I went to games live and then to search and typed in "Dragonballz" I checked some.. Those all that i check where gen rips...some zeta rips.. and some ones with nonorig icons.. Isn't that just stupid?
ShadowSiientx wrote:
I went to games live and then to search and typed in "Dragonballz" I checked some.. Those all that i check where gen rips...some zeta rips.. and some ones with nonorig icons.. Isn't that just stupid?

Like I already told you, what's even dumber is that you're bothering to comment on it at all. (And dumber still is that in your comment you've pulled an SSGX.) If I had a buck for every new thread I'd seen saying the same thing, I'd be halfway toward paying off my car.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:

(And dumber still is that in your comment you've pulled an SSGX.)

Ha! This is hilarious, Lummox... And it's quite the honor to have my name used in such a fashion... Negative connotation or
So, I guess it was some other ShadowSiientx that was yelling "Shut up!" the other day when people were complaining about someone making one more DBZ game...
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
as dangerous as it is, despite the fact that i really dont care either way about it.

Is that im at war with every zeta that has donate for profit.

I know, pagerbanning is such a small thing, and people dont much care now. But honestly, When i finish a few of my games whos to say that wouldnt be a big deal?

I understand that for people ages 4-18 now is the only time for them, but at least think about what your doing.

I do this cuz I care for byonds well-being that and i dont want to assosiate with people supporting them.

Now if the creators of the zeta rips were to remove the donate verbs, added normal donate verbs, and game powerups and boosts at the gms discretion. Id unbann them..

Only the premise of it changes, and every has what they want.. and i unbann them.. sounds so easy doesnt it..

it is. so why dont they all just set it up like that?
In response to Dareb
If your pager ban doesn't change anything, maybe you should try shaking your fist at the sky and muttering... I'm sure that'll be more effective.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Ill consider that

(shakes his fist at the sky)

Hey! it works!
In response to Dareb
You know, since we're talking about bans, it's the darnedest thing... I banned someone from my game today because I don't agree with the things this guy does, and instead of quietly respecting my decision to control who can and can't access my pager and games, he started paging other people in the game and bugging them about it. Dareb, you're kind of a pioneer in the area of using pagerbans as social commentary... what would you do if someone you chose to ban behaved in this manner?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
id log into my other pagers to play those who listened to them. and lesbian.. have you ever heard of venting?

I do it alot.. half of the time i say things it to get it out of my system so that i dont do it.
In response to Dareb
Oh, shoot... I wish I had read your response a minute earlier. I already followed your earlier advice and sent Dantom an e-mail advising them to block this guy. Earlier, you seemed pretty sure that's a good thing to do, if someone's disrupting your game.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
well, as always your child side shows.

im trying to be mature and its at those times you lash out with some foolish half joke..

im sure you mistake it for wit, or a well-timed jest.. either way.. oh well..

Well i was talking to zane earlier.. and decided it was best not to bann en-mass. Just too many people enjoying a good game which some jackass stole.

Since the creator gave up on it long ago.

"It's just a game"
- Dracon

So shall I.

Lesbian.. i dont know what ive ever done to insult you.. but Im sorry.. Perhaps through search youll find the courage to forgive me too.
In response to Dareb
Why, Dareb... haven't you ever heard of venting?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
In response to Dareb
Still trying to enforce your own policies upon other people? :P

You think that by "dropping" everything, you're going to come off as mature... trust me, anyone who saw the previous threads isn't going to be fooled.... that's not going to work, any more than saying "What have I ever done to insult you?" changes the fact that you did. Or do you consider telling someone they have a big mouth and are going nowhere pleasant conversation?

But it's not the insult towards me that motivates me... it's the insult towards Dantom. Dozing? Because they won't babysit you?

Forget about apologing to me. Apologize to BYOND.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
sorry, not gonna happen.. byond needs any tough love i can give it.

you forcing me to do any other way would be enforcing YOUR rules upon me.. so backup you power freak
In response to Dareb
Again with an insult. You're not very good at the mature pose, you know that?

It's funny... you wanted to ban hundreds of people who may or may not even know you, because they logged into a server you don't approve of... you want Dantom to block people from all of BYOND because they would hypothetically break your one game's rules... and I'm a control freak for wanting you to apologize?

You do whatever you want, no one's making you do anything. Don't count on seeing the inside of one of my games again.
In response to Lesbian Assassin
whatever lesbian.

You go ahead and do that. but dont expect me to bann you for such a small reason..
In response to Dareb
Question: if you did ban me, how would I ever know?
In response to Lesbian Assassin
I've yet to see so much sarcasm, foolishness, and childishness from a signle series of threads in a long time such as I have here.

In response to Lesbian Assassin
paging me. if you never banned me
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