My code is used along with another proc but it is this one with problems
everything in this works except the line usr.test = input("hmm","hmm")in list("1","2"). the problem as far as I can tell is it doesn't ever get past this I don't know why but who knows
mob/monster/proc/fight(var/mob/src, var/mob/usr)
world<<"[usr], [src]-[src.inbattle]"
if(src.inbattle == 0)
usr.test = input("hmm","hmm")in list("1","2")
usr.zr = usr.z
usr.yr = usr.y
usr.xr = usr.x
if(src.number == 1)
src.loc = locate(4,5,4)
src.inbattle = 1
usr.loc = locate(4,3,4)
usr.inbattle = 1
Jun 3 2002, 2:58 pm
In response to Foomer
can I make that ("usr","blahblahblah")in list("blah","blah")?
<code>mob.test = input(usr,"blahblah")</code>