Hey. I'm having trouble with making my signs display text that the user specifys when he/she creates the sign. I searched the forums for a similar problem and was so relived to find a post with my exact same problem. Except for the fact that when I used Sariat's code I get errors mid-game when i actually try to make the sign. Here is my code:

var/msg = input("Whats the thing say?") as message
new T(usr)
T.desc = msg

icon = 'Objects.dmi'
icon_state = "1"
density = 1
usr << src.desc

Everything compiles just fine but after I type in what I want the sign to say (After i click makesign) I get the following errors:

runtime error: Cannot create objects of type null.
proc name: build (/mob/verb/build)
usr: (/mob/player)
src: (/mob/player)
call stack:
(/mob/player): build()

Anyone know how I can prevent this? Any help would be great. Thanx a lot!
var/msg = input("Whats the thing say?") as null|text

- Jolene
new T(usr) should be new T(usr.loc)
In response to Jolene
Hey, Jolene. Thanx for the post but I still get the exact error that I used to. It's weird, I didn't get a new error or anything so the null didn't seem to make a difference. If anyone knows anything, it'd be really cool. Thanx again.
In response to Nadrew
Thanks Nadrew, fixed that too, but still the same error mid-game.....hmmmm....I'm really stumped.....Does anyone know? Thanx.
In response to SSTrunks7
You should also move the part where you set the desc var to before you create the sign (that's where your error is coming from) you're trying to append a var to something that no longer exsists (after you create it; it becomes it's own instance on the map in that case you'd have to loop over it with a for() loop and set it then).
"new T(usr)" tries to create a new datum of type T in usr.contents. T is null.

Replace it with
T = new(usr.loc)
That creates a new datum of T's type where the usr is standing and assigns it to the T var.
In response to Shadowdarke
Wow. After doing all those things, it finally works. Thanks a lot everyone! Woo! Been messin with that for hours now. Ahhhh, thanks again!
In response to Nadrew
this is not working for me i have

var/msg = input("Whats the thing say?") as null|text
T = new T(usr.loc)
T.desc = msg

icon = 'Turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "sign"
density = 1
usr << src.desc

and i get this Inconsistent indentation.
In response to CrazyFighter
BYOND is very sensitive on how many tabs you make - it looks like there are too many tabs in the obj/sign... remove all of the spaces and use tab again... Or better yet, retype it all by hand, instead of copying and pasting. That should work.

In response to splattergnome
Also, everything in DM is case-sensitive. It has to be "obj", rather than "Obj".