One night I was lying awake thinking (I hate when i do that as i usually do this for an hour+). And I came to the conclusion that, no matter how pathetic this may seem, my life is in a rut. Not just any rut mind you, but a simple rut. I would like to know what your basic actuvities, boring or not, that you usually do throughout the day.

I myself have found myself to be on the boring side, and i will probably stay here until I am working again. Here are my usual activities.

12:00am - 6:00am: Sleep
6:00am - 7:30am: School Preparation *Shower, dressed, food, caffeen, etc*
7:30am - 7:45am: Bus Stop for school
8:00am - 3:00pm: 10th grade Education *Yea Right*
3:00pm - 5:00pm: Usually Basketball or just chillin with friends and/or my girl.
5:00pm - 8:00pm: Here I am on and off of watching tv, either Anime or Buffy unless there is a good movie.
8:00pm: I usually bathe here *Like I said, a rut
8:30pm - 11:00pm: Between TV, PC, Eating, and Games *'Whose Line is it Anyway is on at 10 - 11 ABC family.
11:00pm - 12:00am: Around this time i usually crash in my room for the night then repeat the cycle.

Now my weekend gets a little more interesting


12:00am - 3:00am Im usually on my PC around these times
3:00am - 1:00pm Restin' my eyes
1:00pm - 1:30pm Wake up time, here i usually watch tv or hang with my lil' sis *I have authoritah*
1:30pm - 4:00pm Pc time yet again
4:00pm - 7:00pm Friends, girl, food all fit in this block
7:00pm - 9:00pm Usually looking for a good movie on tv, going to one, or even renting one i havnt seen
9:00pm - 12:00pm Around here i usually mess with BYOND or work on some pc Graphics

Today is my fun day, here Im either hanging over from a party if i was at one the night before, chilling around the mall, or raising as much hell as i can around town. Also I skateboard sometimes but Im not that great.


P.S I appreciate you reading about my boring life, so lets hear about yours.
no time frames basically School, Toke up/hang out, sprites,sleep
weekend: breakfast, sprites, movie, sprites, call to see if tokin up today.
Here's my rut (using your format, hope ya don't mind...)

12:00am - 6:00am: Sleeping (or, trying to sleep)
6:00am - 6:30am: Get up, shower, dress, eat.
7:03am - 7:10am: Wait for bus.
7:30am - 1:50pm: 9th grade education at PHS.
2:10pm - 6:00pm: Computer. Only get up for bathroom and food.
6:00pm - 7:30pm: Homework, depending if I have any that night. (usually do)
7:30pm - 11:00pm: Back on the computer.
11:00pm - 12:00pm: Usually watching late night TV.
12:00pm - 6:00am: Sleeping (again, maybe trying)

My weekends don't get any more interesting.


9:00am - 12:00pm: Computer. I will usually get some breakfast/lunch/dinner at any desired time, as well as use the bathroom.

9:00am - 6:00pm: Computer, again breaking every so often.
6:00pm - 7:30pm: Homework, depending if I have any...

As you can see, 75% of my life is the computer, and the other 25% of it is school. I get As in all of my classes, if you care.
My day is typically boring, but I had a blast yesterday. It's nearing the end of the school year, so I pretty much just do anything all day.

6:00 AM: Wake up, get ready for school.
6:40 AM: Ride with my sister to local school, and catch bus to my school.
8:00 AM: 1st period begins. Nap time.
9:30 AM: 2nd period begins. Play games on Nordy's computers.
11:10 AM: Lunch begins. Bah, screw the lunchroom, I'm going out with my friends to lunch.
11:45 AM: Me and friends realize that we're late for 3rd period. Oh well, may as well drive around town for the next couple of hours.
12:10 PM: Hey, let's go over the bridge to the Southside!
1:00 PM: Lost. Totally lost. And only 30 minutes until 4th period! Okay, don't panic. Uhh, go left. No, the other left. Uhm, now go right. Left. Hey, that road looks familiar. Hold a second... that's the bridge! Hurry! 15 minutes to go!
1:30 PM: Arrive at school, late for 4th period. Oh well, one more tardy to go on the list.
3:00 PM: Time to go home.
In response to Mertek
9:00am - 12:00pm: Computer. I will usually get some breakfast/lunch/dinner at any desired time, as well as use the bathroom.

That's only 3 hours, you know. ;-)
I too am going to use your format.

4:00am - 3:00pm: Sleep
3:00pm - 6:30pm: TV (Eat somwhere in the middle)
6:30pm - 11:00pm: Computer, TV, etc.
11:00pm - 12:35am: News, David Letterman
12:35am - 3:00am: Computer
3:00am - 4:00am: Comedy Central
4:00am - 3:00pm: Sleep

I'm hoping to change this schedule when I get a job of course, and go back to school in the fall, but for right now, thats my ummmm "non-life".
5:45am: waking up and taking shower
6:45am: grab breakfast
7:00am: go to school
7:30am: arrive at school just 15 minutes before being counted tardy
8am-3pm(fridays its 8am-2pm): school...
3pm-5pm: whatever, tredmill run with weights, computer, naki hai forms(however you spell it, its a local martial art that a guys family has been making for the last 50 years or so, very local)
6-8: call friends, get on computer
6-9: small excersise so I don't get too much fatter(I have a habbit of exercising before dinner which means I'm not burning calories, its a problem that I wont stop :P so I have to do some more excorsises even if I already exorcised. And I keep my computer on so I can break and switch between the two)
10:00pm: lay down and watch comedy central,international channel, discovery, animal planet, action channel, etc...
11:00pm-3:00am: try to sleep or watch more T.V.
4am+ repeat the day!

(this is on a week day, on weekends I'm spontaneous and constantly change until night.)

In response to Kusanagi
Kusanagi wrote:
so I have to do some more excorsises even if I already exorcised.

You're a priest? Cool!

In response to Spuzzum
I meant from 9am, to midnight...
In response to Mertek
Mertek wrote:
I meant from 9am, to midnight...

Well, you didn't *say* that. ;-)

It's obvious that you meant that, but I felt like being a fool. =)

For reference, though, 12:00 AM is midnight. PM runs from 12:00 noon to 11:59 at night, AM runs from midnight to 11:59 in the morning. It's doubtful you didn't know that, but I'll drill it into you nonetheless. ;-P