Anyone here play Team Fortress Classic, Half-Life, Ricochet, Deathmatch Classic, or Counter-Strike. I just started playing Deathmatch Classic, it really isn't as great as Team Fortress Classic(2 years of playing), or Counter Strike(A year and a half of playing). Anyone else wanna give their opinion?

I've played TFC more than a couple times and have to say that it just doesn't compare with the Quake 2 and 3 mod "Weapons Factory". They're pretty much the same thing, but WF is just more...bouncy and fast paced. Most classes get a grappling hook which is a ton of fun, as well as tons of new grenades and mines. There are a handful of different abilities from TFC such as the Spy being to cloak fully when not moving, and 80% or so when moving. Another feature I just loved was the fact that the Engineer's turret could be placed on ANY flat surface with enough room. Stick it in a corner in the flag room and the attackers won't know what hit them. All in all I think it's a lot cooler than TFC.

Ah, Counter-Strike. A weapon mod with some gravity and speed changes. 3 different games modes, boring. I played it a few times, and didn't like it. Strangely a ton upon a ton of people play CS and I don't know why. I like other mods that focus more upon teamplay than on "1337 H@><0R SK1LLZ".

One of the coolest teamplay mods for Half Life that has been around since forever is Science and Industry. The servers are few (4 or so) yet the fun is enormous. In every map of SI, the plot is basically the same, with the same two companies (teams) pitted against eachother, just in different locales, be it the sewers, a snowy siberian bunker, a canyon, or just a closed off street. Players assume the roles of security guards in their respective company buildings and must do tasks to make their company money. Some of the things that get you points are: killing enemies on your "turf", stealing enemy scientists to work for your company, stealing enemy weaponry, sabotaging enemy computers/technology, and of course, killing enemies on their "turf." It's a lot of fun I think, because you get to do all this while deciding with your mates what the scientists should research. Let it be new weapons to gun down your rivals, implants to let you run faster and jump higher, armor so you can live longer, or regenerative biotechnology/armor/ammunition so you can stay on the battlefield longer. All in all, SI is an awesome teamplay mod.

Finally, the other mod I play which is a deathmatch/teamplay hybrid is Action Half Life, which can be used for roleplaying (a lot of fun) also. Basically, AHL is trying to recreate action movies by letting the player dive, dodge, and roll by their enemy while blasting them with akimbo (one in each hand} pistols. However, there are 5 pistols and 3 which can be wielded this way. A few more action weapons included are a shotgun, submachinegun, assault rifle, two sniper rifles, a sawed-off shotgun, and the almighty knife. There are usually about 10 or so regular servers running, and I know of 2 roleplaying servers that run. Roleplaying in AHL can be one of two things: fun, and hectic. Fun when people obey the rules and don't go on killing sprees, and hectic when a deathmatcher (DMer) comes in and doesn't roleplay. He rolls around gunning people down and eventually gets banned. The next time you see a RP server up, try it out, you might like it.

Honorable Mod Mentions:

Existence - Slightly based on The Matrix.

Firearms - Ultra-Realistic military mod.

Wasteland - Based off of the game Fallout, and the Mad Max movies.

Semaj wrote:
Anyone here play Team Fortress Classic, Half-Life, Ricochet, Deathmatch Classic, or Counter-Strike. I just started playing Deathmatch Classic, it really isn't as great as Team Fortress Classic(2 years of playing), or Counter Strike(A year and a half of playing). Anyone else wanna give their opinion?

I remember playing Deathmatch classic. As soon as I started a game I litterally was like "Wtf?!" because it was exactly like quake 1 (or was it 2?) even down to the maps and weaponry. Some of my favorite mods were Sven Coop, Action Half-life, The Opera, Desert Crisis, Vampire Slayer, Existence, Science and Industry, and Counter-Strike. I didn't play Team Fortress too much though. Usually in games like Existence and Team Fortress I'd play the Anti-Sniper Sniper then eliminate the rest. Hmm, I may just re-install half-life for the 17th time to play some mods.
In response to Mertek
Have any idea of a website that carries all these mods? I'v searched for other HL mods before, all the websites just talked about mods =P.


[EDIT]: Nevermind, found one.
have you never played Dues Ex? Its only the best game sence..... Then comes Gore!!!!!!!(gore is a game) Almost just out of the factory. This game is little know and doesnt cost much. But the game has soem kickass aspects. Like the ease to make mods. Its not hard at all. It just takes time. And the mods that are out there rule. If you do get it i segest playing in sly or gramps server. They normaly have the most people and have the best mods. But they arnt like online mitions. You have 4 modes of play: death match, team death match, Capture the flag, and tactical. Tact(tactical) has 3 or 4 mods to it.
1.Elemation= The last team standing wins, no respawns.
2.Nuke (something)=Each team has a nuke, not working of coures. And the other team has to blow it up.
3.Cant remeber the others.
but all in all its a realy fun game. It has offline misions too but i like good old online battles better. You have a choise of 10 char. Ether mob or UMC. UMC is the millitary. And mob is well, the mob. Well thats my review for my fav. games.
I played Counterstrike when it first came out... I thought it had a lot of potential, but it was wasted. Gameplay was never actually about the hostages, it was about gunning down the entire opposing team, so instead of being a team-based tactical/strategy game, it was just a team-based deathmatch game. Maybe things have changed since then, but back when I was playing, no one seemed to be able to shake off their "death match" impulses and habits.

For example, you're playing a terrorist. You're nominally barricaded in a fortified position with a number of hostages. To my way of thinking, in order to provide a good game for all involved, you owe it to yourself and everyone else on the server to pick a concealed position, aim your gun at head level in a spot where you know an enemy is going to have to pass, and wait with your finger riding the edge of the trigger. That's what a terrorist under siege would do. "St00pid camper!" Excuse me for playing realistically and playing to win!
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Counterstrike = Messed up Rainbow Six Clone
In response to Lesbian Assassin
Camping is actually based on the map, if your a terrorist on a hostage map, camping is alright, if its a map where you have to place the c4, then its not. CT's are likewise, and the only way you really get teamwork is by having friends who play, or being in a clan. Oh, but you can't forget all the "cool" clan names have to have l337 in there name and you have to be fluent in "l337".

In response to Semaj
Semaj wrote:
Camping is actually based on the map, if your a terrorist on a hostage map, camping is alright

I'm talking about hostage maps... on a hostage map, if the terrorists don't camp, then the round turns into another stupid deathmatch game.

and the only way you really get teamwork is by having friends who play, or being in a clan.

This is because by and large players are stupid and immature. No reason a random collection of people, thrown together on a convenient server, shouldn't work together, especially in a team-based game. I view Counterstrike as a semi-realistic team based tactical game with an opportunity for a little roleplaying. It plays out as a death match game with an opportunity for a little bit of team-based tactics.

Oh, but you can't forget all the "cool" clan names have to have l337 in there name and you have to be fluent in "l337".

No, I can't forget that, but I can do my best to try.
In response to Semaj
Camping is actually based on the map, if your a terrorist on a hostage map, camping is alright, if its a map where you have to place the c4, then its not.

I am quite tired of hearing people say stuff to me on RtCW, Quake 3, Half-life mods and such about camping when my primary gun is a Sniper rifle or some kind of slow loading large weapon with a scope (I once was using a huge lazer rifle with a scope on it that fires .5 times faster than a regular sniper rifle. Usually whenever I can get into high areas or small, concealed areas, I just sit there, snipe away, and watch the heads pop off (Well, in Unreal Tournemant they did).

CT's are likewise, and the only way you really get teamwork is by having friends who play, or being in a clan.

Me and my dad play RtCW and used to play Quake3 all the time, so we were a pretty good team (When he was playing quake and RtCW (Doesn't have any free time right now) He would be on the top 50 or so)

Oh, but you can't forget all the "cool" clan names have to have l337 in there name and you have to be fluent in "l337".

(Do not read this if you are trying to forget 1337) Ph34r m4h 1337 sk1//z b1z/\/4tch! My dad would speak in 1337 allot, but he really wouldn't classify it as 1337. He would say things like "d00d" and "w00t!". He had some funny macros to like "Next time, use the force luke!".
In response to Geo
ok iv never heard of that talkin but heres my attept at translation
Ph34r m4h 1337 sk1//z b1z/\/4tch

fear my ... skills biatches?
In response to Maz
Maz wrote:
ok iv never heard of that talkin but heres my attept at translation
Ph34r m4h 1337 sk1//z b1z/\/4tch

fear my ... skills biatches?

Sounds like someone needs to go through English I again :P
In response to Oblivian
Oblivian wrote:
Maz wrote:
ok iv never heard of that talkin but heres my attept at translation
Ph34r m4h 1337 sk1//z b1z/\/4tch

fear my ... skills biatches?

Sounds like someone needs to go through English I again :P

Yes, because "1337" is perfect English, and if somebody can't understand it, they MUST have to take English again!

Semaj wrote:
Anyone here play Team Fortress Classic, Half-Life, Ricochet, Deathmatch Classic, or Counter-Strike. I just started playing Deathmatch Classic, it really isn't as great as Team Fortress Classic(2 years of playing), or Counter Strike(A year and a half of playing). Anyone else wanna give their opinion?


I use to play CS all the time, till these two new patches came out(1.4 and 1.5) just recently. They totally screw up CS, my ping is over 2000 now! Thats impossible to play with, on TFC and other HL Mods my ping is still in the upper 200's - 300's.
In response to Vortezz
Vortezz wrote:
Oblivian wrote:
Maz wrote:
ok iv never heard of that talkin but heres my attept at translation
Ph34r m4h 1337 sk1//z b1z/\/4tch

fear my ... skills biatches?

Sounds like someone needs to go through English I again :P

Yes, because "1337" is perfect English, and if somebody can't understand it, they MUST have to take English again!


Nah, I just really hate people on CS now a days, Beta 5.2 was the best! Now all these people get on blaim me for cheating just because I kill them even though I play all the time. And this new language somebody made is just plain stupid in my opinion, "Oh your a n00b", etc... etc.. Really annoying and probably some 5 year old made it all up.. just my thoughts...
In response to Oblivian
Really annoying and probably some 5 year old made it all up.. just my thoughts...

0h, j00 /\/\u2t I33 A /\/00I3 d3/\/, j/k
In response to Mertek
Mertek wrote:
I've played TFC more than a couple times and have to say that it just doesn't compare with the Quake 2 and 3 mod "Weapons Factory". They're pretty much the same thing, but WF is just more...bouncy and fast paced. Most classes get a grappling hook which is a ton of fun, as well as tons of new grenades and mines. There are a handful of different abilities from TFC such as the Spy being to cloak fully when not moving, and 80% or so when moving. Another feature I just loved was the fact that the Engineer's turret could be placed on ANY flat surface with enough room. Stick it in a corner in the flag room and the attackers won't know what hit them. All in all I think it's a lot cooler than TFC.

This mod is being made for Halflife...

I agree with the rest of your statement though :)

In response to Geo
Geo wrote:
Really annoying and probably some 5 year old made it all up.. just my thoughts...

0h, j00 /\/\u2t I33 A /\/00I3 d3/\/, j/k

lol.. :p
TFC is OK. I actually liked it before they started tweaking it to high hell; nerfing the MIRV capacity sucked. And not because I'm the type to just constantly unload my grenades into the enemy's lobby; the demoman just has no endurance when it comes to deep penetration (pardon the innuendo).

There's a fun but pretty small (last I checked, so I imagine it still is) TFC-style mod called Wizard Wars. It plays roughly the same, except for that instead of guys with different guns you have wizards with different spells; there's a plant wizard that can create magic plants that attack intruders, a lightning wizard that can zap people with pinpoint accuracy at long distances, etc. It's not an exact clone and it has lots of side features that TFC doesn't, but there's no denying the influence.

I find Counter-Strike relatively boring. At one time I played it for quite a while and got reasonable good at it, but it was still just as boring as ever. I just don't see the attraction of realism-oriented games; if I have a choice between playing a game with weapons that are interesting or one with weapons that are real, there's no contest.