Just recently downloaded RaeKwon's RPG Starter.dme code to look at, and came across this error when compiling:

"loading RPG Starter.dme to open "

I do not seem to be able to find this "sdaf" library anywhere online (unless I am not looking in the right place with the right name). Any suggestions?

(2 minutes later) noodled about the source code for Noticed that Rae was wanting to use Deadron character handling code. Can I take out the "#include ", since the CharacterHandling code is already included in the RPG Starter.dme file?
Well that ---> <deadron\sdaf>" you can just simply change it to#include <deadron\Characterhadeling>"

In response to UnknownOrb
UnknownOrb wrote:
Well that ---> <deadron\sdaf>" you can just simply change it to#include <deadron\Characterhadeling>"

Make that:

#include <deadron\CharacterHandling>

Thats should fix your problem :)

In response to Mellifluous
erm yea...handling****
digitalmouse wrote:
Just recently downloaded RaeKwon's RPG Starter.dme code to look at, and came across this error when compiling:

"loading RPG Starter.dme to open <deadron\sdaf>"

I do not seem to be able to find this "sdaf" library anywhere online (unless I am not looking in the right place with the right name).

There is no such guess is that Rae renamed it on his machine.
In response to Deadron
Yes, i renamed it to that, just put #include<deadron/characterhandling>
Sorry, myn was bugged so i had to rename it :S
- RaeKwon
In response to RaeKwon
cool. thanks for the input!
In response to digitalmouse
digitalmouse wrote:
cool. thanks for the input!

No problem, sorry about the <sdaf> that wasted your time to try and find :(
Sorry again!
- RaeKwon
In response to RaeKwon
RaeKwon wrote:
No problem, sorry about the <sdaf> that wasted your time to try and find :(
Sorry again!

No problem really... now that the digitalBYOND webiste is starting to run smoothly without my constant PHP/MySQL nursing, I have time to get into BYOND programming again.

So what better way than to pull down other people's demos/tutorials and figure out where the bugs are! :)