I am 17, I used to have a large attitude problem.
I do consider myself to have a fairly mature state of mind compaired to what it used to be but I am still not "Super mature" as alot of people are. (I do tend to go over the top alot now and then -_-!)
I will express my opinion only once, for I don't believe it's going to do any good to what has become of this thread. Dekuh made one mistake, Lummox JR addressed that mistake in a <opinion>somewhat harsh</opinion> but to-the-point matter, and there is no more need for discussion here unless it is done again. What Dekuh did was most likely unintentional, and I believe his wrongdoing has been burned in to his memory.
Also, as Lummox JR previously stated: but if you have a criticism, send it in private. We have pagers, e-mail, and a separate forum "Babble" which we can use to speak our minds. That is all I have to say. Sincerely, Matic923 |
Also, as Lummox JR previously stated: Well, Babble isn't in private, though. |
True, but it's a better place to bicker about things as insignificant as this. If it must be local for everyone else to add their thoughts, I'd think it would belong more in Babble than in NC. Being an intermediate newbie, I would much rather see helpful tips and code problems instead of this.
"Badger, bicker, bru-ha-ha, boulderdash, ballyhoo! It's only talk." ~Adrian Belew |
Dekuh wrote:
One my spelling yah i am bad speller i admit that and to those that i have spoke to know that for i say or leave comments in my messages that i am . Second some spelling errors yah i can go back and correct them but you guys get the drifted of what i am saying I mean am I impressing some one with my esquisit writing no i just type as the thoughts flow out. You should also realize that the way you type reflects our images of you. If you type with lots of spelling mistakes and poor grammar, most people are going to think that you are younger, less mature, and, in general, not as smart (no offense intended). You actually are impressing everyone who reads this post. I'm not impressed with your grasp of the language so far, and this makes me, along with many others think less of you (still no offense intended). If you want to create a better image of yourself, you should try to type with resonable grammar. |
Matic293 wrote:
True, but it's a better place to bicker about things as insignificant as this. If it must be local for everyone else to add their thoughts, I'd think it would belong more in Babble than in NC. Being an intermediate newbie, I would much rather see helpful tips and code problems instead of this. Yep. I suppose I should've been more thorough, but I was basically saying that the forums are not the place for flame wars. I'm taking my own advice, too. =) |
Look, all I'm saying is that you are too busy arguing to help this poor newbie, He is obviously in need of help, so for once, actually look at the question! Because of your arguing he has gone back to what started your arguing, Posting the same subject in the wrong bored, For god sakes help him! I swear, you are acting like five year olds! He has 4 posts on this subject, and on the only ones he gets replys is just you guys fighting! Have some compassion.
Ter13 wrote:
Look, all I'm saying is that you are too busy arguing to help this poor newbie, He is obviously in need of help, so for once, actually look at the question! Because of your arguing he has gone back to what started your arguing, Posting the same subject in the wrong bored, For god sakes help him! I swear, you are acting like five year olds! He has 4 posts on this subject, and on the only ones he gets replys is just you guys fighting! Have some compassion. Is the question answered on the other forum he posted in? I was going to go ahead and answer the question, but now that I know there is another post in another forum, how am I supposed to know if it is answered already? I can't seem to find it. Do you see the problems cross-posting causes now? |
Skysaw wrote:
Is the question answered on the other forum he posted in? I was going to go ahead and answer the question, but now that I know there is another post in another forum, how am I supposed to know if it is answered already? I can't seem to find it. I can answer this one for you: Yes, it was taken care of in Code Problems already. I responded in that forum before I saw the cross-post in this one. Lummox JR |
Ter13 wrote:
Look, all I'm saying is that you are too busy arguing to help this poor newbie, He is obviously in need of help, so for once, actually look at the question! Because of your arguing he has gone back to what started your arguing, Posting the same subject in the wrong bored, For god sakes help him! I swear, you are acting like five year olds! He has 4 posts on this subject, and on the only ones he gets replys is just you guys fighting! Have some compassion. He already had a reply--it just wasn't here. What's happening now is that his question was answered, but he's been defending his cross-posting by saying he'll do it until Dantom tell him to stop. This is asinine, and a few people have taken him to task for it. And then there was the whole age thing; he opened a can of worms with that one. The thread has mostly died down now, although to my dismay I haven't seen any signs that he's backed down from his position, which is a very bad thing. He can insist he's 26 until he's blue in the face, but if he still insists he can cross-post or bump or double-post or photocopy his butt as much as he wants until Dantom step in, then I'm still gonna take issue with him over it. Lummox JR |