Jun 10 2002, 5:44 am
how would i make a tab anyways? how do i add stuff to it?
In response to Foomer
i ment statpanel, and how would i make attacking verbs in them?
In response to Redslash
You can't actually attach verbs to a statpanel. Statpanels and verbpanels are two different things that just appear in the same spot. The best thing you could do is to create an object (with or without an icon) and put that in the statpanel. Make it so the object activates a verb when Click()ed, and you're all set. Zilal wrote a tutorial on that at BYONDscape somewhere, I think.
In response to Foomer
OK, a verbbpanel then... got any idewa what that tutorial was called?
In response to Redslash
Please help me?! im sorry for bumping...
Statpanels are created through the Stat() proc, using additional statpanel() and stat() procs inside of that. Look them up in the reference for details.