!

I just tried to get him to think of something else...I hate being so damn serious all the time. Lifes a b* f*ck it...

In response to Ebonshadow
I understand and thank you for telling me that. I just want this post to die and say bye to everybody.
In response to Sariat
Sariat wrote:
JordanUl wrote:
I trusted him. We *had* been buds for a while. I am not here to argue with people though. (not saying you were or anything foomer)

I was just playing laughed at me when I was sad about being mexican...or some shiznit like that...

Oh thats what it was! You had to be all metaphorical on me by telling me you were Aquaman!
In response to Ebonshadow
Dude...thats basically the same thing with me. Just don't think about it...

Go do some stupid crap and hurt yourself (on accident mind you...)

Its better than having people yell like mofos

Or...liven up the situation...if they are yelling jump around like a monkey singing the circus song
In response to Ebonshadow
My parents got a devorce when i was 4, i can still remember the fights they had... my Mom a big time nit-picker, and my Dad a liar...Put together an annoying liar,they bickered about the most stupid things, but it was for the best i now have 2 sisters i love, and a really awesome step dad.
In response to Ebonshadow
Not really, I was just playing
In response to Ebonshadow
Well, During this 10 minutes some people have made up my mind. This isn't a very welcome place when you get some kids that think their smart(not entirely directed at sariat though). I will be giving away my dimes but for now I have to go do some stuff by myself out in the bushes. its been fun guys.
In response to JordanUl
JordanUl wrote:
Well, During this 10 minutes some people have made up my mind. This isn't a very welcome place when you get some kids that think their smart(not entirely directed at sariat though). I will be giving away my dimes but for now I have to go do some stuff by myself out in the bushes. its been fun guys.

You'll be back. Just dont leave BYOND for this shiznit...I was just kidding. I know your going through some tough shiznit and shiznit...but just play it cool
In response to Sariat
christ hes being a baby, he just needs to realise things will happen, and he cant stop it and he shouldnt greive himself to suicide.
Why do you even care what some person you met online says anyway?
In response to Untitled_Boy
Untitled_Boy wrote:
Why do you even care what some person you met online says anyway?

Exactly. I can't speak for Sariat, but I think you're overreacting. If you know him in real life, then talk to him in real life about it. If you don't know him in real life, then grumble about it to him, not on the forums... after all, even if he's getting on your nerves, that doesn't give you the right to come and slander here.

I'm a vicious jerk when it comes to beating the snot out of my brother in Counter-Strike over our LAN. But he knows I don't mean anything by it because I tell him in reality. Or, if I say something really boorish when I shoot him in the thigh, I'll usually apologise on the spot.
In response to Vicious
What the fuck? Suicide? SOrry for the swear but this boy has some problems. I was going to work on my tree house, Its a hobby I do to get away from all the bad crap in life.
If someone laughs at everything, how is it disrespectful that they laugh at your problems?

My girlfriend punched me in the arm when I was joking about Tara's death on Buffy TVS. She asked me if I would do that if a real person had died. You know what? I would. I have. I do. In my family, we laugh at funerals. It's how we deal with grief. It's also how we deal with lost keys, canned vegetables, Thursdays, and the letter 'E'. We go to art museums, we walk around making fun of the paintings until the tour guides glare at us and the security guards start following us around. It's not that we don't appreciate art... we probably no more about it than the tour guides. It's just that everything is a big joke to us. And why shouldn't it be?

Laughing doesn't diminish your problems, but it also doesn't increase them, and it can make you feel better about them.
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