[Edited by Nadrew in 2011] If you're reading this post now you're probably being linked to it because of the recent C&D from FUNImation. This post was made in 2002, that's almost TEN years ago. Things change in that amount of time including the stance that companies take on things.

This is an email I just got from FUNImation about their stand on fan-games:

to: [email protected]
from: [email protected]
subject: re: Fan game position.

Thank you for your email, sir. In response to your question here is our position on fan-games being made about Dragonball and other FUNimation titles. We feel as long as the game itself makes no profit, and poses no threat to our company we do not need to take action against it. We are aware of the mass amounts of fan-games being made, and don't mind people having fun with them. Thank you again for your question, we appreciate questions like this.

- FUNimation staff

So from now on, I don't care who makes what, have fun, fan-game makers.
...So long as they aren't making a profit.

Does that include selling of Dragonball icons?
Bah! That is so funny! About as funny as my flare demo that I had fun with! Ehh Sariat?

**Old Hag and a bag of Goolosh**
In response to Foomer
Yes, I think Dantom should get rid off anything that has the word "Dragonball" on it, and is making money. I've seen alot of DragonballZ games with subscriptions on them, if FUNimation sees one of those they'll probably end up getting BYOND shut down.
In response to Nadrew
Raekwon sure is making a profit off them.... May I say thousands of dimes. So did Dracon but he decided to lay off Dragon Ball.
In response to Super16
Ha, so is FUNimation going to sue me for $350.00? But I am not selling icons, coding, or graphics. I just had upgrades for their characters, nothing more, nothing less. But I'm done on the "dragonball black market". Hehe.
In response to Nadrew
Anytime someone wants to do some removing, here's a list of violators:
DBZeta: Majins and Mystics
DBZ Elite Original Edition
DragonBallZ: Revenge
Dragon Ball Saiyan Force
Source Codes
branks dbz legacy of goku icons and turfs
DBZ/GT Saga Reborn ~Player Server~
DBZ Genesis viviedition
Hyperactive Icons
DBZ Final Encounter!
zeta codes
DBZ:NN source code
Legends Of Dragonball Z A4
DBZ icons
DBZQFEL: The New Beginning (V.050)
~DBZ-Powerlevel Computer~
DBZ Genesis Icons
Legends Of DBZ 5 (Disowned)
Hyperactive 1.45
New DBZ icon pack
DBZ Demo
DBZ Dash (Dont Download)
dbz next world
D.B.S.F v1.6
DBZ Real world
DbGt FinalBattle
In response to Super16
Super16 wrote:
Raekwon sure is making a profit off them.... May I say thousands of dimes. So did Dracon but he decided to lay off Dragon Ball.

Actually, i havn't made much i made acouple hundred dimes off Zeta, inwhich i can't remove the donate thing now for the fact i dont got code no more.
Ive made afew hundred off Temple of Time for Dungeon, and Heaven and Stat upgrades.
Ive made afew off Realm of Mordor altogether in BYONDimes ill be honest i made a total of
$350.20 Canadian money

And im about to email FuNimation about somthing, so ill post back with there repsonce.
(ill be asking if its okay to have a donate for stats inwhich only asking afew dimes, if we dont charge to PLAY the game)

In response to RaeKwon
If they're paying you money for something in a DBZ game, that's considered making a profit, RaeKwon. The only questionable profit would be from donations.
In response to RaeKwon
You're making money off their idea, of course it's illegal to charge for stat boosts, if you make one dime from Dragonball or anything like it you're breaking the law.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
If they're paying you money for something in a DBZ game, that's considered making a profit, RaeKwon. The only questionable profit would be from donations.

i emailed them this.

Yes, i was wondering if we make a FanGame, But dont charge people to play it (we make all the icons, and Code for the game) and if people want (intirely up to them)
Can donate afew dimes for a stats upgrade in game, it's only afew dimes, but i was wondering if this is Okay?
Thanks in advance,

- Kyle

And now i wait for a responce.

In response to RaeKwon
It took me a month and a half for a responce, good luck.
In response to RaeKwon
I doubt they'll understand it; I'm around this sort of slop talking all the time and I don't understand it.

In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
It took me a month and a half for a responce, good luck.

wont take me to long i made tht title
Need a responce asap very important!

:P lol

In response to Dracon
personally, I think it serves you right dracon, you are probably the cause of most of the DBZ games out there, People saw that you made a good game, stole the sourcecode, and then charged money for it. I think it serves you right, no offense, but ANYONE who makes a fan game, should not be given the right to charge for it, even donations are illegal, you sre still making money through that game, too bad, it is illegal, no more questions, that's it, I posted warnings that FUNimation was going to come in sand lay down the law, but no one listened, maybe nadrew did, but no one else, My opinion, if you made a not-free dragonball-related-item, you should tear it off of the web NOW before YOU get sued as well, Be this your warning, those of you who do this, your IP is tracable, you will be caught, my final words on the subject

Deepest condolances Dracon, You actually made your own icons and code, however, you let the code get out, so for that, i say you have done bad, and i bid thee good day!
In response to Ter13
Actually, I think it was Cinnom's fault :oP Or maybe it was Ebonshadow. I can't remember if it was Spar or DBEO that caused it.
In response to Foomer
It was DBEO I remember!
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Actually, I think it was Cinnom's fault :oP Or maybe it was Ebonshadow. I can't remember if it was Spar or DBEO that caused it.

It was spar! DBEO was the more "mature" audience, spar was little 10 year olds...mostly.

And it was my fualt too...I made the first "next-gen" DBZ game...and I didn't compile it right, so the source was out, then came others, and others, all full of 1 week old newbie code and lots of libs :P Oh yeah, and DBZ: NN. We should all be punished by death...
In response to Foomer
Actually it wasn't Cinnom's fault. Cinnom just took over the game. The actual person you mean to blame is Manifacae. He started the game hehe.
In response to Sariat
But DBEO came first..
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