I didnt say you were forcing your opion im not forcing mine But i belive god is a super natural being who loves everyone and does not hate
That works out well as a metaphor, but you might as well say that the sun is God, because without the sun, the planet could not support life.
So why can our planet be our god? it raises use feeds use gives us air and water, how much more love could something show to someone then to help it survive? =)
Then again we sin by slowly destroying our world and say its for a greater cause, we ruin our water, posion our air and in the end we will all pay for it mwaha |
Well then, maybe the Greek mythology of each planet repersenting a god was more closer then most think. And who is to say there isnt more then one god? Thinking that there is only oned god is a limitation that the "Good book" has told, doesnt mean it's true but people dont look past it to see if there could be more
WildBlood wrote:
My Theroy on god is easy, Our planet is our god. It gives Good point - I've usually subscribed to the Gaia, or 'Mother Earth' concept of a deity... make a bit more sense than some ancient man wasting his time on our little corner of the universe... I'm constantly reminded of an old Farside cartoon where god is pulling the Earth out of an oven - the caption reads something like "This looks half-baked", or "Ooops! Over-baked this one..." Another favorite I saw over here was of a man who crashed his car into a tree - and god is above him, holding a joystick, and saying "Shit!"... (sorry about the language, but I'm pretty sure not too many of you knew what "Scheisse" means...) |
Heh, sounds like god is a scapegoat for the happenings on this planet.. God why did you let him die, or , God please be fair and let me win the lottory
Seige1010 wrote:
a super natural being who loves everyone and does not HAHAHA! oh, you were being serious, I see.... hmmm... let's dig out the Old Testament, shall we? Ah, here we go... (I may mix this up a little, so please correct me) what about the old man who was stoned by a bunch of children, later causing god to send one or more bears to rend the brats to little pieces? Sounds *very* loving to me... Something I dug up from http://users.ox.ac.uk/~bras0854/atheism/morality.html: "Let us talk about the Bible, as an example. The Old Testament is generally interpreted by the modern Christian church in a sceptical light, but even if you like to take some of it at face value, you've got to admit that there are parts that are morally outrageous. Many of the Holy Wars that God commands the Israelites to carry out are horrific. For instance, in Numbers 31:17-18, God tells the Israelites to rape and murder children. And there are other mad moments, such as many of the laws of Exodus and Leviticus. Exodus 21:7 condones slavery. Exodus 35:2 says a man must be put to death for working on the Sabbath. Leviticus 15:19-24 says we mustn't touch a woman who is on her period. And so forth... Similar points can be made about the New Testament. Jesus says many things a moral person wouldn't really argue against. But what about Luke 19:27, when he tells his disciples to kill unbelievers in front of him? Or Luke 19:29-34, where he tells his disciples to steal a colt? Matthew 10:34 suggests that Jesus was not peacable. In other passages, Jesus tells his disciples to spurn the towns of those who will not accept their proselytising, and he only reluctantly cures a woman who is not a Jew, saying, quite clearly, that he is not on the Earth to help those not of the race of Israel." Oh, yes - those were loving and happy times, eh? ------------------------------------------------- "And there you are nailing good to a tree, and then saying 'forgive me', 'forgive me'..." (Dave Matthews Band - Last Stop) |
I suppose you've never heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls, they compared them with the current versions and they were the same after over 2000 years so that would suggest it is the same as it ever was.
If I were to get all metaphysical, though, I'd suggest that this is what we are... except that we're portions of God's will that God has voluntarily cut off from the whole... the way that a mob in a DM program is part of the code, part of the world as a whole, but is also a self-contained little bundle of procs and vars. That's pretty much the way I see it, too. More proof that Dan and Tom are benevolent extraterrestrials... or perhaps... angels? (chortle) |
English wrote:
I suppose you've never heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls, "The scrolls and scroll fragments recovered in the Qumran environs represent a voluminous body of Jewish documents, a veritable "library", dating from the third century B.C.E. to 68 C.E. Unquestionably, the "library," which is the greatest manuscript find of the twentieth century, demonstrates the rich literary activity of Second Temple Period Jewry and sheds insight into centuries pivotal to both Judaism and Christianity. The library contains some books or works in a large number of copies, yet others are represented only fragmentarily by mere scraps of parchment. There are tens of thousands of scroll fragments. The number of different compositions represented is almost one thousand, and they are written in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. There is less agreement on the specifics of what the Qumran library contains. According to many scholars, the chief categories represented among the Dead Sea Scrolls are: -Biblical Those works contained in the Hebrew Bible. All of the books of the Bible are represented in the Dead Sea Scroll collection except Esther. -Apocryphal or pseudepigraphical Those works which are omitted from various canons of the Bible and included in others. -Sectarian Those scrolls related to a pietistic commune and include ordinances, biblical commentaries, apocalyptic visions, and liturgical works. While the group producing the sectarian scrolls is believed by many to be the Essenes, there are other scholars who state that there is too little evidence to support the view that one sect produced all of the sectarian material. Also, there are scholars who believe there is a fourth category of scroll materials which is neither biblical, apocryphal, nor "sectarian." In their view, such scrolls, which may include "Songs of the the Sabbath Sacrifice", should be designated simply as contemporary Jewish writing." (http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/deadsea.scrolls.exhibit/Library/ library.html) Come on, English... how can you say they support current versions of the New Testament, KJ Bible, NIV, etc... the scrolls were written in three languages, which gives you many opportunitues for mis-interpretaion and duplication error... mind you I'm just playing 'devils advocate' here, so please don't take offense... |
Geo wrote:
If he really made this place, he did a sloppy job because there is war, hunger, killing, ect. The Bible says that the world was created perfect, people introduced those things through the free will they were given. Of course that's if you believe in the God of the Bible, I couldn't answer that for others. Another thing is why is he hiding himself and such, and why are there other religions and not just his? It's called free will, if you want to start the Unicorn Church of Suffering you are free to do so. |
actually god is loving that was the old testement look at the new testement Jesus did away with the old testement and that where we get the 10 commandments from and i dont laugh at your post so you shouldnt laugh at mine
Gughunter wrote:
the way that a mob in a DM program is part of the code, And here's something to set off the really devout nuts: In using DM's Object-Oriented Programming abilities, you could (if properly designed) re-create the world as a set of objects in a true parent/child object scheme (container object, box child object, cup child object, etc.) - and simulate the behavior of all these objects as they interact with each other. So doesn't that make *us* Gods to some extent? Creators of our own universe? |
I read through the Epistles quite a few times before and I don't quite recall Jesus telling anyone to hate someone for not being a Jew, for one thing, that would be against the Catholic Church and wouldn't make sense to be put in their book of belief. I also know he defenately never did this "Jesus tells his disciples to spurn the towns of those who will not accept their proselytising" considering if he did, all the people who hated him would have had him executed on site instead of looking for a useless reason, then again I could be wrong. Oh yea, the Jews turned on him later on too, and beforehand he knew this very well sense he also knew that I think it was Jerusalem(Mostly the people who betrayed him lived there) was going to be destroyed for their soon to be sins against him, so he wept as he entered the city to have his last supper.
<<>>Semaj<<>> |
Seige1010 wrote:
...and i dont laugh at your post so you shouldnt laugh at Very true - my apologies. But regardless of what book says what - they all matter; they all represent various stages of god's/jesus' take on the world as transcribed by the people of the time - they were not altogether "let's all go down to the pub for a friendly beer" kind of people to begin with... Sometimes it seems that the New Testament was brought about to correct the mistakes of the old - apparently the 'get tough on sin' advertising campaign was not working very well, so the NT was created with a new marketing staff with a larger budget... |
You do realize the bible is a story, a story that has been taken by many religions and twisted to suit what they see, Jews, Chatolic, all of those who use the bible never see it exactly the same as the other. Its pretty funny that alot of people will follow the words of a book that noone knows the true meaning of. or even if it has a meaning or was a book written long ago buy a inginious person that was trying to set guidlines for life in a story? =)
Also how is "God" Imaged? could be anything he's black, he's white, he's women, he's a entity, he's a planet, he's energy, he might not exist. Even we might be gods in some sick way, after all we have power to give life, take it away, build amazing things, and destroy. Anyways there is some more of my Religious theories, no im not crazy =) |
A lot of Religions believe that mana is a type of heavenly food that drops from the sky in wafers and tastes like the sweetest honey. And seeing *God* would be impossible if its the creation pool, since if you believe in chi you also believe in the life light which is supposed to be so bright that if any mortal's eyes fall upon it they are thrown into darkness for the rest of their lives, I sure wouldn't wanna take time training my mind so I could see the life light. Lay off the www.martialki.cjb.net ;).
(Catholic school is weird, it doesn't teach Catholic belief enough) <<>>Semaj<<>> |
So how did she hold a mirror big enough to get the image right?
Also it is well established that the Bible has gone through too many hands, interpretations, translations, and re-translations to be considered 100% accurate anymore - almost no-one can remember what the original text was about...
Equivalent to reading Moby Dick 2000 years from now, and all you can really understand is that it's about a big fish...