![]() May 17 2002, 1:33 pm
What's disgusting? I'll tell you what's disgusting! I found the source code of DWO, DBZNN, DBZ ZETA, and MASTERS OF THE WORLD all on sale for dirt cheap, whether or not they are actually the source codes or not, I do not know, but it makes me sick knowing that they are doing this crap. Nobody buy anything from them unless the source was released by the original author, becuase you would be just supporting them furthur.
I'm beginning to realise that Byond has fads. Try looking at the forum. One second everyone is on abut dime scams, then source stealing, then hacking (not in that order but you get my drift). Maybe we should have a 'common subjects' forum so the general forum doesn't get so clogged up.
Da_Rushyo |-|akin' 3l1te The blood of the innocent must flow to repay the debt of the guilty PS. Even I can't get into I'm gettin' sick of script kiddies lying and saying they managed it 'cos its too damn hard! Kudos to Dantom on that one. It looks pretty damn secure to me. |
Da_Rushyo wrote:
I'm beginning to realise that Byond has fads. Try looking at the forum. One second everyone is on abut dime scams, then source stealing, then hacking (not in that order but you get my drift). My solution to avoid the BYOND "fads" is to avoid BYOND. At least, avoid the community. Right now, it's like if you want to learn DM you have to be attached to the BYOND community. That's like if someone learns to sew, they need to be a regular memeber at or something :oP. DM should be just another language that has a specific purpose, not a community onto itself. In my opinion, of course :oP I shouldn't have to be around DBZers just so I can run my calculator... |
Yeah, there seems to be quite a bit of scams lately.
Also I dont think SilkWizard would give out coding for his game to anyone, so if there is DWO code being sold, no one would ever play a fake version of DWO most likely so it would be a waste to buy it lol. People love the real version to much to go to a fake one hehe. |
Kunark wrote:
Yeah, there seems to be quite a bit of scams lately. i know afew people with the code.. |
RaeKwon wrote:
i know afew people with the code.. I come to mind. I have like version 0.75 or something :) =V |
Vortezz wrote:
RaeKwon wrote: same.. |
Right now, it's like if you want to learn DM you have to be attached to the BYOND community. It's like this, except that... well, it isn't. Why would it be? C++ is more complicated and convoluted and generally loopy compared to DM... there isn't any one C++ community out there that you have to belong to in order to learn it. In the period in which I learned DM, I never once had a pager conversation, joined any games on the Hub, or participated on the forums. I learned faster not having the distraction of the larger community... in fact, I think a lot of people would learn faster and better if they didn't use the forums and share code. |
C++ isn't attached to a pager and hub. Dream Seeker originally wasn't, either. We have the hub and pager to thank for BYOND's population. Without the banners in DS, people didn't know that other games existed. Without the hub, people couldn't find the other games that existed. When DUNG was in its infancy, it had, at most, 50-100 regular users. Only about 25 of those posted on the forums. I'd be happy without a good portion of the DBZ community, but I have doubts that BYOND would still exist at all if the hub and pager hadn't been introduced. |
Those things might have been useful back then, but I don't think they are now. People can find out about new games from the forums, word of mouth and from the games listing. I personally almost never look at the banners in DreamSeeker, accept when they're causing a huge download that's lagging me down.
Pager would be better off as a seperate program. I don't think a link to the hub is necessary for dreamseeker at all. If people want to find out about BYOND related things, they can visit the website. But then, all this has been discussed before. |
Yes, DreamSeeker has a pager and a hub. It also has a minimize button and a maximize button. It has an "About Box." It has scrollbars and a textbox. It has a handy debug mode and an integrated browser. It has many, many features.
So... why do you have to participate in the BYOND community in order to learn how to DM? |
Lesbian Assassin wrote:
Yes, DreamSeeker has a pager and a hub. It also has a minimize button and a maximize button. It has an "About Box." It has scrollbars and a textbox. It has a handy debug mode and an integrated browser. It has many, many features. The Japanese at one point in time said the same thing about trading with outsiders. Also at that time there were still feuding warlords raping the land and killing off whole clans and families. Once they open their ports to the west, modernation took hold, the warlords were replaced by leaders, the samurai were replaced by businessmen, basic point here is exchange of ideas is for the most part better than being a hermit and just keeping to yourself. LJR |
Foomer wrote:
Right now, it's like if you want to learn DM you have to be attached to the BYOND community. This is not all true! The people that think like that are the ones that are attached to the BYOND community, though it's not to say that people who don't think like that become attached as well. I have been almost forced to become less attached to the BYOND community; my posts go totally ignored for the most part, and my code problems (when they arise) are near to never answered or even attempted until I bump my post weeks later. I am still quite good at programming in the DM language and am continuing the development of TextMUD this summer. Another good example of an excellent BYOND programmer who is hardly attached to the community is Awakening -- the first time many people ever saw him was in his "Echelon beta testers needed" post! He has done some marvolous work that approaches the commercial level and hardly was guided through the process by the BYOND community. Any way, that's my rant for today. See you all later! -Lord of Water |
Vortezz wrote:
RaeKwon wrote: I think you have version .3 or something so early that I could give it to anybody and they'd laugh at how inefficient and confusing it is. Even version .75 was only made two weeks into developement, that's three weeks after I learned how to code-so it shouldn't be hard to imagine how worthless those dm files are. I know for a fact that no one else has it, and if they tell you they do they're lying. |
On another sad note, I've seen people trying to sell icons ripped from other people's BYOND games. How low can you go?