if you can teach me code my aim name is Goten3k1 and my email is [email protected] and my msn messenegr name or email is [email protected]
....sigh....learn it on your own like everyone else did...(I bet you making a DBZ game, right?)
In response to ADDiCt
I tried and thoose toutorials and stuff dont help and why are you makin fun of me
In response to Seige1010
I never made fun of you, check out the byond FAQ, and read the Guide and try reading the tutorials again, it's really not that hard to understand..
In response to ADDiCt
well for me it is
In response to Seige1010
Start with ZBT, read it and go through it UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND IT. Then move onto the next item, the Guide. Read it through, each part, until you understand it. Then you can look at any of the other tutorials presented in the tutorial section, unless they're marked advanced, read through those and do it over and over until you understand it. If there are any specific parts you simply can't get past, ask for help on the forums. Show the code you're having trouble with, what it's supposed to do, and how it's not working.

No one here want to take the time to be your personal tutor. That's why they've gone through all the trouble of providing the tutorials, guide and all that.
In response to Foomer
Look, learning it is easy, you have to understand as you go through tutorials and not just zip through it, read over parts that you dont understand over and over until you get it and then continue going through that repeating it if nessesary(or however you spell that).
In response to Foomer
hey dont you think i already tried that
In response to Seige1010
No, I don't. You shouldn't be "trying" it, you should be doing it.
In response to Foomer
ive been tryin thoose all week
In response to Seige1010
Here's the deal--

Most people who learn to code well [read: they know what they want and how they can code it to work the way they want it to] learn mostly by themselves. I got almost no help (well, at leat help that I could understand) in the early stages of my learning, but I am now a competent DM programmer.

So, as far as your question, here is what I will do for you: as long as you keep looking through tutorials and trying to understand what you can, you can e-mail me at [email protected] with any specific questions that you might have. I will try to answer your questions as well as I can, providing that you are specific and know what you are talking about.

Good luck in your DM exploits!

-Ryan "Lord of Water" P.
In response to Lord of Water
Lord of Water wrote:
Here's the deal--

Most people who learn to code well [read: they know what they want and how they can code it to work the way they want it to] learn mostly by themselves. I got almost no help (well, at leat help that I could understand) in the early stages of my learning, but I am now a competent DM programmer.

Actually, everyone I know(that is a C++/programmer that actually gets serious and wants to make money) go through highschool and college classes. I would do some coding classes, but I am only in highschool(my school has nothing like that :() Anyways you catch my drift.
In response to Oblivian
They don't teach DM at my local college.
You already posted this same message earlier in the week. It does not belong in the Code Problems forum, but in Newbie Central. In the future, please don't post the same thing repeatedly.