Okays.. I am using Deadrons Character Handling.....so anyhow...how would you make it so that..lets say there is a class called dreamer and when you login it says
Create New Character
Delete Character
(Create New Character Case)
But how would you make it so.....
Ok I am a level 14 Elf and I found an emerald..
usr<<"The Dreamer is Unlocked!"
How would I make it so when I do Create New Character The Dreamer will be there!? Thanks.. FE
![]() May 9 2002, 2:18 pm
Easter eggs are cool. New play options are cool. Overpowered characters are not cool because they upset game balance. One has to keep in mind how the rewarded player will interact with the other players. (I'm not a fan of the Tekken series, but Namco had the right idea with their rewards system.)
How would I make it so when I do Create New Character The Dreamer will be there!? Thanks.. FE Hmm... it's a difficult thing to do, since CharacterHandling saves on a per-character basis within the savefile, not on a per-key basis. The files themselves are saved by the player's key, but that doesn't make it any more possible to load data from the file for the menus without hacking CharacterHandling itself, or learning savefiles themselves and then loading from that file manually in your CreateCharacter() proc. If you don't want to learn savefiles (you'd be better off learning them at one point or another, but it's not a necessity), maybe you should talk to Deadron and try to work something out. (However, note that Deadron is very busy. ;-) ) |
Ack I did a whole response and it got eaten...
Well to reiterate: It's not uncommon for D&D-like games to offer class options later on (like multi-classing). But you'd use a different copy of the character creation code for that, one specifically written to handle new kinds of classes. The character creation code is just used when players first create their characters. So you'd make a copy of that code and bring it up when the player gets to that point or when they ask for it; for example, in Baldur's Gate the player has to hit a "level up" option to see options like that. As for how to check what classes they are eligible for...that's a basic programming exercise that depends on how things are specified in your game. |
Not only are you in the wrong forum, but it is kind of a stupid idea. I could understand a new game + mode in a regular CRPG, but in an online one, people usually prefer to have a really, really, really, really strong character rather than a new cool one that they have to train from the ground up, yet again.